This is why the OP-XY is Actually Great!! #teenageengineering #synth #shorts

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Here's an example of the kind of fun you can have easily with the Teenage Engineering OP-XY!
OP-XY Review - Funky but Functional?
🔴 The OP-XY is NOT PERFECT…these things need to change!
The OP-XY Just Blew My Mind!
The OP-XY PROBLEMS… and how to FIX THEM! (teenage engineering)
OP-XY (The Dark Flagship)
The OP-XY is pretty cool.
introducing OP–XY
Sample Chopping & Tape Warble Effect on the OP-XY?!?!?
Fluid, Fun, Frustrating: OP-XY´s Unique Workflow // Teenage Engineering
Why I just PAID for an OP-XY
The OP I Was Wishing For // @teenageengineering OP-XY First Impressions
This is why the OP-XY is Actually Great!! #teenageengineering #synth #shorts
Making a Beat on the OP-XY | Honest First Impressions
Teenage Engineering OP-XY - The Ultimate Deep Dive!
The most Swedish video I've ever made // OP-XY Jam 🇸🇪
My First 'OMG' Moment With OP-XY! Initial Impressions of Teenage Engineerings New Flagship
🔴 WILL IT WORK ? teenage engineering OP-XY
OP-XY Is there anything else like it?
Reasons NOT to buy an OP-XY (from a Teenage Engineering fanboy)
Forget Punch In FX! OP-XY 'Secret' Performance Feature // Teenage Engineering
This makes OP-XY worth the price! Huge discovery!! || Arranger mode & Song mode
Unlock the Full Power of OP-XY with These SECRET Tricks!
OP-XY MIDI: What I've Learned So Far