Tuggy Sandbox Boat Build goes Full Send (BUSTED)

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Building, Testing, and absolutely shredding this little tikes "Tuggy" sandbox boat! I go in depth of how to build one, and what mistakes I made along the way. Once it's up and running we get people's reactions, as well as the police's reactions (spoiler: these were awesome guys). Afterwards we have an absolute riot with friends trying this out. Let me know your future video ideas down in the comments!

Advice to anyone who wants to build one - find a step 2 model if you can (white top). This little tikes one has very little material on the back end and is more likely to take in water, the Step 2 ones were much better for this. Obviously, if that's all you can find, the little tikes works great as well!
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You created every kids dream that ever had one of those . Everyone got your concept. Including the water cops. Well Done


The bailing bucket should be a child's sand castle bucket.
Keep the theme.


One of my buddies has been driving around Lake Michigan in a very similar tug boat sand box, since 2010... Since he had it registered, (and it also had navigation lights, a portable radio, horn, oars, etc) the Coast Guard did an inspection, and gave him a vessel approval sticker to take it out on the waterways. He has been enjoying many years out on the lake with it... Although yours is way faster because he only has a trolling motor on it.. Great video. And wishing you many great years out on the water with your cool little boat.


Wish all Fish and Wildlife cops acted like these ones did. Great video. Deserves more views, more comments, more likes.... New sub here.


Lil tip from a dinghy sailor here: horse feed scoops that has a flat side are GREAT for bailing!


8:40, the funniest part of this video! Enjoyed watching this creative adventure.


I bought one of these for my little niece who adored it. Thoughts of making it seaworthy crossed my mind but never pursued them.
Ten years later I came across it while visiting my sister. Sun damage had warped it and had several large holes from where some animals had chewed through. I offered to take it to the dump but my niece insisted on keeping it. She privately told me it was her favorite of all time!
I enjoyed your build and the hilarious outings on the water!


If someone had a lamborghini yacht on the lake. I think you would have gotten all the attention That's a pretty cool Little boat


Finally some decent cops that are actually concerned about safety rather than writing tickets.


What a pleasure this was to watch. A Norm MacDonald quality presentation.

Canoeing on big honking snow covered hills was great fun in my youth. We called it Canogganing. Steering is impossible. Try it sometime.


I couldn't imagine being in a big lake like that in a tiny boat! It sure does look like fun!!!


I love it! Genius. When I was a youngun we were at a party at a lake up in the woods. It was May and the water was freezing. My buddy backed up to the lake and launched his boat using the reverse braking technique you show out of the back of his truck. Only problem was the boat went out into the middle of the lake because it wasn't tied off and no one in it! He had to swim out in fifty degree water to get it!


I had a paddle boat. I took the paddle wheel out and the peddles. I put a "58 Evinrude 4hp on it and used the rudder steering to hook up to the motor for steering. Everyone on the lake had comments most loved it and wanted one. Wasn't fast but it was enjoyable. A lot more fun than peddling it. One tank took me once around the lake. I called it the Pollywog. I miss that little boat.


Please don’t make us wait 2 years before the next video, this was seriously entertaining 😊


Dude my entire childhood I wanted to figure out a way to do this!!!! Thank you for doing this and checking off a 35 year old dream of mine I def subd because of this


I had one of these. This was my dream as a child.


It felt so good to see a normal reaction from the cops!!


That is so freaking cool . I am working on turning a new leaf and start living again. I am really shocked by State Police I figured they would write his ass up for two weeks, I am restoring and old performance boat its a 85 Scarab I have been in such a deep rut for so long I am rebuilding the engine as we speak in my late 60s I have to start living again . When you are young like this you are more adventuresome when you get older you quit living not a good thing you made my day love this shit


When I was seven years old I tried so hard to convince my friend to turn his sandbox into an actual boat that we could take on the pond. His dad was a kill joy though so it didn't happen lol


That's the funniest and most awesome thing I have seen in a while!
