How To STOP The Most INVASIVE Weeds In The Garden - Don't Make These Mistakes

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I just saw your channel for the first time today and I am impressed. Your advice on weeding is spot on. I’ve been gardening for 50 years now and I found the best way to keep your garden tidy is the visit every day with a trowel and weed not only is this a very effective way to keep weeds down but you get to know your plants best when you visit them every day.


The Canada Thistle basically laughed at me. I feel you on this! 🤣


Stop blaming thistles on Canada lol.🇨🇦❤️


Composting weeds is fine. Especially if you dry them out before adding to a pile. I'm not talking about a macho 30day pile but a long term pile you flip through the season every 1-2 weeks.

Things will sprout, yes. When you flip the pile you disrupt and smother those sprouts. By the time its broken down to a soil-like state over like 6 months.. its fine.
My compost is 90% blackberry vines. I've yet to have one root in my garden.

The one thing I've had trouble with is quackgrass. And I have an in-ground garden without an ability to buffer-mulch. Clover creeps in too and can be a nuisance but its easy to cut back and its a great cover over winter. Dandelions are fine. As long as they aren't directly competing with a veggie I don't care.


I have a warm compost where any seeds or roots die from the heat. I think of weeds as more material. I also use weeds in teas to use as fertilizer. All good.


Dandelion and sowthistle aren't weeds at my house, they are treasured food for my tortoises.


I tried using those black fabric cloth that you can buy at Home Depot in the garden section, but it's complete useless. Don't waste your money on that. The weeds grow right through them.


The constant removal method is what is finally working for me with dollar weed here in the South. Even just pulling emerging leaves where I can't pull the underground vine is working.


I'm near a river and have a bunch of Japanese Knotweed starting to creep in. I'm out there every other day trying to pluck it


I'm in MN. My problems are dandelions and orange hawkweeds.


I can no longer bend over and dig up weeds. Age has crept up on me lol 😆 This year I am going with container gardening on a planting table here in Michigan. I know I will still get weeds in the containers from the wind blowing but it will be more manageable and I will not have to bend over to pull them out lol. Happy Gardening🪻🪴🌱🌷


We joke that if you pull one thistle, 20 come to its funeral. We also have been fighting bind Weed.


That's the idea of a Japanese weeding tool. It's a sharp scraper that you continuously scrape away at the surface and weeds just eventually give up.


I have a weed that has blooms that look like tomato flowers. It makes a small cherry sized fruit full of seeds. But the plant is covered in sharp thorns, the leaves, stem, even down to the roots. It also spreads by roots and leaving just one part of it does the same you described by dividing and multiplying. It's also poisonous and can even kill livestock. If you get poked by one of the thorns it hurts for a week. I dig it up but it keeps coming back and we have it on a lot of our property...acres.


Snail-seed vine is taking over my garden!!


I let my garden go wild thru covid when I was away taking care of dad and now the entire surface, every raised bed, all the brick paths, every square inch is covered with jagged green leaves. I'm so discouraged -- i don't know where to start.


I'm having a problem in my garden with Bindweed, I can't get rid of it for nothing ! I pull them out with their long roots but they keep coming back, tried vinegar, torching them but to no avail, at the start of the spring I can control them somewhat but by the middle to end of the summer they are all over the place, I think it was introduced with my town free mulch that I got a couple of years back, now the you mentioned it.


I hear you about not putting weeds like this in your compost bin… But what about using them to make a compost tea? It’s my understanding that when you make such a thing you never really use the but you take the nitrogen out of it and just use the water is that a good use, I’ll be interested in your answer!


Where and how do you suggest getting clean mulch and compost?


my bane is crab grass it is evrywere i can't make it stop
