Learn Chemistry With Mr. White | Breaking Bad

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You could say he missed his true calling 👀

00:00: What is chemistry? (Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot)
01:22: Equipment (Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot)
02:30: Chiral (Season 1 Episode 2 - Cat's In The Bag)
04:30: The Power of Thermite (Season 1 Episode 7 - A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal)
05:50: How to build a battery? (Season 2 Episode 9 - 4 Days Out)
09:53: What is a bond? (Season 2 Episode 7 - Negro y Azul)
12:03: YEAH SCIENCE (Season 1 Episode 7 - A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal)

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Breaking Bad follows protagonist Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a chemistry teacher who lives in New Mexico with his wife (Anna Gunn) and teenage son (RJ Mitte) who has cerebral palsy. White is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of two years left to live. With a new sense of fearlessness based on his medical prognosis, and a desire to secure his family's financial security, White chooses to enter a dangerous world of drugs and crime and ascends to power in the world. The series explores how a fatal diagnosis such as White's releases a typical man from the daily concerns and constraints of normal society and follows his transformation from mild family man to a kingpin of the drug trade.

#WalterWhite #BreakingBad #Chemistry

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"Ahh, wire..."
Jesse's best line. 😂


What a great teacher, I'm sure he'd never do anything wrong.


Chad was the true villain of the series, the way he loudly drags his chair across the classroom is a power move that even echoes Gus’ intimidation of Hector. Perhaps if Mr White had nicer students he would never have become Heisenberg.


7:34 "A robot?" I love how Jesse says that like he simultaneously excited, scared and confused.


What a calm and knowledgeable teacher. I guess he does nothing else but broadening his horizons in chemistry methods


Imagine Chad’s face finding out that his teacher was Heisenberg and could have ended him just for dragging chair across his class 😂


"Chemistry is the study of matter. But i prefer to see it as the study of change."


It's so nice when a teacher doesn't give up on a student even after they've both left the school system permanently.


Each of Walt's chemistry lessons is foreshadowing of the show.

"That's all of life. Growth then decay then transformation" (Walt's journey and transformation into Heisenberg)
"Identical yet opposite. Although they may look the same, they may not always behave the same" (Walt/Heisenberg)


The "Build a battery" scene is one where Jessie didn't get enough credit, he was proactively thinking of ideas, some admittedly were stupid like the robot, but making a signal rocket, distress beacon, or dismantling parts from the RV to make something they can ride out of there, those weren't necessarily bad ideas.


It’s a constant psychological battle to not ask my chemistry teacher if he wants to cook with me.


😳A robot ?! Gotta love young, naieve, not quite fully broken Jesse


0:43 shows how much walter loves chemistry and want his students to enjoy the subject but they don't. And next scene where the student arrogantly pulls chairs and walt's incapability of punishing him because he's a teacher. This one scene tells us that he doesn't like what he's doing. He has this compromised lifestyle (which most of us have). Though his initial intention was to provide his family before passing, he slowly broke those chains of compromised lifestyle while turning into Heisenberg. While starting, this scene looked like a normal opening scene and we all thought walt's a very nice and innocent teacher who's bankrupt. But after completing the series, the perspective changes. He is not what he his. He's compromised. This scene was a peak level character establishment.


Mr. White is proof that smart and good people can get corrupt if they have the right motivation.


Seeing Jesse's dumbfounded facial expressions when Walt talks about chemistry is utterly hilarious. Istg I was prolly making the same faces in chem class. Also, if Walt wasn't a murderous, narcissistic kingpin, I think he'd be a really cool teacher to have.


"it has to be Galvanized"

There you have it fokes. Vince predicted Galvanized Square Steel. And when Jesse later used Eco Friendly Wood Veneer to decorate his house?? brilliant


This is a small thing but I always loved the superposition of the Bunsen flame over Walt as he motivates the subject he loves most 0:37 — then, in a matter of seconds, we’re fully informed through this visual symbolism that his vocation has extinguished that passion, its flame snuffed in no small part by the thankless drudgery of haranguing his inattentive students. In this life barren of scientific achievement, this man is in some sense, already dead — “I feel…awake” he later says


I learned more about Chemistry from Mr. White than I did in High School.


This was an important lesson for Jesse. Since he only really learns for the sake of survival or gaining respect. This was key for him in understanding the importance of element choice as well the periodic table.
Jesse is pretty decent on chemistry uptake. Hes decent at connecting how things work but isnt particular on materials.
A mechanical learning style. Just takes a but more for him to regard the materials/chemical properties.


You can see the excitement of talking chemistry in walts eyes 🥺
