The #1 Flirting Mistake Women Make

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Ladies, are you tired of getting attention from the kind of guys you don’t want, but going unnoticed from the guys you do? Well, the truth is it’s because you’re making a massive flirting mistake!

Hey YouTube, Amy North here, welcome to my channel. For those of you who don’t know me I’m a relationship coach from Vancouver, BC and author of The Devotion System - a program designed to help women find and lock down the love they want and deserve. And today I want to share with you the shocking truth behind why you’re not getting attention from the men you want, so stick around, because this little known fact will change the way you flirt from here on out!

Now, before I share this secret with you I’d like to quickly ask that if you enjoy this video or find it at all helpful then please take a second to click the subscribe button below and check out my other dating advice videos. Not only will I appreciate your support, but it’s also what makes it possible for me to keep coming out with these tips for you! So please do so!

Now, let’s get started, and to do so I’m going to paint you a bit of a picture here.

Let’s say that you’re crushing hard on a guy at work. Anytime you’re in the same room you can feel your cheeks get rosy and your mind scrambles for what to say. When you try to talk to him gibberish comes out and you walk away, feeling like you made and fool of yourself. Or maybe you’re smoother than that, and do hold a bit of a conversation. Still though, you are on edge, desperately trying to make him fall for you.

Now let’s say that there’s another guy at work. You consider him a pal and think he’s cute, but you’re not really into him romantically. Still, the two of you joke and laugh, and to the outside world, there could even be considered a “spark” between you. Again though, you’re not really into him.

So why is it that you can get the guy you’re not into interested, but not the man who you do like?

Well, the truth is you’re not flirting properly.

Since a big part of flirting is showing your playful, charismatic side, when you let your nerves get the best of you it’s not possible to act this way. That means that instead of showing him the best of version of you, you’re showing him a skewed, awkward version of yourself. So ladies, the biggest mistake you’re making here is letting your emotions stop you from being flirtatious!

In order to get over this you’re going to have to get in the right mindset. This means you’ll need to realize three things:

what a great catch you are (meaning that any guy would be lucky to have you)

the value you would bring to a relationship and,

that he should be one the chasing after you!

Of course realizing these things takes a good dose of confidence, but if you’ve checked out my other videos then you’ll know by now all of the tips you need to do and be shamelessly bold. Better yet, once you master this mindset you’ll be able to be witty and spontaneous around the men you’re into, which will make you seem anything but dry or boring. And BEST of all, when you can be this free-spirited ball of sunshine you’ll be able to create the sexual tension between you and the men you’re into, without even trying! Men will just naturally be drawn to your unshakeable confidence and positivity and they will be the ones flirting with you! Believe me, it’s that simple!

Well that just about does it for this video, thanks so much for watching. If you have any questions about what I’ve covered here today then please feel free to post those in the comments below and I’ll do my best to get back to you. Also, if there’s a particular topic you’d like me to cover in a video then let me know and I’ll do my best to come out with something for you. Just be sure to check out my channel first, because who knows, it could already be done and waiting to be watched by you!

Again, if you enjoyed this then please subscribe to my channel and don’t forget to share this video with your girlfriends!

As always, take care and good luck!

*** More from Amy North: ***
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I really loooove your videos <3 They tell aloooot ! I like your manner and how u send your messages ..
Respect from Tunisia ^_^


Amy, can you talk about if he is just being friendly/nice vs. flirting? I can never tell...


I'm guy everything said in this pure golden
smooth and clear....😎✌️


Amy how can I create all these traits...can you please guide me further?


Amy will you attach an email, so we could ask you more personal questions, I have an issue I really need help with?


Hi Amy...there are some personal quiries want to ask if you can share your mail id..will be very thankful to you.. thanks


i need ur help mam😊😊
my boyfriend ignores my text so can u teach me how to test him


where would we get the devotion system book in indiaa??😢


i have crush on my one friend.. bt i dnt knw why he always avoid me whenever i try to go close to him
plz tell me what to do...i wanna make him my boyfriend
