Gender ideology a 'pervasive' and 'toxic' influence in western culture: Matt Walsh

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Author and commentator Matt Walsh says as discovered in his documentary, 'What is a Woman?', gender ideologues "certainly cannot define the term".

"It starts with just recognising that gender ideology is this pervasive, toxic influence in our culture across the world, across the western world anyway" Mr Walsh told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

"And also realising that in spite of the fact it's been so successful in claiming so many people's minds, it is really quite hollow at its core."

He said just a couple of questions "really bring down the whole house of cards", starting with the question he poses in his documentary: "what is a woman?".
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If you're offended by the word "truth", it's a good indication that what you believe is a lie. Great documentary. Everyone should watch.


Did I really just see a woman claim she can’t define “woman” because she’s “not a woman”? How have we gone this mental in society


I love when he asks the African tribe the question and how they laugh at the idiocy of the question, it really shows how Western culture is backwards.


"Are you a cat?" "Can you tell me what a cat is?" I love it. It says it all and he, she, it didn't like the question and walked away because they could not defend their statement. I know someone who had a beautiful little girl who decided she wanted to be a boy at age 12. Her pediatrician gave her hormones and now this beautiful little girl is an unhappy, hairy, acne covered hulk with a beard who wears a skirt and mascara to school and is now much more unhappy than she was in the first place. I believe if someone wants to start the process at 18 or 21 yrs of age, that is their choice, but if they are not mature enough to drink alcohol or even vote, how can any Dr in good conscience prescribe life altering medications at age 12 is unbelievable


It's funny how quickly they found out what a woman is after Roe v Wade was overturned.


Matt's question about 16 year old kids not buying alcohol, firearms, ciggs etc... because they're TOO YOUNG is the *perfect* argument against childhood transitions.


Matt deserves a gold medal for not losing his cool with the woman having trouble with chickens laying eggs!


Well it's a releif to know that people like Matt do exist. Keeping yourself cool while talking to these kind of people is a skill.


Up until the age of 12 I always felt like a "boy trapped in a girls body" because I wasn't your typical feminine girl, I was a tomboy and just didn't fit in. Fast forward to being 27, a mum of 4, and have really grown into womanhood and LOVE it!

It scares me to think about what would have happened if this crazy gender ideology was around when I was younger, how confused I would be, how my mother would have been guilt tripped into changing my gender. I was simply a boyish girl.


16 year olds can’t go to a bar, buy alcohol, guns or tobacco. They can’t get a tattoo, yet we encourage them to make irreversible life altering decisions. Those of us who see nothing wrong with this, simply don’t pause and think!


The reason doctors don't care whether patients know what they're doing Is because it costs 70 fkn thousand dollars. It's all about the dollar.


This is frightening that these"doctors"can do this to children! Oh my God what is this world coming to??? Thank you Matt for bringing a voice to this!!


Never in my 77 years on earth would I have imagined that the question "what is a Woman" could be up for debate. I have nothing but contempt for any physician who would even consider doing gender reassignment surgery on a minor. And people who advocate for such a thing are equalling disgusting.


"Kids are fluid about everything. If they know at age 8 what they wanted to be, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses.” He recalled, “I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.” -- liberal commentator Bill Maher


Wow, a real journalist willing to have a real conversation about this subject, how shocking! She actually watched the film and isn't name calling or shaming Matt. Bravo Rita!!


"If you're not here for woman, we ask you to leave" Matt asks, "what is that!?" The absolute best.


The fact that these discussions have to be had is absolutely appalling!


When you live in a world where feelings are more important than facts and logic, it can be dangerous.


The only reason we are having these conversations these days, is because we recently lost our ability to tell someone they were being stupid because it may offend them. Once people learn the actual difference between offence and assault, we’ll all be better off.


"Are you a cat?" is possibly one of the greatest questions of modernity.
