Get RARE Marks On Your Pokemon By Doing THIS!

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Shiny Hunting is Cool BUT Have you Tried Mark Hunting in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet? Pokemon Marks are very Rare in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and you can find over 50 MARKS in the game! Some marks you can get like the Destiny Mark, Itemfinder Mark, Gourmand Mark, Jumbo Mark, Mini Mark, Partner Mark, Titan Mark, Alpha Mark. Other Marks like the Rare Mark and Uncommon Mark are harder to get. Marks have a chances of 1 in 50, 1 in 100, 1 in 1000 depending on the pokemon mark found. The Best Type of Mark you get would be a marked shiny pokemon. This Mark Guide for pokemon scarlet & violet will help you get unique and very rare pokemon. There are also new ribbons in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. This is also your ribbon guide for pokemon scarlet & violet. You can share this video and tell others how to get marks & ribbons on pokemon in scarlet & violet.

00:00 Introduction
00:23 Introduction To Marks
01:01 How do you identify Marks & Titles on Pokemon?
02:15 How do you change and Apply Marks & Titles on Pokemon?
02:40 What Marks & Titles are Obtainable?
02:55 Gourmand Mark
03:37 Titan Mark
05:20 Jumbo Mark
06:43 Mini Mark
07:27 How do you get Ribbons for Pokemon?
07:41 Hisui Ribbon
08:03 Alpha Mark
08:32 Mightiest Mark
09:11 Once- in- a- Lifetime Ribbon
09:41 Paldea Champion Ribbon
10:22 Item Finder Mark
10:56 Destiny Mark
12:02 Effort Ribbon
12:52 Partner Mark
13:24 Best Friends Ribbon
14:10 How to Increase chances of getting a Mark?
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So me getting shiny Iron valiant with the rare mark is super rare? Now I can flex hahaha


The flying Terra Pikachu you get from pre-ordering the game has "The Classic Ribbon" on it, which just says "A Ribbon that proclaims love for Pokémon"


I encountered a shiny mudbray with the lunchtime mark! Its a special shiny not because of the mark but because my VERY first shiny pokemon ever was a mudbray in pokemon moon! It was really special to see him. His name is mustard!


One of my first Pokémon I caught was a Riolu. I named him Frustration because of how long it took for him to stay in a damn ball. I later saw that he had a mark and so I played the whole game with Frustration the Sleepy.


I didn't even know about any of this. Turns out my Shiny Slitherwing had the "Sleepy-Time"-Mark the whole time. :D Now i love it even more.


After watching the video, I started checking my shinies I’d caught in game, and my shiny Volcarona had one, the dawn mark at that. Volcarona the Early Riser is quite fitting for a sun-like deity Pokémon.


I got a shiny dolphin with sleepy mark.

I find it funny cause when it enters battle in its weaker form i like to see it as a slumbering state and when it comes out as its hero form i see it as its awoken from its slumber to destroy its villanous foes. Totally love it


I’ve gotten around 15 full odds shinies so far and only 4 have marks! Glad to see they brought Marks back. Feels really nice when you get a shiny Pokémon AND a mark!


Wow, thank you for this guide! I found out through this that 3 of my shinies have marks!
Litleo (male)the Snow Frolicker, Dreepy the Cloud Watcher, and Tatsugiri (Droopy form) the Oppurtunist!


When i started pokemon scarlet, i caught a wooper named flappie and as i go through the game when it evolves into clodsire i noticed that flappie had the reliable partner mark and i didn't do anything to get it. Flappie is actually a very tanky pokemon i have so i can say that she's a reliable partner


I just got a shiny Iron Hands with the Sleepy mark today. Pretty cool to know its rare.


I found a full odds shiny Psyduck with a sleepy mark the other day. Only like 7 hours in my scarlet playthrough 😊


Just got a shiny Scream Tail yesterday with the sociable mark! Real hyped about that!


I’m super curious if the ruin legendaries can have marks (sort of like the Galarian birds from sword and shield could)


Reliable Partner Mark doesn’t appear to be based on friendship but how long your Pokémon is in your party.

My Tinkerton got it this morning already assigned to be used on its own b


eyy GGS on the video, was just looking at some of my marked mons yesterday and was curious about how to get other ones, thank you !


I hunted the destiny mark myself. I now have Roaring Moon the Chosen One who is shiny.

Also, remember this; Ribbons from previous generations also have titles attached. Get ready for Home release in spring.


I forgot this feature existed, watched this video and checked my shinies and I have a rare mark shiny Espathra!! Found without title boost as well.. I feel very lucky


My first full odds shiny in SV was a Mareep and it had the dawn mark 🤩


I caught an Iron Valiant with the Rare Mark, but I decided to trade it to a friend as an early Christmas present while I was helping them with Violet exclusives for their Dex. They gave me a game on Steam in exchange
