Correcting Minimum Hip Rotation in Race Walking

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In race walking, hips are the primary motor driving your body forward. Therefore, race walking can be incredibly frustrating to beginning walkers who cannot seem to get the feel of proper hip motion. Saying “use your hips more” just falls upon deaf ears. Walkers with minimal hip motion need drills and exercises to help them learn. Other race walkers may have hip motion, but in all the wrong directions.
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I just started today with my 1st race walking but the hip movement looks like a Merengue dance. Thnx for your great video's


Just my fifty cents. There is not such a thing as stretching an it band. It's just too rigid to be stretched. What is being stretched, however, it's a TFL muscle -- tensor fascia latae. IT band connects to it. Otherwise, a great vid. Thank you!
