macOS Big Sur Reveals The Future of The Mac!

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Apple is releasing macOS Big Sur their biggest software update in years and it brings along a lot of nice changes, like a redesigned user interface, redesigned apps, faster safari, and more! But the core underlying features for macOS Big Sur reveal the path for the future of the entire Mac platform, and may give us a hint on what future products Apple might bring us.

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I’m blown away how so many people get bent over a Icon.


I think the rounded design hints at rounder displays coming to Macs


As a Mac user and an iPad user, I don't want my MacBook experience to be the same or similar on both. These are two distinct platforms and should remain as such. If Apple screws this up... we'll see even less Mac usage in the future, . In addition, the fact that you'll no longer be able to run Windows natively on a MacBook will push many who need Microsoft software for work to buy a surface or native Windows machine instead. For many, native Windows support is a must.


The boot chime never went away for me since I have a 2014 MacBook Pro


Still running a late 2008 MacBook Pro that we updated with an SSD a few years ago, but the time has come (honestly a while ago) to replace it and we’re waiting for the Apple Silicon machines to drop. Either that or an iPad Pro with an A14x. 🤞🏼


Seriously now, who uses a touchscreen? I have had my Thinkpad X1 Carbon for years and I hardly touch the screen. And to think that the Thinkpads have bad trackpads.


I think it's not so much that Macs will be getting touch screen capability, but rather that they are paving the way for iPads to run MacOS, and therefore getting touch capability in that way. Maybe they will develop even larger iPads. I could see a 15" iPad that has the ability to run MacOS when you need it to, to be an incredibly useful device.


Mac for productivity, iPad for creativity.


Weird to hear that the startup sound is considered nostalgia - I am still using my 2011 iMac 27” and I have never not had that sound chime when I restart


At first, I was super disappointed with the idea that ARM = no windows boot camp. I also don’t really like the iPad look on my desktop, but it wasn’t for aesthetics. I was worried it meant we would basically have an iPad laptop. Instead, it reminds me more of the older macs - kind of “simplistic” but with all the power you’ll need. I absolutely MUST buy a new laptop soon as my GPU is giving me GPU panic issues (it’s dying) and I would love to wait for an ARM MBP with touchscreen, but I just cannot. So I guess I’m going for the higher end 2020 MBP with an eGPU and instead of buying an iPad I’ll save my money for the first ARM laptop. I bet it’s an AIR. I haven’t been this excited for a new computer since the Apple IIGS Woz edition.


imo the MacBook's power button should also double as a 'home' button....that minimises all windows and brings the touch bar backs to the default position instantly.


wouldn't be surprised if they later introduced the option to move the menu bar items to the touch bar on MacBooks


I’d be very upset if apple did add a touch screen to the mac! For me, the touchbar is amazingly useful


i think i might switch over to safari from chrome in macos big sur


I didn't know Catalina didn't have the battery life estimator. I thought my Macbook did not display that because my battery was too old too indicate that. We need that back even if it's not always 100% spot on.


Should we buy Mac now or wait for silicon?


I love the soundtracks you have..Big Sur


Catalina has, for the most part been rather stable for me, compared to most people. But still, there are issues that annoy me like disconnecting from the WiFi and, more recently, typing delay in Safari. I'm experiencing this bug right now as I'm typing this comment actually and it's annoying. Hopefully, Big Sur at least fixes these bugs and not add new ones. Even if the icons look weird in my opinion, I care more about functionality over the aesthetics which aren't even bad, just not used to it.


When touch screen just came in, it looked like to add some extra efforts to do things we do with a keyboard and mouse.
But after these years of iPad experience, such smooth pinch-in/out can’t replace with manual enlargement and I can’t go back to draw in my Mac!
All I want is a bigger screen cheaper fixed iPad with a keyboard. I can live with lower resolution display and thickness, etc. and no need portability.


Hopefully our left behind macs would still be in line for upcoming various security updates at least.
