What it's ACTUALLY like to be the youngest child

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This video was hard for me to make if I'm being honest. It's going to be weird when my family finally sees some of the ways they have affected me due to the order of birth. But that's ok because it helps us understand each other better and grow more. It's also somewhat hard putting this video out there, simply because I know for others this isn't the way they have grown up, so their first response is going to be to throw judgment at me. But that's ok because if it helps anyone it's worth it!

What birth order are you? What pressures have you felt from your family? How have you dealt with them? At first, my way of dealing with them was by shutting down and ignoring my feelings. That only made it worse, because it intensified my discomfort and made me feel even more of an outsider. It took years to come out of that, and it's so deep that even now I have a hard time with it.

Do you like this more personal style of video, or should I stick with the "self-improvement" line of things? Feel free to voice your opinion, although I probably will just end up doing what I want to do anyway :)

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As the youngest of three I would like to say I WORKED for my good grades, I WORK for my good grades, and I NEVER said the type of thing my siblings said about me. Please stop treating us like everything is handed to us on a silver platter.


I saw an older sibling on tiktok complaining about their younger sibling thinking younger siblings have it all, and then came up with roasts to tell your younger sibling, but i hated them. Us younger siblings hate feeling like the unwanted and unplanned child, but thats what they joked about. also, since my sister was born first and probably never forgave me for "stealing her parents" she probably hates sharing them with me. i hate being the youngest :(


The thing about being the youngest that sucks is constantly getting looked down on. My sister gets mad at me for being so secretive when really I’m just texting but I get anxiety that she will judge me. It sucks. :(


My experience being the youngest.. I’m always wrong, walked on, a doormat to older siblings, my opinions on certain topics don’t matter, viewed as unintelligent, always criticized, called lazy, viewed as not independent (I work multiple jobs.) viewed as immature because I’m not married or have kids yet, viewed as “privileged” (even though I’m the only working woman in my family.) I also tend to be lectured. These behaviors do not go away in adulthood lol.


THANK YOU! I haven't found one thing that actually lets other people see the point of view of the younger sibling! All I've seen are videos and videos about how the younger siblings are whiney little brats, which could be true, yet most of us at heart are truly not like that, people have just not come to see it! So thank you!


As the youngest, i had to fight for my food, i had to fight for my toys, i had to fight for a voice, i had to fight for my life.... not like a metaphor, thrust me life was hard, and still is


It's not easy being the youngest one. Out of all the family members the one who gets the most pressured is the younger ones. We have to go through alot. My parents have high expectations on me because my elder sibling could not be what they expected so now they want to control me and be strict with me. My elder sibling has the freedom to hangout, play, have fun with friends but i don't even have to freedom to step out of my house because they think that my freinds will ruin me. The only thing that my parents allow me is to go to school. I once went to play volleyball at my neighbours house because that day mom wasn't there so i thought she won't know i went to play but next day she heard about it and told me that "i will break your leg if you go out again" infront of many people. I am not a bad student, i try my best to stand out in every exam but no matter how hard i study, they always thinks i am looser and scolds me while my elder sibling doesn't even study but my parents doesn't even say a single thing to him. And when i try to speak up for myslef then my parents and sibling thinks thay i am disrespectful. Well just because you're elder then it doesn't mean that you're always correct.


im the youngest of 7 siblings and it's really hard. My siblings always makes me do things and my mom just hates me. I feel pressured because all of my siblings are smart/talented while im dumb and have nothing special. My family seems to ignore me a lot because they think im just a kid who knows nothing. Also my parents are kinda old, it really hurts to see my oldest sibling get married and my family is all there. I kept thinking that when i get married everyone else is busy with their own family and my parents are old or even worse dead. Now my oldest sibling is pregnant and everyone is excited cuz it's the first grandchild. What about my children probably no one will care about them cuz they are the 100th grandchildren. Whenever I'm sick, my mom will just ignore me and said oh it's just a small thing. I almost died because of that(appendix). Being the youngest is really hard it makes me feel like I don't belong here and maybe i should just die cuz no one cares about me.


I'm the youngest of six and I tell people all the time that I grew up an only child. Being the youngest has had no advantages.


Youngest of 6 here. 5 boys 1 girl. 34-43yrs old.

Treated completely different. No respect for my time or schedule, but everyone else’s is always somehow more important. Really sucks being disrespected. Now we don’t see my family much at all anymore. Sad.


I'm the younger between me n my sister but I'm the more "responsible" sibling as I help out more (they say I'm more socially capable)
I was the one to do the chores and when I asked it was bc "she would argue if asked"
So I honestly hate the stereotype of the youngest being "babied" and "the golden child"


This subject has really been on my mind lately. I'm the youngest of 4 and my experience as being the youngest is horrible and still is to this day. I always wanted to fit in with them because they were close and I was excluded by my parents on a lot of things they got to do together because "I was too young" to do the same as them. All I really want is for my siblings to know who I am now but they still don't care. I have a family but it really doesn't feel like I do and that's what I really need right now. I'm tired of being the "black sheep" and being misunderstood because of misjudgements.


this is too relatable!!! they say that being the youngest is the best but its also hard. ive felt left out. my siblings would tell stories about their middle school drama and their classmates lives. im in high school and my mom doesn't care about what happens in my classroom
it may not be youngest sibling related, but its very hard to understand my siblings because theyre too old for me.


I just hate when everyone say “oh you are so lucky to be the youngest child because you can get anything you want” but really if I want anything I would have to work for it. I really hate the youngest child stereotype or any stereotype with siblings because my family is the complete opposite. It’s just really annoying I’m so glad someone is living kinda the same life like me😢😢


Love is the most painful experience in the world, because those I love the most hurt me the most.


I know this is an older video but I had to comment on the thumbnail, in that pic you drew with the youngest, it feels exactly the SAME WAY with the OLDEST! As I’m the oldest of three and I’m definitely the outcast and the scapegoat.


When my sister does anything to annoy me i react and when i tell my mom she says "well then don't react" but i don't think she realizes because shes a oldest sibling that i can't just not react, and i also would not get told a lot of things which made me feel really left out so whenever 2 people in my family are talking i always ask what about and they tell me to mind my own business


Speaking as the youngest sibling who's lost 2 older brothers, I just want to say this was needed. I got 1 brother left who's 13 years older and it's been an uphill battle just to feel appreciated without judgement. But ill continue that fight because that's the only brother i have left


You're too underrated! Such a well spoken, well structured and relatable video


the reason i looked for this video was because i saw so many oldest middle and youngest videos and it made me really mad because of the stereotypes they gave younger kids its not a good feeling for people to stereotype us as "spoiled youngest kids who get the most love"
