Was it Good? - Dragon Age: Origins

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Dragon Age Veilguard has just released so I decided to go back in time 15 years and play the original, DA:O

has this classic RPG stood the test of time, or 'faded' into obscurity (little mage humour for you there).

As usual a massive thank you to the supporters on Patreon and Twitch who keep the channel alive!
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Just as an FYI, the version of the game on GOG is now part of their games preservation program, and comes pre-patched and with core affinities set to maximize compatibility.


I worked on the keep and was the poor guy who had to sort through the flags and write code to solve it. You cant even fathom the depths of hell I had to plumb for narrative branches like the dwarf diplomacy. I will admit there is a huge catharsis to seeing you rant about it occasionally… its been like 10 years and Ive launched several games since then, but I think the world state solver for the Keep was still probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done and probably the thing Im most proud of.


I'd like to reference a single line of dialogue from Sten that sums up his character and makes him worth keeping in the party.

*Sten:* Interesting strategy. Tell me: Do you intend to keep going north until it becomes south, and attack the Archdemon from the rear?
*Warden:* It'll never see this coming.

*Sten Approves*


Calling the prison break boring was so sad. Getting your companions to rescue you is the funniest section of the game. I legit think I spent hours trying all the combinations of companions because it was so funny to see how far they would get “sneaking” in.


Furiously commands warden.
"Would you like a ladder, to get off my back?"


Fun Fact!
The specialisation "bug", isn't really a bug. It's a feature poorly implemented into the game. When you unlock a specialisation you are rewarded with an achievement for doing so, and that acheivement then unlocks it permanently for all playthroughs on that game data.

This was done to emulate Mass Effect's weapon and power achievements, allowing you to select a bonus weapon or power training that your class wouldn't normally have access to, during the final step of character creation. This not only promoted its replayability even higher than first anticipated, but also allowed some mix'n'match style playthroughs, such as an Adept having assault rifle training, or a Soldier using the singularity power. Dragon Age: Origins chose to do the same with their specialisations, also as a method of promoting replayability so you wouldn't be required to make certain choices to unlock certain specialisations on future playthroughs.

For example, the only method I'm aware of to unlock the Blood Mage specialisation is during the Redcliffe story; entering the fade with a mage warden and making a deal with the demon to teach you blood magic. Once that's done, you don't need to do this choice again to use that specialisation in future, should you wish to use those powers without having to choose that very specific ending for the Redcliffe questline.

Unfortunately, this being a more traditional RPG compared to Mass Effect, it's implementation was rather poor. The fact it is very easily exploitable through save-scumming your way into unlocking it with zero consequences, is what lead many to believe this was a bug when it is, in fact, a feature.


Josh: The combat is too hard!
Joshes party: Three battlemages and Alistair.
Buddy.... it isn't the game that's hard, it's how you're playing it.


What I love so much about the game is that you can put 60+ hours into it and still miss out on so much of the complexity of the story and characters. Like Morrigan coming to realize the 'survival of the fittest' way Flemeth has raised her is flawed and unfulfilling, that Loghain has noble intentions if not methods and withdrawing at Ostagar possibly was the right choice, that the lying pos Bhelen is actually the better choice for the dwarves, that you have to secure the Queen's support if you want it, and the Wardens staging a coup d'etat is why they were banished from Ferelden in the first place. The landsmeet only ends in a brawl if you lose the vote.

In terms of the combat on higher difficulties, the enemy resistances does determine which abilities are most effective against them, but the difficulty isn't so punishing that it requires cheesing. You can still experiment with all the tools and specs at your disposal because they're all viable. Even traps! But yes, the game expects you to control several party members and if you don't, that's what the easy difficulty is for.

I'd also say the companion quests and romances are supposed to provide character development and world building towards the end of the game, but of course you have to actually spend time with them to uncover that content. Especially Alistair and Morrigan's romances tie into the main plot.

Who could forget Warden Riordan and his rhyming name? 😄Best Warden ever. I also enjoy the fade and the deep roads, but maybe that's just me.


Fun fact about this franchise's world being called Thedas.

THE Dragon Age Setting.


3:30 correction: Awakening is NOT a prequel, it's an expansion set AFTER the main story in Origins and it should be played after it.

Most likely an error in writing and/or reading the script, wrote this just to avoid confusion in case someone got interested in the game through the video.


It's amazing how you managed to pick the worst class (In my opinion) to have your Warden be, you alienated or killed half your party, AND despite having all the DLC, you didn't go get Shale. Made Alistair the king, then IMMEDIATELY got him killed, so they just have to pick a new king. What did the world of Thedas ever do to you, man?


They made the Dragon Age dwarves unique by giving them 1:American-accents and 2: an Indian Caste system


Fun fact: if you report the Bloodmage in the Origin, you still follow the quest line as if you didn't, but the headmaster will give you advice, help you out, and stand up to the templars on your behalf (though it doesn't change anything there.)


I love that the Canon name for the dog is "Barkspawn" a name Allistair came up with.


2:30 this is rumored to be the reason Larian studios is stepping away from making more baldurs gate or DnD related games aswell, some supposed leaks from devs have stated that after the success of BG3, WOTC apparently wanted a much much more hands on involvement in any future project, and larian felt like they would loose all creative rights to WOTC and thus could not make the games as they wanted them to be


One interesting bit that Josh left out was that your choices actually impact the armies you have access to at the final battle. You can choose to completely slaughter the mages at the mage tower, and get Templars instead of mages for the final battle. You can choose to side with the werewolves and slaughter the Dalish elves completely and thus get a werewolf army instead. You always have access to the human and dwarven troops and potentially the golems.

Another thing that Josh seems to have missed was that the jailbreak scene at the third act seems so dull because he chose to obvious and boring route of escaping himself. If Alistair is in your party he will be captured alongside you and enables you to get more aggressive while escaping. You can also choose to be rescued by your party, and can pick any two members of your party to try to save you, and every combination has its own unique scene and dialogue!


You can get a funny line if at the Landsmeet you try to get the Dog to duel Loghain


YOU did not end up making use of the combined magic system, me and my friends sure as hell used it, it was freaking awesome, and to my knowledge the first time an rpg allowed for such logical and awesome power!!! i have always loved magic, and this was my moment to shine X)

other then that great video as always Josh :)


It’s a shame it doesn’t seem like he engaged with the companions very much outside of what was mandatory, and Morrigan’s personal quest. It’s a companion focused game imo, so I do feel it’s a shame he seems to have missed out on a lot of that. Though maybe that side of the game isn’t what Josh is interested in


As long as you give enough gifts, your party will forget that you did everything they disagree with.
