Personal Defense Network: Firearms Training Tips - Appropriate Open Carry

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Personal Defense: Firearms Training Tips - In almost all circumstances, people are better off carrying defensive firearms in a concealed manner. Carrying a firearm in order to create confrontation or make a political statement is something very different from carrying for personal defense. Carrying a defensive firearm openly can make you a target and/or draw unnecessary attention. While there are times when you must carry your firearm openly, choosing to do so when concealment is an option is usually a bad idea.

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Sure would be nice to get some info on open carry without all of the opinion.


This video is Opinionated. And false in a lot of ways. I open carry just like any cop would and have had zero problems. I carry openly in all the right manners have a good amount of firearms training, being so a former marine. But also types of confrontation situational awareness when to drawl and when to walk away. Are you forgetting that some people don't have money for a ccw or time no matter how bad they want one. Your no different from anti gunners if you demonize open carry and have been a victim to popular opinions which in fact has made the public less aware of firearms cops and government to walk all over people who need to defend there life. I can go on and on, wish I was face to face because no matter what stupid remarks you throw against open carry I will leave you dumb founded. Obviously I do not condone open rifle carry or any of these fictous statements you have made.


If you have a "right" that you cannot exercise without getting it "taken away", you never had that right in the first place.


"It's already don't do it."


Not appropriate to carry in a convenient
Sir.. If you are not carrying in any particular legal area, how will you defend yourself if need be?
Its beyond appropriate to carry anywhere it is legal. While you wait for a response time from police to get to the area. I will have a firearm ready on scene to use if the situation called for such.


I don’t pay for permits to exercise my rights!! I open carry but I use a thumb break on my holster for my .357 This guy is a government CRONY telling people how to exercise your 2nd amendment right 🤦‍♂️Do what’s right for you and what your trained for and what makes you feel comfortable!


No sir, you are ridiculous.I open carry. My legs barely work. Slow shitty death. I cant run away. I carry open. Keeps me safe and the riff raff away. Knock that down tough guy. You graduate high school? I sure cant tell....


I love that you feel your point of view is the standard. Open carry is no more or less appropriate than the other. It is a personal choice that comes with certain risks like every other choice. I open carry in a Blackhawk Serpa Level 3 holster, rigid gun belt with a Cobra belt buckle, and mag holder and extra magazines. Is that appropriate?


"If you can already do it.. You don't need to assert your right to do it."
What if they're trying to take the right away? That possibly is the most ignorant and incorrect comment I've heard on this otherwise informative and excellent video.


OK so I'm 18 and live in VA where anyone over 18 (who haven't had rights taken away) can legally open carry. is he saying he would rather me not open carry because it would cause confrontation?


"If you can legally do this, you don't need to do it to assert your right." - 9 Years Ago
This did not age well. Our rights are being eroded at an unprecedented rate today.


i open carry everyday, have done so for the last three is a lot more i can say but i will just end it here


Awesome video, great points. However I live in Wisconsin and I open carry. I'm Eighteen years old and I want to conceal and carry but my state only allows people Twenty one and older to carry concealed and Eighteen plus open carry with or without a permit. I open carry responsibly, I am a Law Enforcement student with gun training and I carry my gun in a level three Police holster. I believe that everyone in a state that allows open carry to carry openly. Why hide it? Cops shouldn't be the only ones armed in the community. Everyone legally able to carry a gun Absolutely has the right to carry a gun out in public open or concealed without question. Just don't be a dick about it.


i open carry cause it goes with my clothes.


People in California carried openly because in California it is almost impossible to get a concealed handgun license in most counties. So you advocated people ocing if that is their only legal option but then you say that the people in California were the ones to blame for having their rights taken away? I live in south Dakota and open carry daily. People in my state are very receptive to it. I almost always get thanked by someone for standing up for our rights. Maybe u should do the same.


Less than a third of this video was actually about appropriate open carry. I suggest renaming it.
And you made it seem like open carriers have the situational awareness of a marshmallow. I can count on zero fingers the number of open carriers that I know who carry their wallet on the same side as their firearm, or who don't use the elbow-check in public.
If notable self-defense instructors like you started teaching in-holster retention drills for open carriers, you'd expand your market.


Sounds like bull crap, there isn't any difference between a citizen and a cop open carrying. They can grab a cops weapon just like anyone else. I don't do it because I can I do it because it's not against the law just like buying donuts. It's funny how you sound, over there making a law abiding citizen sound like a criminal. badnewz757cream you said more in that sentence then he did in that video.


On November 2, 2017, at the age of 80, I was assaulted in my own driveway by two young men in broad daylight. They found out very quickly that they had bitten off more than they could chew. There's nothing more dangerous than a pist off old man with a gun. From that day forward however, I no longer carried concealed. The gun on my side for all to see is like a sign on my fence that says, “Beware of this old Dog, he bites”. People look at me a little weird, but they leave me alone. Recently, a high-ranking officer from the local Police Department, registered his disapproval of my open carry policy and claimed a bad person would see me as an opportunity for a free gun. I will not be drawn into an argument. I don't care about your opinion. The only question the police can ask is, is it legal? In Rhode Island it is legal with the proper permit but in all my years, I have never met another person exercising that right. About the statement that I could be viewed as an opportunity for a free gun, such a decision could be hazardous for one's health. I can assure you it would not end well. - An armed society is a polite society.


Personally, I open carry because in my state (Kansas) the open carry laws are exactly the same as concealed carry, but it is $345 cheaper, seeing that oc doesn't require a license and cc does which costs roughly $345 when all is said and done just for the license and not including the gun. Also, at least in my area cops are more comfortable with open carry because they know whether they are talking to has a gun, instead of being unsure.


I open carry because I can’t cc for a little while, but it’s a cross carry in the abdomen area to make it harder for someone to take if they’re that brave.
