Trigonometric Equations Multiple Angles 0 to 2pi Restriction

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I continue my examples of solving algebraic equations that involve multiple angles.

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Thank you so much for this video and all that you do. I dropped out of high school when I was sixteen and didn't start college until I was 23. When I went back to school, I had to start in the lowest remedial math course... It was embarrassing and difficult but one of my friends who was a math wiz told me about your videos and ever since I've been a huge fan. I've worked my way up through all the remedial courses and college algebra, all with straight A's, and I'm just about to finish pre-calculus with an A as well. I say all of that because I seriously don't think I could have done it without your help. I've had amazing math teachers through college so far, but you're still the best by far. I literally tell everyone on my campus about this channel. Once again, thank you so much. And now it's time to go do my homework! :)


You were my savior during high school. I watched your videos while I would be doing my homework and you saved my grades! I stopped watching your videos in college for a bit until today when my teacher put this video under her "helpful websites" tab. When I saw your name, I was like "oh, okay this person sounds familiar." AND THEN, when you jumped on the screen and I flipped out and yelled YYYAAASSSS!!! My mom even asked if I was going crazy. HAHA! I am forever grateful to you. I hope you keep teaching!! I absolutely love you! THANK


Mr. True... you are a GOD-SENT for all students around the world. I would recommend your videos to all my classmates. Please, keep the videos rolling and hopefully with enough subscriptions you would be able to quit your day job and start teaching math to the entire world. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!


I know it's been over two years since this video was made, but I just wanted to say thanks for finally helping me understand multiple angles. I'll definitely be checking back to this channel whenever I need help in mathematics.


Thanks for watching and learning from Tarrou's Chalk Talk...please help my channel growth by sharing your experience and my info with others:D


You probably won't see this because it's been so long, but I just want to thank you for uploading this video and putting in the effort to save other people's headache and grades. I was recently dealing with an equation with 4 theta, and I looked for help for hours. And then I discovered you, who taught me how to do it in less than 30 minutes. Thank you, you earned a sub.


From someone brushing up on their math skills in order to become certified to teach math, I LOVE your videos. This one was particularly helpful. I had been incredibly frustrated prior to watching this. Just wanted to let you know, it's not just young students watching your videos!


I have to say that you are absolutely fantastic. I'm taking a trig final today and I have learned more in the last few days studying from your videos than I have this entire semester. Thank you for being so clear and easily understandable.


I have gotten a number of comments from students who were taking online classes, that liked my videos because of the "missing teacher" factor of an online class. If you are self motivated it's great but some students still need the structure and accountability of class. Glad to see you are still watching and learning from my videos too!


Thank you so much! I have been stuck on these for so long and I watched 10 minutes of your video and I'm getting all of these questions right!


You are my Spirit Animal... Thank you so much for making this video! Cried tears of relief


A million times thank you!! You have no idea how much your videos have helped me. My math teacher doesn't give me the time and help that I need, but your videos have. Honestly, I don't think I'd be passing math without you. God bless!


It is if you are working within the restrictions. But if the question asks for all answers between 0 and 2pi or just all answers you need to go beyond just the restricted values.


Thank You, you are a life saver, you helped me learn this a lot better than any of my college professors. Thanks so much and keep up the vids!


Thanks for seeking out extra help and choosing my channel to learn from, glad it was successful! Don't forget where to find me for the rest of your math help...and please share with your friends too:D


That's awesome...I'm glad my teaching style seems to be working for you:) I try to make math FUN while learning what can sometimes be a not so "enjoyable" subject. Thank you for supporting by liking and subscribing and please share my channel with your class and friends because thats how I groW!


Thank You...and thanks for supporting by subscribing! Keep watching and spreading the word about my channel:D


I am glad you figured out your question and found my video helpful. I have a video called Composition of Functions...if that is not what you are looking for you can a personal message to me through my Facebook fan page with a picture of your problem. I will let you know of I can help or not.


I just discovered you. And you are the best online teacher I ever had! Thank you!


Single angles like tan(x)=.... or multiple angles like sin(3x)=.... or both. My guess is the first. The video will show up Thursday or Friday by the way:)
