Gun in a School Zone [Legally Carrying]

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Can you carry a gun in a school zone legally? What is the law on carrying a gun in a federal gun-free school zone? What if you are picking up or dropping off your child at school? What if you are driving through a school zone? What if you have a license or permit to carry a handgun? Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes and Emily Taylor break down the gun law related to legally carrying a gun in a school zone.

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Does the carry license/permit exception apply inside the school building as well, or just the property and 1000 ft. zone?


It’s nice that the government made a safe place for criminals to congregate without the fear of being shot.


I'm a teacher and I carry in school every day. In my state it's legal for anyone with a concealed carry license to carry in public schools. The administration isn't even allowed to ask who's carrying.


This is kind of crazy. What we should have is an Amendment to the Constitution that guarantees our right to bear arms. Could anyone 2nd that?


School Zones are one of the main reasons I went through the process to get my LTC in Texas. I live in a school zone, and also have kids that go to several different schools. On top of that there are many others protections, and places you can go when you have your LTC. Truly appreciate these videos.


Armed Attorneys are the best attorneys!


Was just re-certified in Austin yesterday to instruct the LTC and DO NOT recall them mentioning that last and most important exception in the Federal Law. "If you have an LTC from the state where the school zone is located you can travel within 1000 feet of said school." Thank you once again for the excellent job you're doing!


I've always carried mine while picking up my handicapped son or going inside the office to help him do his medical procedures in Cali with my CCW. As well as I shouldn't in the Post office to drop off a package or mail something big. I recently found out that's a no no. No one ever tells you these things so thank you for clarifying these issues.


As a kid, early 80's, in high school; it was not uncommon to see many pickup trucks with rear window gun racks stacked with shotguns and/or rifles parked in the school parking lot. These trucks were driven by my classmates and some teachers. That was the good ol' days in a small town in Missouri.


I'm a card-carrying CCW in Arizona and used to work for a public school district. I was told there were NO EXCEPTIONS to bringing a firearm on to school property, even locked in a locked car. I checked for myself and came to the same conclusions as you did. Thanks for the clarification.


What do you call people in a gun free zone?


Exception #1: Ok to carry on private property within 1000ft of school property.
Under Castle doctrine, isn't your car is an extension of your home?
Example Arizona: Constitutional Carry plus Castle doctrine.
No permit needed to have a loaded firearm in your car.


Great info. Most people have no idea that they're violating this law. In NM, even if you have a NM CCW permit, you cannot carry on school grounds. Interestingly, there are no restrictions of any kind on firearms inside of your vehicle. They cannot leave your vehicle as long as it is on school property though. This is one of many reasons that I'm thankful that my kids are homeschooled!


I didn't know the last assessment (07) ... and I'm glad you put it out there.


So basically if you are a constitutional carry person you're screwed. You can't get from one side of town to the other where I live without being within 1000 feet. It's absolutely impossible.

Good thing I never cared and just go about my life as if none of the laws exist.


I think it’s misleading to say Federal Law makes an exception for State CWP holders, because most states’ own laws specifically prohibit carry on school grounds. I’m not a lawyer but this statement requires further clarification.


What will happen to the permit exception when, as is expected in Florida, it eliminates it's CCW permitting process and instead reverts to permit-less 'Constitutional carry'?


Another great video. After reading the comments, I think another video on this subject would be in order. Every time I think I have a handle on it, someone brings up another good point. Maybe we need a flowchart.


Nothing better than an episode of Armed Attorneys except an episode of Armed Attorneys and a glass of Woodford Reserve 🥃


Also isn’t it a element that I must knowingly be in a school zone. I don’t know where the property boundaries of all the schools in my city are. Also people carrying under LEOSA and RLEOSA are subject to this law? There was a version of HR 38 that would this for LTC holders.
