3+2 and Simultaneous 5-Axis Machining | AVA Fusion 360

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In this session, you will learn how to program your 5-axis machine whether it is using 3+2 or simultaneous 5-axis toolpaths. Learn the steps necessary to go about setting up a 5-axis toolpath and how to watch out for possible collisions. We also go over a high level introduction of the post processor and why one might need to make edits to it.
Overall, Application Engineer, Alex Alvarez, goes over:
00:00 Intro
-Programming a part in the CAM environment of Fusion 360
-Creating 3+2 and true 5 axis toolpaths
-Giving tips on how to edit your post processor and navigate through it
Watch to see just how powerful Fusion 360’s CAM environment really is!
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