How ADHD Makes Me a Contradicting Person - Living Life With ADHD

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Living life with ADHD.
Life of someone with ADHD.
Day in life with ADHD.
(Signs you may have ADHD).

I hope you enjoy this impromptu video! Will see you soon in the next ones :)

Welcome to The ADHD Mind! Where I share with you interesting facts, tips and inspirations on ADHD. My goal is to help us embrace our ADHD brains and find ways to reach our true potential in life. Hope you will enjoy these videos!
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Let me know how ADHD makes you a contradicting person in the comments down below!


sometimes i wonder how i can live with this my whole life its tough and even your parents and your closest friends doesnt understand it, where can i find some hope, but this vid made me feel that im not alone in this, i wish everyone with adhd good luck and power to overcome its obstacles.


I literally cried through the 4 minutes. What are the solutions? I don't know how long I can hold out living like this daily.


The first one caught my attention immediately because, the number one quote I live by in life is "Once a task is just begun never leave it till it done, be the labor great or small, and do it well or not at all" .


I really don’t appreciate having my life narrated without my consent lol 😂


shit... i ended up crying at the last one, i always felt like im constantly falling short of expectations, but somehow also feel like im just gonna break through it one day, i think in reality, that never really goes away, we work on our goals when those hopeful and happier days come around, and despair when the unmotivated ones do. Gradually, we figure things out in life, but we are always constantly missing something, everyone is, it just gets to us easier and stronger. My biggest fear is that I end up alone, when there's people around, pushing and pressuring me, I do things more or less, but when Im completely alone I simply dont do anything, its frustrating. I found out about it not long ago, I didnt know what it was, and thought everyone just hid their weird personality traits when not alone or pretended to listen, I spent my whole life thinking that I'm somehow a failure despite getting frequent compliments of how smart I am all the time, because I look smart, because I'm interested in things, niche things people usually dont care about, im talented at drawing, and designing stuff, but I always had this looming feeling that im not able to progress, I feel like i always have to follow the steps of somebody, I withdraw from simple social situations, some very important, in the heat of the moment. I argue emotionally and definitely not in a healthy way with the people at home, to the point where sometimes I overstep and end up crying myself out alone because of something I said to a person, I get violent and defensive, I dont want to, but I do, I dont know any other way to argue and this one really fucks me up. I mismanage every friendship of mine, if it wasn't for whatsapp groups I would have no social interaction mostly, although I cant even think of saying no if a friend calls me up for something, because I want to be with people, i have fun friends, but I feel like i'm failing them somehow, only to end up over compensating by helping out or something and always just getting the same "thank you you're so nice", but it never actually being enough.


Thanks for your videos, especially this one! I don’t have ADHD but my friend/potential partner has shared to me that she might have and needs to see a doctor for a diagnosis. And this makes a lot of sense. She’s a sweet, caring person but is “out of sight, out of mind” when I’m not there, including being forgetful and often late. But your videos help me understand her better and how her mind works. Keep up the good work! It’s important to have them here.


This described me to a T! Except that I'm not a parent, by choice. I knew very early on that I was somehow different and would not be able to cope with motherhood. Now I realize that I was probably right because I have ADD.


Where is the button for "I'm in this video, but I don't like it"?


I love this! I'm learning how to become a leader in my line of work and I feel like every day I'm just grappling with my own contradictions! Some days I feel so excited and hopeful and other days I can't see anything except my flaws, and I just hope that I can find balance for the folks around me. I feel like ADHD is a curse and a blessing, and my challenge is to manage the curse effectively while enhancing the blessings! No wonder I feel like a walking contradiction!


You managed to put into words what I'm unable to express...thank you for this video! I'm still waiting for my assessment but I would be surprised if it wasn't ADHD.


The last that one hit different everyone that’s watching this I hope that you can overcome and live with it I’m trying to love myself And I will keep trying 😊


1:18 almost made me spit my food because this happens to me every day. Actually the whole video describes my entire life. If someone ever asks me to explain to them my ADHD, I'm going to show them this video.


I can’t explain how much I can 100% relate to ALL of these things


so touching and true for me. thank you. I hope you can share how you make yourself finish the videos as well!


Finding your videos has truly been a miracle for me. I'm almost 30 and I was just diagnosed with ADHD and have been feeling hopeless for a very long time. I resonated with so much of your story - especially in the video where you share about your experience at the end of college and drifting throughout your career.

Today has been an especially difficult day and to hear your words has given me some hope, especially because my family just isn't able to give me encouragement.

I appreciate you, and see the hard work that goes into these animations, narrating, and editing!


Great video. Made me feel like I’m not the only one feeling like this. Thank you


Living with someone who has adhd is another level. Would love more information on that handling adhd.


I just shared this with my 2 daughters. We are all just like this.


So true! I can relate to nearly all of this.
