The Phoenicians and the Formation of the Western World ~ Dr. Scott

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A small maritime region, Phoenicia lay on the Eastern Mediterranean coast.
The Phoenicians, who were Semites, emerged as a distinct Canaanite group around 3200 B.C. Hemmed in by the Lebanon Mountains, their first cities were Byblos, Sidon, Tyre, and Aradus.

Scholars agree that there are two sources of the Western tradition: Judeo-Christian doctrine and ancient Greek intellectualism. More generally, there is recognition that Western civilization is largely built atop the Near Eastern civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt.

A basic question arises, however, as to which ancient people specifically
prepared the way for the West to develop. While early Aegean cultures are often viewed as the mainspring, assessment of the growing literature reveals that the city-states of Phoenicia stimulated (Bronze Age) and fostered (Iron Age) Western civilization.

Phoenicia, the principal axis of Eastern influence, sent forth pioneering seafarers, skilled engineers, gifted artisans, and the master entrepreneurs of antiquity. Through a peaceful, long-distance exchange network of goods and ideas, they influenced the trade, communication, and civilizational development of the Mediterranean basin.

The height of Phoenician shipping, mercantile, and cultural activity was during the Greek early Archaic period, especially the Orientalizing phase, c. 750-650 B.C., which appears to have laid the foundations for fifth century B.C., classical Greece.

Phoenician mercantilism also prompted European state formation in the Aegean, Italy, and Spain. Rome would succeed Greece and Carthage. Finally, Roman Carthage promoted Latin Christianity.

Educational Resourced Below~

The Phoenicians and the Formation of the Western
World ~ Dr. John C. Scot

The Mission of the University: Medieval to Postmodern Transformations

The Chautauqua Movement: Revolution in Popular Higher Education

Purchase his awesome book, The Influence of the Medieval University on the Latin Church and Secular Government Politics: From the Later Middle Ages to Early Modern Times, ISBN: 978-0773498365.

Dr. Scott is so kind and so very generous that he gave me a copy that had sentimental value, and I honestly can't recommend it enough, a wonderful work of history and education.

Academia Profile of Dr. Scott.

Scott, John C. (2018) "The Phoenicians and the Formation of the Western World," Comparative Civilizations Review: Vol. 78 : No. 78 , Article 4.

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I believe the world of antiquity was far more sophisticated than we have been lead to believe.


Thank you for this video on the often discounted significance of the Phoenician cultural contributions to the success of the Greek & Roman Empires. Sadly very few people are aware that the Phoenicians are the great secret carriers of civilizations originating in Byblos & beyond...


What are your thoughts on this episode by Dr. Scott? Fair warning there were a few minor vocal issues in this presentation due to issues with Skype that was beyond our control, check out the links above to check out Dr. Scott and his awesome works! And check out the links below to support this channel!

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Such a strange happenstance to come across this video while binging documentaries! Dr. Scott was a substitute teacher at my high school years ago (HHSS) and left a very positive impact in his limited time with us as students. Thank you to this channel and Dr. Scott for all they do!! What a wonderfully put together presentation!


so hard to find info of any depth on phoneticians even in our internet age and always grateful to find more. the alphabet evolution graphic was refreshing.


Defiantly one of your best guests. Thank you. Phoenician and Carthaginian history fascinates me. Particularly its survival of the late Bronze Age Collapes.


Long live the Lebanese, the direct descendants of our Phoenico-Canaanite forbears in our little Levantine homeland of Lebanon (Kan.-Phoen. Pūt (𐤐𐤕), Gr. Phoiníkē (Φοινίκη)), the founders of Carthage who peopled her, from whom stemmed the illustrious general Hannibal Barca who all but conquered Republican Rome during the Second Punic War until the lion of Lebanon fell prey to the maw of the shewolf of the Tibur in the Maghreb.


This was great. I really appreciate the links to Dr. Scott's work, especially that paper. Lot's of incredible references in there that I've never heard of. I live for the footnotes.


He just scratched the surface, bring him back please. Describe the relationships between the king of Tyre and King Solomon, and the pharaoh of Egypt. i.e. trade route and tech. It would seem. That they paid the king of Tyre to circumnavigate Africa from the red Sea to the Mediterranean, as well as from The straits of Hormuz to India. Thank You for all of your due diligence.


As the legend goes, Europa was a princess of Tyre.


One of the best talks on the subject ive seen. Excellent content and well delivered.


The Greeks were crawling around on “All Fours” when CANAANITEs were in full flourish (they are one and the same people )


Thanks Dr. Scott. That's a lot of info. Appreciate your references to sources and Also your mention of McLuhan's theories on the alphabet's effects .


The phonecians used to have two alphabets. One they used for every day use and the other strictly used for accounting and book keeping for trade. Having a second alphabet for business also protected the phoenicians from outside influence trying to find out about how much money and goods where really being dealt with.


Thank you very much great study, I am still yet to hear from one person all the achievements of the Phoenicians. it is always bits and pieces, here and there. How about the discovery of the Americas and Australia, their trades with the Indian continent, their travel to the far east, their presence in the Africas, their 500 posts on the Atlantic Ocean. etc...Sanford Holst did a very good job in his book The Phoenician Secrets


Late Bronze Age/early Iron Age is probably the most interesting perion of history for me. It's a shame that Phoenician/Carthaginian culture was absorbed and paved over and/or bulldozed by Hellenic/istic and Roman expansion.


This was an excellent presentation of Phoenician/ Carthaginian history. I found the alphabetic connection and the genetic history very interesting. Thank you Dr. Scott for this intriguing history.


Excellent program. I had no idea that Phoenician artisans where involved in building Solomon’s temple. Fascinating.


Also Phoenicians build Acropole and inventent democracy, the first philosopher was Jason Solonmann acording to the famous historian Judah Judahson
