The Simple Joy of One

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Have you ever considered the simplicity life would have if you only owned one of everything? While to some this may seem like extreme minimalism, owning just one of each item can be a blessing. Here are the joys I have found in owning just my favorite of a lot of things, and how it makes life simple.


Most recent videos:

How We’ve Been Schooling Our Teenagers During Shelter in Place:

2 Ways to Conquer Worry


Most popular videos:

7 Daily Habits for a Clutter-Free Home: Declutter for Good

7 Common Problems Solved By Owning Less


You can read more tips in my book, The Minimalist Home.

Read hundreds of articles on decluttering and owning less on the Becoming Minimalist blog.

Find Becoming Minimalist on Facebook, and Joshua Becker on Instagram and Twitter


#becomingminimalist #minimalism #simpleliving
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I have minimized my stuff and am enjoying the fact that it stays clean longer and I feel more relaxed.


Your words remind me of my father, "Buy one item, get the best you can afford and TAKE CARE OF IT!"


As I grow older, I require lesser but better possessions. Thank you for your inspiration.


I was inspired by your video about washing dishes and the pride we get when completing a task... so I have assigned each person in our family of 7 a different color (usually their favorite)... I did it this way because we have fiesta ware dishes so now each person in the family has one bowl, one plate, one mug, one cup, one water bottle... even extra blankets have been eliminated as well as towels, etc... all in their color. it has (almost) eliminated the dishes on the side of the sink! My 19, 7, and 5 year olds are doing their own dishes (most of the time) and if they “forget”.. it is a job that can be done in the amount of time I would have loaded a dishwasher. One is enough and it teaches us to be grateful for what we have and to take care of it, too!


The Highlander version of minimalism - there can be only one! I love it.


The experiences of this pandemic lock down and the panicked hoarding has opened my eyes to respecting preparedness versus panicked greed. Where I find it necessary, I have been using up or allowing to wear out the things that I have but see myself never replacing. I am grateful as a healthcare worker in a hospital for my experience over these last 62 day's here in New York. I have such a wonderful appreciation for life, health, friend's and family along with the privilege of being an agent for good in this world. What a wonderful blessing.


Actually, am rethinking as I went to discard some things. Clothing is problematic if you have to wait for your one of something to come out of the wash and dryer. Two, perhaps, but not one.


Every word is GOLD. I am a professional housecleaner. Most of US houses is a sad graveyard of clutter, duplicates and decor from Marshalls. My top 3: mugs/cups, pens, plush , blankets.


Thank you! ..”Godliness with contentment is great gain.” (1Timothy 6:6)


It really makes for good sense. Some times, it is the fear that we may not find another like that which we like.


I grew up in the church, so the first video I saw of yours I recognized your sermon-like delivery instantly and wondered if you were a pastor. I now know why! There’s definitely a familiarity there. Love your content! Take care!


Simplicity is the key to peace of mind.😊😷😊😷


Wow, just wow. I’ve been making active decisions to minimize all the belongings in my life for close to 2 years now. I still catch myself making that ridiculous choice purchasing something I thought I really needed when I absolutely did not. When put into this perspective of ONE it gave me all the feels! Awesome share, thank you!! 💙💙


I love this idea. It is so simple and true.


Yes! Owner of ONE! I will repeat this phrase when I go shopping for anything!
ONLY ONE! Thank you for that tip!❤️


I have been trying to minimize my home for over a year now. Between your channel and the minimal mom, I have been pretty successful. Then ...with being at home these last week...I have realized I can live without even more. Six weeks home and not using many items opened my eyes. My daughters thrift store opened just for donations. She still is not working. But, sent her today with four packed boxes full of items I have not touched in these 6 weeks plus. If you haven’t used an item being at home... get rid of it and give it to someone that will desperately need it when things open up. I pray for everyone hurting right now.


So true, i embraced this for many items in my home even my guitars, i owned once more than 10 electric guitar. No stress anymore which to pick, sold them all and keep my most favorite; my first electric guitar :-) Doing this for almost everything, one shampoo, one summer coat, one wintercoat, etc.


We gave up Costco membership a few years ago because we couldn’t eat 2 packs of bagel before they gone bad. Buying more food than we can eat and regret having them go to waste ends up with weight gain & health issues.


You're absolutely right, Joshua, and when this virus stuff finally permits us to give things away, I have already sorted through a great many possessions I realized I just don't need, nor do they get used at all. I'd rather see others make good use of them than to have my sister have to sort through it all if I die before her.


I have to disagree with you on this one. From past experience and a lot of frustration I find buying duplicates makes my life simpler. Why? Because if I find something I really like and it wears out 9 times out of 10 I’ll never find something to replace it. The time I spend looking for a replacement is frustrating and I come up empty handed. I’ve been constantly mending a very sad looking cardigan this spring, because a replacement doesn’t exists-any where!
