The Origins of the Apocrypha Found the Septuagint

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If the Jews never accepted them then why did they translate them into Greek for the library in Alexandria along with the translation of the Scriptures? Also are we really going to rely on non-Christians to tell us what books we should accept? Because in that case you would have to reject the New Testament but accept the conflicting views of the rabbis in the Talmud as virtually on the level of Scripture. Also how do you know it was never in the temple? Weren't most of the Scriptures destroyed when the temple was? Yet the Dead Sea Scrolls include them and agree with the Alexandrian Septuagint.


If I can’t trust the early councils concerning the Word of God, how can I trust any of the councils regarding anything? The Trinity, nature of Christ, circumcision, various heresies, Gnosticism, etc. If the early church can’t get the canon right, then the rest is questionable too. As far as Jerome is concerned, If he was convinced the deuterocanon was wrong then why obey the pope? Surely the Word of God trumps the pope? As a Protestant the party line is failing me.


Christian Canon>Jewish Canon

The early Church all recognized the Deuterocanon as scripture.


Can someone please explain why the Apocrypha was included in the 1611 edition of the King James Version? I have yet to hear an explanation.


Which Jews? There were almost as many Jews in Babylon and Alexandria as there were in Judaea. So... if the Jews were so united why were there two Talmuds? Why did several rabbis blatantly believe different theology? Why the Essenes... Sadducees... Pharisees, if there was the united Jewish front?


So since the Jews didn’t consider the deuterocanonical books scripture then we shouldn’t either ? So we should trust that the same Jews who denied the New Testament got the Old Testament completely right ? Idk seems like a bad argument to me.


Ps- the fact the early reformers were toying with the New Testament too, shows me where their hearts were. In my over 60 years I never saw Rome as a possibility. Now I see the Tiber rising.


Why don' the Pocrypha belong in Bible?


Paul's Armor of God idea came from Apocrypha books.


Reading the book of Enoch really sheds light on what 1 Peter is about. Angels in chains etc. It certainly seems to be a book they were familiar with and they are relating to in their own work in the New Testament. That doesn't mean it is scripture. On another note, it is interesting to think that the Jews would not have accepted 1 and 2 Maccabees as scripture yet they light the Menorah in celebration of Hanakkah which took place in those very same books. It would be similar to not accepting Esther as scripture yet celebrating Purim. Highly suspect. At the very least they must believe that it is an accurate depiction of historical events.


The video seems to be spliced together. Not sure if anyone else noticed that.


That was informative. There is much to be verified here. Gotta be a good Berean.


James White constantly makes the assertion that 'The books were laid up in the temple!' and yet refuses to substantiate this claim. The phrase comes from Josephus and he nowhere explains the content of these books - evidence even suggests that Josephus believed in the additions to Esther.
Moral of the story.... don't just take James White's word for it when he makes such a strong claim


How can there be one Jewish canon when in scripture the Pharisees and the Sadducees believed two different things? the Sadducees did not believe in an afterlife. Matthew 22:23-46.


I agree with James White, the best people to decide our Old Testament canon are the people who persecuted the early church and who rejected Jesus, the apostles, and the New Testament. This makes a lot of sense.


Gotta love the implication in this video that the virtue of higher textual criticism is simply a matter of whose ox is being gored.


James White, how do you explain the issues with Isaiah Chpaters Seven and Eight and the virgin birth account in Matthew Chapter One.


Jesus quotes the Apocrypha in Matthew 23:27 = 2 (4) Esdras 1:30, 33. So I'm not quick to say all or none are canon.


So now Christians are going to base their books off of the books the jews accepted? You know what else the Jews rejected? The Christ! The Jews had reason to reject many of the deuterocanononical books due to their strong messianic prophecies such as in the book of Wisdom (which clearly prophesies Jesus). When Jesus and his apostles QUOTE from the OT, they quote theSeptuagint ... and both He and the apostles clearly were also quoting from the deuterocanon... so those books clearly were present. Also, why would you accept the council’s (Nicea/Constantinople/etc) teaching on the trinity/triad and Christ, yet reject their canon? This is simply another Marcionite-type of rejection of books r/t their clash with protestant ideals 😕. And don’t forget, the church has always recognized them as a DEUTERO-canon... it’s only in protestantism where their fundamentalism makes things like a “second canon” impossible.


Did tbe Jews found the Church?
I'm not a Judaizer. God founded my Church which the bible calles the pillar and the butress of the truth. That Church considered the Septuagint Scripture.
Luther was a Judaizer so he called these sacred books apocraphal. Jerome doubted thr canonicity of thr book of the Apocalyps. Jerome was under obedience.
