Independent Sources: Enter West Africa Special: Ghana

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On this edition of Independent Sources, we begin our two-part special called "Enter West Africa". On this edition we focus on Ghana. We see how pirated wax prints from China are affecting the country's local economy. We talk about how clothes donated from Europe and America are big industry in Ghana. We learn what a rash of grave robberies in the country have to do with a new fashion trend. Then, we find out a little more about New York City's Ghanaian community.

Taped 03-14-2012

Independent Sources is where viewers meet the ethnic press. IS engages journalists from New York's ethnic and mainstream media in an insightful discussion of stories covered by ethnic newspapers, TV and radio stations and websites. Each show features an in-depth profile of a news organization or a reporter, along with a news roundup. Independent Sources IS an informative, innovative half hour about New York's fastest growing news sector.

Рекомендации по теме

Am a Ghanaian but am finding it hard to understand some issues raised here


You went to Ghana and this is all you could find to report on? How much about Ghanaian life do you think you covered? You should try in your reporting to capture the essence of the country. What you have done focuses on three narrow coverage and you expect us to accept this as a definitive coverage?
