Jordan Peterson , Jonathan Pageau & Douglas Murray Discuss Christ, The Resurrection & Reality

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If "Christ has offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins" [Heb10v12]
there's no point throwing the virgin in the volcano, but
as Nietzsche said, if "God is dead... How shall we redeem ourselves?
What sacred games must we invent?"


" all you have to decide is what to do with the time given to you ". I guess that this line can be seen as motivation for seek of meaning. you cannot chose your default conditions but only your answering to the conditions, and this answering cannot be waste of your time becouse this time was given to you - it was a gift ! and you dont want to waste a gift ! and the seek of meaning is not waste of time :)


6.14 - What JP said here about mother and child (its like third time I watched his speech about this topic) it reminds me of that scene from LOTR, from TTT, when mother sends her two children alone to Edoras during attack of orcs on their village which burns and ppl run from it. Mother gives her two kids their only horse becouse if she got two horses she would be going with them so she sacrifices herself for the sake of giving a chance to her kids becouse they have more chance to run from orcs on the horse than she gets without horse. But she also sacrifice her children to unknown perils on the road. Their task is not only survive, run from orcs, their task is head for Edoras - for king's hall to sound alarm. She gives them particular task to achieve even though the older boy is like 12 or 13 and the younger girl is like 9 or 10. If their sole goal was to survive they could go into the woods and hide, but they must ride on the open field toward the same place which would be eventualy besieged by orcs so orcs (who are just the epitome of predators) follow the kids.
Mother says "go child" knowing that she is doomed apparently without a horse to outrun the orcs but also knowing that her kids must go into unpredicted territory, alone and with few resources - without army and equipment - to help the main town to survive, their little village is lost but the main town Edoras can be saved yet. Mother sacrifices her children to travel alone on dangerous terrain to save Edoras.


Douglas is exactly describing the stumbling blocks I have with Christian beliefs. I can get behind most of the commandments, but I can't believe in the impossible. Why should I? Jonathan implies that the big bang is just as unbelievable as the resurrection. That maybe so, but why do we have to accept either of these options? Why do I have to believe the story of the ark with all of it's logistical challenges? Science has brought us forward in leaps and bounds and I resent the current trend, expecially in America, of blaming science for the death of God. I am an agnostic. I don't see how one can be anything else as its impossible to prove or disprove the existence of God. My main problem with belief is which one do I choose? Honestly, some of the claims made by the mainstream religious texts seem pretty difficult to swallow. A bit like Jonah and the whale. Some people claim these stories are allegorical. Except for the one when Jesus rose from the dead, that one actually happened. Jordan, you seem to be panicking about this lack of belief. As if we can't have a meaningful life or know how to behave properly without totally embracing some or all of these sometimes illogical, sometimes horrible stories. Sure there is a hole where religion used to be, but let's not revert back to blind, unforgiving, enforced beliefs that create hatred of the differences. Aren't we at a point where we can come up with something better?


Without the historical death and resurrection of Christ, christianity has no foundation. It is central to reality.


I believe Siddhartha Gautama found enlightenment. Follow the eight fold path.


Yikes, as a Christian I find this cringe. Murray has a valid, yet false premised, argument about circular reason that needs to be addressed.


All of that to say that religion is not literally true but useful
