Blender vs SketchUp – Which is Right for YOU?

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There are 8 key differences between Blender and SketchUp that you should be aware of. Inside this video, we cover:

Introduction (00:00)
1⃣ What's the Difference in Price? (01:55)
2⃣ Which is Easier to Learn? (03:20)
3⃣ Which is Easier to Use? (04:22)
4⃣ Which is Better at Creating More Complex Models? (05:48)
5⃣ Which is Better for Renderings? (07:08)
6⃣ Which is Best for Animations? (10:57)
7⃣ Which is Best for 2D Drawings and Construction Documents? (12:44)
8⃣ Which is Best for 3D Printing, CNC Routing & Other Fabrication? (13:22)

Did you figure out whether Blender or SketchUp is right for you?

If you did, do us a quick favor and let us know which one is right for you in the comments below… or just let us know you liked the video by giving it a like 👍.

From here, we recommend checking out one of the following videos:

Watch This Before You Get Started With SketchUp (2023 Update)

Watch This Before you Get Started with Blender (7 Tips)

This video is the first in a new series on our YouTube channel called:


In each video, Alex answers a question from a student or YouTube viewer like you.

So, if you have a SketchUp question, ask it in the comments section of this video. We’ll do our best to respond to you quickly. And, your question might become the topic of a future video!

The following works were used as examples in this video:


#blender #sketchup
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Did you figure out whether Blender or SketchUp is right for you?
If you did, do us a quick favor and let us know which one is right for you in the comments below… or just let us know you liked the video by giving it a like 👍.

Got a SketchUp question you'd like to ask us? Ask it in the comments!


I switched to Blender for all my woodworking shop designs. The animation and locked movements are key for me. And I am very tired of Tribble or Audodesk nerfing their products over and over. Open source is the way to go. Takes longer to learn, yes. More powerful and predictably immune from corporate nerfing, yes. And ... it's free. :)


This is by far the most fair comparison I've ever seen on youtube!!!


I'm going to try Blender. Primary reason is I don't want to pay $299/yr for my use (non-professional, personal). I don't want an internet-based program. Having worked with advanced programs like Adobe Premiere, Photoshop and After Effects the "learning curve" ahead to learn Blender is not intimidating and I'm willing to put in the time. Thanks for the video!


I learn Sketchup in the beginning and used almost all free extension of it like Fredo tools and Other. Then I inclined to blender and make it my first choice for modelling. Start from 2.8 release it becomes very intuitive and faster also i can get a lot of professional level tutorials both free and paid to kickstart my journey to Architectural Visualization and animation....


What a clear and straightforward comparison, without getting too mired in the details that beginners wouldn't appreciate anyway! I can tell you put a lot of preparation and production into your videos, and it really shows, thank you!


Blender... All day, every day... PERIOD!


#9 community
Just search for tutorials and look at the results..
Sketchup: How to model a house
Blender: How to model a three-headed lizard


I really like that, although your channel is SketchUp School, you give an honest comparison to Blender.


I've been working as a prop and environment artist using Blender for the past few years, and this is absolutely spot on. Really good video.


Great video comparing Sketchup with Blender. I've used both and have a great appreciation for ease of use. Blender definitely has a much longer learning curve, but very impressive especially given that it's free. I create custom props and have found Blender extremely helpful in this area.


First of all thank you so much Alex for this wonderful video. Well, I am interior designer and I have been working in sketchup for seven years. And for organic looking models I have 3D warehouse. That doesn't mean I underestimated Blender. But with it's steep learning curves it will be hard for me to shift to blender. As a interior designer can I stick with Vray Sketchup forever. 😊😊


Ive used blender since 2.76, for fun. I guess I'm now hooked to it. It is troublesome for me to switch. The presentation was wonderful.


That was a great comparison. Thank you. I used Sketchup for many years, but I always had to use a virtual Windows Pc, as I use Linux as my main OS. After I discovered Blender, it was goodbye Sketchup. In my case the price also makes a difference. I will always prefere OpenSource, if the software does what I need to. And Blender, like you said in the video is very capable of doing everything and more than Sketchup. Also, it maybe a little bit harder to learn, but it really pays of in the long run. And like others already commented the latest version is much more intuitive.


This video was one of the best pieces of professional guidance ever created and shared on YouTube -you set a high standard that few can match. Thank you Sir.


Very impressed with how non-biased you were with your presentation and points. You were completely objective and told the viewer what product was (objectively) better for what they needed either for. Kudos to you.


I am blender user since five years. Honestly this is by far the most fair and guiding comparison.
If anyone keen to learn 3D animation and VFX then blender is perfect suit for them.


By profession I'm an urban/suburban planner (now retired), and I've used Sketchup extensively for 12 years now, and I've dabbled in Blender. I concur with your recommendations. Well done.


I've used both and they both are quite fairly matched in my opinion.


Been using SketchUp frequently for 2-3 years and started using it even earlier, now, having recently found out about Blender's cycles render engine, I've started my architectural journey in Blender and have already found success in render quality. The modelling part is still not as fast as SketchUp for me, but all the control and extra features you get with Blender solidifies my now-changed opinion that Blender is a step above, not only as far as photorealism goes, but especially when it comes to animating your presentations and controlling movement. That being said, SketchUp is definitely way faster to learn and better for quicker model production.