I Tried To Evolve a Top 1% SUBMARINE RACER!

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Welcome to another episode of Trailmakers! Today I am tackling the underwater race leaderboard to see how high I can get in the supersonic league!

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About Trailmakers:

In the toughest motoring expedition in the universe, you and your friends will build your own vehicles to cross a dangerous wasteland. Explore, crash horribly, use your wits to build a better rig, and get as far as you can with whatever spare parts you find on your way.

Welcome to the Ultimate Expedition!

Journey over grueling mountains, hazardous swamps, and bone-dry deserts on a distant world far from civilization - it is just you, your fellow adventurers and the amazing, jet-powered hover-buggy you built yourself. Explore, crash your vehicle, build a better one, and get as far as you can with whatever spare parts you find along your way.

Trailmakers is about building very awesome vehicles and machines, but you don’t need an engineering degree to get started. The intuitive builder will get you going in no time. Everything you build is made from physical building blocks. Each block has unique features like shape, weight and functionality. They can be broken off, refitted and used to build something new. Individually the blocks are fairly simple, but combined the possibilities are endless.

Expedition Mode is the challenging campaign mode of Trailmakers. You are competing in an off-world rally expedition with only a few building blocks to get you started. You must build, tinker with and rebuild your machine to progress. Journey through a big world, overcome deep gorges, angry wildlife and dangerous weather to progress and find new parts that will juice up your machine. The world in Expedition Mode will test your survival skills and ingenuity.

Sandbox Mode is where you want to head for an unrestricted, sandbox, vehicle-building experience. Here you can build anything you can dream of, and play around with it in the world of Trailmakers. It is a great place to test out crazy machines, and experiment with the physics engine. With tons of different blocks, hinges, thrusters and interactive vehicle parts - the skybox is the limit.

Trailmakers is even more fun if you play it with other people. Build cool vehicles and compete in mini-game modes with your friends or other Trailmakers online. Build a helicopter, send it to your friend, and shoot them out of the sky. Put two seats on a tank, and let your friend control the turret. As we get further in Early Access development Expedition Mode will also be adapted to multiplayer.

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I like it when you get top 1% easily and start focusing on getting the highest place on the leaderboard instead it feels more intense in a way


The day where scrapman says: "f#ck it" and decides to glitch, we're done for.


21:36 I think the reason why the pitching is very unstable is because you have your pitch control on the front of the sub. You should try to put it on the back to make it stable.

The same theory applies on why most vehicle have their control surfaces on the back when it comes to aerodynamics/hydrodynamics (just like irl planes, boats, submarines, rockets, etc)


9:18 love the edit where Scrapman disappears with that "a-" sound 😂


9:18 this is the funniest clip i have ever watched in a scrap man video lmao


4:33 That's me! Can confirm using UFO engines! lol

17:20 Here's a trick that could fix your problem there: Hinges will take as long to reach their final position no matter what angle their final position is, which means that hinges with a greater maximum angle move faster. Instead of setting it to 30 degrees, set it at 90 but trigger it using an OR gate that send a 0.80 power (Or whatever you think works best). This way it'll retain its speed and responsiveness, but will still stop around the same place that it would if it was set to 30 degrees maximum.

26:29 Yes.

Good job on going over 17 times faster than your 1st attempt! lol


fun Trailmakers videos you should revisit:

Tron with motorcycles, and lots of people
or Dethrone with lots of people


Trailmakers team should catalog all the known glitches and move them to their own "Glitch League" leaderboards when the glitch is detected on the build.


The beautiful part of Dr.Observation's design is that it bends to steer.


4:16 Hey! That's me on 10th! I had completely forgot I got this high in bionic league!
I'm pretty sure this record was not glitch powered*, since I barely can make them work and not at all underwater; it's either one of my up/down or side to side flapping paddles designs or perhaps one of my newer counter rotating bionic propellers designs... though since I forgot about this record it might be the older flapping paddle design (though I do have ADHD so it might also be a fairly recent record).

The main difficulty with the bionic league, particularly with this race, is control not speed of propulsion... Since both the (somewhat) plausible servo + aerodynamics based engines I tend to use and the glitch based engines tend to use a lot of space and be somewhat twitchy to borderline uncontrollable and have fairly ridiculous speed, it's really hard to go up and down through the arch and not crash. And in this race in particular, getting starting the race is very difficult since the cockpit needs to be close to the bottom to trigger the race but most most bionic engines really don't tolerate smacking into the ground and they tend to flail about a lot it's really hard to get close enough without exploding as you engage the engine.

*edit: actually I'm certain it's not glitch powered since the only glitch I've ever been able to somewhat control is the ufo engine (and by control I mean I managed to stay straight on the drag race like 10% of my attempts) and that wouldn't be bionic league. And since everyone is better than me at driving ufo engines; my personal best isn't even in the top 100s.
And the hinge glitch is completely uncontrollable; I've only ever finished the drag race with it once (and it wasn't even a better time than my aerodynamic based cars, since I had to feather the "throttle" a lot to not spin out). I think I've only set a personal best with the UFO glitch in some league on the drag strip and on the centrifuge; and I think I've beat my UFO time with non glitchy bionic engines, anyway. And I never use the no drag glitch in racing because that's neither fun nor particularly easy to control since even fairly slow engines easily go supersonic without any drag.


other youtubers instantly end the video after they achieve the goal of the video unless it's under 8 minutes long, but scrap's different... he acutally puts effort into his videos and consistently uploads vids over 20 mins long


*Number 2 lore* 12:15
Number 1: *"I MADE IT! IM FIRST "*
Number 3: *" Im so glad to be here"*
Number 2: *"I could have done better, but i didnt get first..."* 😢


It's a good day when ScrapMan posts!


Curb stomp UFO glitchers, push UFO glitchers down the stairs, dunk UFO glitchers into a dumpster, trip UFO glitchers off a cliff


I like how he went from being afraid of all these challenges to being cocky about it now.

I do wonder if he'll reach that level of confidence in screwdrivers.


9:18 the way Scrapman just screams in lowercase and just fades away 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀


Damn, youre getting into Trackmania levels of performance. Soon you can make those satisfaction driving compilations


Day 26: Idea for Trailmakers cooperation challenge: two teams of two people each, you build a vehicle for both teams to use. One person from a team controls one half of the vehicle, and the other person controls the other half. Both people have to be pressing the shoot button to shoot. You make truly amazing content ScrapMan! Please keep your channel alive. 🥺


I think Dr Observation is articulating his whole body for movement. Very cool


@3:54 If a plane can pressurise, its doing so in the reverse way than a sub does. Low pressure exterior and higher pressure interior (also the differential is less than the pressure difference a diving sub experiences).

One thing to note, commercial airplanes have active pressurisation. Meaning if you cut all electrical systems and cannot operate the compressor, the plane will eventually depressurise at elevation.

I believe subs will try to seal against most water intrusion. That if power was to fail, you will not be flooded. An aircraft should flood pretty quickly (as water is denser than air and will displace the air gradually).
