My Apology to Mike WInger

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My Apology to Mike WInger

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Good for you, apologizing.

I came on here to say SHAME ON YOU!!

But you got in front of it.

DO NOT BELIEVE everything you hear.


Have brother Mike on your show and directly express your concerns to him. I feel like these response videos do not completely resolve anything. Direct conversation with the person in public or private is the way to go at this point.


In case anyone is interested, Mike does have a written response to this "apology" video that he posted as a comment to his original video. It is as follows:

1) Tim did apologize for several things, for that I am grateful!
2) Unfortunately, he did not take true responsibility for most of what he said. At one point he actually apologized for me (not him) not being clear enough in the out of context clips he used, even though the full context of those clips was clear, as I showed in my response video.
3) Tim has so far decided to leave the previous, deceptive videos up on his channel. These videos continue (at least at the point I am writing this) to lie about me and my teachings. Quite a few people are watching them and there is simply no way to make sure those same viewers ever see my response or Tim’s “apology.” So, even with my video being available I have reason to think many will continue to believe those lies.
4) He continued to misrepresent me in his apology. He actually continued to make some of the same false claims he made in the original video and did not play or respond to my video, where I addressed those false claims.
4) He even added some new false claims about me.
5) While his video properly apologized for some of the lies he told he did not own up to the fullness of it and continued to propagate more. It was more of a video about defending his points than owning up to them.
6) I am not interested in spending any more time on this distraction but I will leave my video up since Doctrinal Watchdog and Tim continue to misrepresent me in serious ways on their channels in many different videos and even if those videos were removed I’d still have people believing that stuff and I want a resource to point people to that explains it.
7) I added three or four comments into the “live chat” of his premiere to correct some of his new misleading claims. You can read those if you watch his video, unless he deletes them or deletes the live chat altogether.
8) I still consider Tim a brother (and believe he does the same for me) and see this as a sad situation that seems I fixable for the time being. One day we will all be worshipping God in the glory of His presence and this will be only a tiny blip far in the past. That will be a great day.


You call this an apology? You said you weren't judging him, and then you judged him. You said you weren't slandering him, then you did. These folks in the comments thanking you for apologizing didn't watch this video. Laughing at their experiences, which they clearly now know were fake, is not blasphemy. Shame on you.


Man I’m sorry I can barely make it through this video, I’m immensely frustrated. I was so glad to see an apology and repentance but even in this video you can’t seem to help but mischaracterize what Mike’s saying. Mike says “what he saw were clips…he didn’t watch my video” and your response is somehow “he’s saying I didn’t watch his clip” No, he said VIDEO. My bother in Christ, he knows you watched clips. He literally just said that. He’s pointing out you came out swinging at his ministry without even doing him the minimal courtesy of watching his whole video in context. Glad you watched some other CLIPS not from Doctrinal Watchdog, but still, watch the WHOLE VIDEO before you try to sink a man’s ministry. You go on to make, in my opinion, weak and quibbling admissions that don’t seem to fully address your words about him being slain or supporting the prophet, don’t seem to understand his real opinions on these things, but acceptable enough, but THEN, you can’t see why Mike would laugh at the dumb things he did as a kid when he had no theological understanding? YOU ACCUSE MIKE OF BLASPHEMING THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE UNFORGIVABLE SIN…..”I’m not gonna judge Mike” you say right after in effect, pronouncing he’s unforgivable and therefore bound for Hell. I’m sure you’d try to say that isn’t what you meant when you said that but that’s just the point. You’re carelessly slinging around accusations and that’s just what got you into this mess. Sloppy sloppy sloppy, careless tongue.


This makes it all the more important that if you have issue with another believer you go to him privately, or with 2 or with elders to clear up misunderstanding as the scripture instructs rather than using social media to air misunderstandings. we have a world that does not know Christ, lets use our voice in that regard to further the kingdom.


This is the equivalent of your parents making you say you're sorry.

*rolls eyes*
"Okaaaay I'm soooory, butimstillright"


Why create a video without watching mike’s full video?

Mike’s video was a strong correction of bethel. It wasn’t an endorsement. Every time I’ve referenced bethel it’s never been positive. It’s never an endorsement.

I never said I was “slain in the spirit” I explained exactly what happened to me.

You’re issue is Mike wasn’t “strong enough” in his rebuke about bethel. He didn’t call them wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Say that. Don’t frame it as an endorsement.

Your 2nd issue is something that I accurately said about MacArthurs commentary. It bashes all charismatics. Which you echo. That isn’t “trashing or bashing” MacArthur. That’s accurately when you guys believe.


Have him on your show and ask him yourself! Also we have to be diligent on watching primary sources not clips from other people.


Suggestion: If making a video on another person....maybe interview them and have them answer the questions you have about them.


Mike Winger's first video on Bethel, a number of years ago, was a bit softer than his subsequent videos, by his own admission. Since then he has come down harder, especially on the Bethel-endorsed Passion Translation. I think you also missed the amused tone in which he referred to there being a lot of prophesying going on at Bethel, where air quotes are implied. Saying that Valloton is Bethel's prophet likewise is not an endorsement of Valloton or of the belief in the office of prophet. I have listened to MW's initial video on Bethel several times and never for a moment took it as endorsement.


This makes a lot more sense when you view Mike’s number of subscribers versus this guy’s.

Lack of investigation, quick to take things out of context can likely be traced to the ego and need for clicks. So much for a discernment ministry 😂

I say this after the half-hearted “apology.”

I’ll stick to Mike, thank you. He would never do something like this without doing his due diligence up front. That means a lot to me and many others


Tim, this is the most unhumble and insincere apology I have EVER seen...
You can't call it an apology video in the title and then just completely justify everything you said through the whole thing.




I was so disappointed by what appeared to be heavy on personal defense and light on apology. My theology much more closely mirrors Tim's, but I am frustrated by making major claims based on clips and not considering how often Mike has criticized Bethel. The major difference I see is that Tim sees them as wolves and Mike is willing to consider that they could be brothers. I disagree with Mike, but this was a mountain out of a molehill when you consider the Mike never encourages people to join Bethel.


All of this for what? Honestly it seems like you caused a divide that isn’t worth it. A whole lot of pain and misunderstandings for what?


If this is going to be a genuine, humble apology then I will applaud you sir without a doubt!👏🙏

Just watched this video. There will be no applause today!!!!


Twenty minutes into this video, and have yet to hear an apology that a parent would accept from a child.... This is sorta the way Adam apologized to God... Not really an apology, but more an accusation against Winger... an apologizing for not articulating well, not for slandering


We all stumble and fall, it's good to realize that. Mike Winger is such a humble person. I'm sure he will forgive you.


Mike had to make the video asking for an apology and correction because your video was destructive to his ministry. If you played everything and listened to the whole thing, you should have understood, if that was truly the case. You seem to have a hard time apologizing without justifying yourself. That shows a prideful nature, and an eagerness to demonstrate some kind of spiritual superiority. Mike’s ministry is valuable, and what you wrote in bright green letters over the clip was pretty clear as to what you were saying. Your apology is in some respects good, but repentance sometimes takes deep reflection as to our true motives.
