Elite Dangerous - Space Legs: Could it even work?

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Walking around in Elite Dangerous may now only be a remote possibility, but with this in mind - I take a look at the pros and cons of the concept.

Frontier Discuss Walking Around in 2013
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Goddamnit, I thought this was an announcement.


If they ever make space legs then for the love of god give it meaning. Not just an empty gimmick like multicrew that is pretty much dead now... Give the ability to go in a bar at stations and meet cmdrs... Maybe have a few missions that require you to meet people in person. Keep the mission board as it is. But maybe some contacts will only talk to you in person. I dunno. Also I know people say they wanna walk around on the ship. Cool yes but have something to do also. Let’s say you are doing a 700.000 LS trip. That will take like 18 plus min to do. Give us the ability to leave the seat and walk around and do stuff on the ship. Plan new courses. Repair modules etc etc. and when closing in on the destination then the Ai will Start to slow down and call “CMDR TO THE BRIDGE. Or if interdicted the Ai will try and fight the interdiction like Npc. While making warnings. CAPT TO BRIDGE ASAP! ALERT CAPT TO BRIDGE ASAP. Stuff like that... Give it meaning or else it will be just a big of a joke like Multicrew.


I just want a custom bedroom in my ship, so I can call it home.


man, they could just let me walk on the ship, it’s all I want man


I think a simple bar/cafe/lounge that we could leave the ship and enter to allow social aspects of the game to become more useful, get info, fence goods (black market), take missions, etc...


Every time I'm flying a passenger mission to a station tens of thousands of light seconds away from the system's star I can't help but think about the first Star Wars. Lightspeed for long distances is boring, so they get up and walk around. They'd wander around checking systems. They'd sit and talk and play holographic chess and wait for the alarm to say they're almost to their destination.

All you can do right now (without alt-tabbing out to find a podcast or some music to play over the game) is stare at that however many Ls gauge and try to find some entertainment value in watching it get smaller. Sure you can listen to the gal net news now, but you'll hear it all pretty quickly.


all i want is interiors to ships, to explore (especially for my aspx)


I'd like to prove myself that I'm not a paraplegic in Elite Dangerous. I've filled my cargo holds with performance enhancers but my legs don't seem to work...


As a role player I, and I'm sure many others, really want this. I want there to be a coffee shop/bar on a station, near the dock. Visited by player characters and run by player characters. I want player character housing and communities on stations. I want player character police and player character villains. I want player character ages from kid to ancient. I want all this and I want it in VR. Give me this and I may never even leave the station. Make it a separate game if you have to, I want it.


I have many many hours in ED and I've loved everyone of them. That said, if we're not looking towards space legs and atmospheric planetary landings (oceans, forests, deserts etc..) then I just don't see the point anymore.


If we get space legs, it will be HUGE, with simple weapons and npc's you will have "more or less" what star citizen has been trying to achieve for 6 years. Land on a planet have a shootout with pirates save some hostages, that would be amazing.


I almost thought it was time for me to come back to the game 😂


I think the next major addition to the game should be gas/ice giant atmospheric entry and gameplay therein.
This would give them the perfect opportunity to ready their volumetric cloud rendering for more Earth-like worlds.
It would also allow them to refine atmospheric gameplay mechanics like aerobraking, wind, temperature, and chemical interactions.

Then they can start working on megacity generation, which can be tested on Luna.
And then all of this can culminate in atmospheric landings, which will still be quite a challenge because of how many factors go into it.
Weather, erosion, liquid oceans, flora, fauna(?), etc.

But then… after all of this… it would be time to start on Space Legs.
So I definitely want Space Legs, but I expect it to take several more years at least. That’s fine, though; I still love the game as it is.


I truly think it can add up to the game. If we ever can land on atmosphere planets (specially earth-like) using the SRV would be quite hard. Also with walking on the service of any planet you might be able to collect samples without needing to shoot entire rocks or even living things if those are available. I can think of all kind of features. Even on the bridge with multy-crew with an actual sience station to examin planets or other bodies.

Maybe it is something that should be done separate as is done with Horizons. That way people can either choose to be able to walk and are willing to pay extra for it.


Space legs as a ‘new game’? More like the other half of the game.


In current state, walking on planets would be mostly pointless, besides the initial wow effect. It would be like riding in an srv around, but slower, much slower (unless you were exploring a dense forest or some other biome on earthlikes, but you know all we can do now is roam around rocks..). As for walking around in stations and ships ? Holy fuck yes please!


I would like space legs to make my ship feel more like a "home" (RV or sailboat or Serenity from Firefly) :)


first trip for my space legs would be straight down to the station pub


For space legs to make any sense they'd have to add: environments to explore (interiors), npcs to interact with, challenges to complete (combat, platforming, whatever) and that's the mere basics. Adding space legs is the equivalent of making a whole new game and integrating it into Elite.

Not happening anytime soon and probably at all, at least not in any meaningful way.


Elite dangerous is a beautiful game. But honestly If they want their game to survive they do need to add space legs
