Ben Shapiro Vs Climate Change | UBC Talk

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The UBC Free Speech Club is honoured to host Ben Shapiro on Halloween night!

In this clip, Ben shares his take on Climate Change

The UBC Free Speech Club is nonpartisan and committed to cultivating an open dialogue on campus, where arguments are made with wit and reason rather than rhetoric and personal attack. We cherish a diversity of opinions and seek to promote an open debate stage, where political correctness no longer holds sway.

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unlike many of these videos it actually showed a reasonable person asking a reasonable question and a reasonable person providing a reasonable response. This is what intellectual discourse should be.


The person who asked the question was very polite and patient. I really appreciate that. He didn’t think he knew more than Ben Shapiro and he didn’t argue so thank you.


I'd like to see Ben Shapiro debate an actual climatologist.


The amount of respect the kid showed inasking Ben that question ....frankly was beautiful. He never put a word in Ben's mouth. He wanted to let him speak for himself.


There needs to be a Ben Shapiro app where during an argument, you can just pull up the topic and it plays a video of Ben debating the issue.


The dude who asked the question said "thank you" at the end. That guy isn't a liberal.


Finally a level headed person asking the question is provided a level headed response to that question.


Props to the kid. He actually asked questions.


Climate change himself shows up to debate Ben Shapiro


This dude talks so fast it's like Eminem went to harvard and is rapping common sense into people


Curious how he responds to ecological concerns — in isolation, humans can bear the increase in temperature, but many other plants and animals can’t, and that may have quite an effect on humans


"Its fine, people will migrate because of climate change, we have done this since forever!"
* African and middleeastern people migrating because of climate change
"no, not like that!"


I like that he doesn't simply dismiss scientific evidence as some other unfortunately would.

Nevertheless, he used false information at least three times. 1) Hurricanes are becoming more intense due to climate change, not just more destructive. The science is very clear on that. Just look at the source from NASA below. Plus, the probability is high that the intensification of hurricanes has already been happening over the years. 2) William Nordhaus, the economist who won the Nobel price for his work on climate change, argues that it would be cheaper to mitigate emissions in the future, but this does not mean that - as Shapiro said - "intervention would be counterproductive." Rather, Nordhaus' paper suggests to pursue economic efficiency with the timing of your mitigation options. 3) Shapiro said "The Paris Accords were completely useless" in 3:10. Well, it is only one agreement, not several accords. But no, thats not the false information of course, as I agree it could be mispronunciation. However, he uses polarizing and politicizing language. I could now list numerous IR scholars, economist and political scientists who would argue the contrary. However, I will not engage with Shapiro's overly bold and simplistic statement.

So, overall, it unfortunately seems to me that Shapiro is similar to most other deniers, with the slight difference that he dismisses evidence in a more sophisticated way. In any case, I believe his contribution to an intellectual debate is very limited.



Lots of fun and very interesting listening to someone who can express themselves so well.


Turn down the playback speed to .75x to hear him talk like a normal person.


This guy has an intensity that’s so fortunately focused into clear argument that you can go along with him the whole time. It’s a helluva ride.


ben talked about how now its just more expensive stuff in the path of hurricanes. I live in India, where close to half a billion people are dependent on agriculture for income and the rest half billion for food(meaning that rain is very important). For thousands of years, the climate has been steady, monsoons have come at the same time every year at the right time to produce the max amount of food. But recently, monsoons have become very unpredictable in terms of amount of water and pattern. Millions of farms have failed thanks to lack of rain or too much rain. If u ask families that have been farming for many many generations, they tell us that something is actually wrong. From the pattern of insects that act as pollinators to spread seeds naturally to rain required. There are too many pests and natural anti-pests have decreased so they have to use a lot of chemicals that might cause poisoning. Climate change does have actual ramifications across the world right now. Its just starting. and its gonna get much worse. Its a chain process where acid rain might kill small insects on the ground which reduces the number of natural pollinators so trees become less and less. therefore herbivores become less. food for carnivores and top of the food chain becomes less and including destroying of their natural habitat is upsetting the entire system that was stable for millions of years. We dont see it. phytoplankton produce half of earths oxygen. they are very small and live in the ocean. Now we all wear synthetic fibres. there micro-plastics when washed end up in the ocean and kill our major source of oxygen and we dont even know about it. Coral reefs are like the major cities and are the economic hub of the oceans. 80% of them are all dead. The entire ocean ecosystem is changing. If Our climate increases by even 1degree Celsius, ocean patterns change and result in change of climate, fish mating patters leading to a huge drop in fish. Millions of fishermen and the economies of a lot of small countries collapse first then the big countries will come


The idea that we are building more things in the path of hurricanes is very true. I graduated from a Florida high school. When I started High school no one was building anything on the Gulf side of the beach only the bay side. It is now many years since High school and you can not walk on the beach because people that built on the beach think their property line goes from the back of their house out into the water. Rich folks.


I'm not a fan of Shapiro but I loved the fact that the first words out of his mouth while answering the guy's question about climate was :
First of all I'm not a climatologist. That's something that very few people say when talking adamantly about this subject.
I respect that a lot.
