PERFECT NATURAL EFFORTLESS BACKSWING (no headcovers to place under your arm pit!) | Wisdom in Golf |

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PERFECT NATURAL EFFORTLESS BACKSWING (no headcovers to place under your armpit!)

00:00 Shawn Introduces the golf lesson
01:21 How the trail elbow perform in the throw, and how this relate to the golf swing
02:47 Determining the centre of your golf swing to help you balance the swing
04:23 Where the second pendulum operates in the golf swing
05:50 The Kinetic chain description in slow motion without a headcover under the armpit
08:43 How to organize your backswing for an effortless golf swing and easy power
10:32 An efficient arc that is accurate and that allows the kinetic chain to operate properly
13:00 How the technique works in practice
14:00 Shawn summarizes the golf lesson


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Shawn Clement Director of Development at The Royal Quebec Golf Club as well as top 40 Golf Channel Academy Instructor and full contributing instruction editor with Golf WRX.

#golfswing #simplegolf #simplegolftips #golftips #golfcourses #golfcoursesnearme #cobragolf
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I spilled my coffee laughing at your initial display of serving tennis with a club head under your arm; great analogy, and great golf zen instructor!


This is gold and can’t be emphasized enough, given the hundreds of other videos recommending the tucked right armpit. Speed killer, consistency killer and great way to get stuck. Not to mention it’s ALOT more fun to loosen up those shoulders and whip it using your approach ! My personal swing thought to get this is “high hands” at top, and feeling those lats stretch upward. Great stuff Shawn!


I will never understand how you do not have more subscribers than you do. I have been watching you since the very beginning and can take what you say and your analogies and use them on my own. I am able to understand way more about the golf swing because you have simplified it in a way that makes sense to me. I have tried lessons and they say a lot of cool terms and throw a lot of drills at you, but nothing has been more easy for me to understand and utilize on the course than what you teach. The Arm Club unit and the throwing the club, all of it, just makes much more sense and is really easy to work with. I appreciate all of your hard work on these videos!


Another brilliant video, you came recommended to me after 5 years of frustrating golf . For a 74 year old Brit, getting better every time I play .


I hope you read this comment. I stumbled across this video by accident. I was ALWAYS told to keep right arm tucked and I felt so stiff. I went to the range and tried this out and OH MY LORD it unlocked everything. It made me feel free. It made me destroy my previous distances and I was barely swinging. Every single thing clicked.

Part of me is sad that the tucked elbow thing is given to every single student ever. I am young and felt so restricted by tucked elbow. Every single thing made me feel free and able. So thank you. This video needs like 100 million views lol. I cannot stress that anyone/everyone has to try this out.

And thank you for speaking so clearly. The throwing the club thing made so much sense to me at the curtain.


I have watched hundreds of YT Golf videos during the past 20 months since I started lessons. I am a USPTA certified tennis pro and aspire to become a golf instructor in a few years, so i practice daily and take lessons from multiple pros. This is one of the best instructional videos I have come across. Explaining that there are two pendulums, not one was a huge revelation for me. The analogies to baseball and tennis resonated with me.

PS My first instructor had me do the headcover drill, LOL


Shawn, I have been in a year long slump, struggling to break 90 and not bothering to post scores. I have not seen anyone explain the swing as simply as you have in this video. In particular, the major takeaway for me was freeing up the right elbow as you would throwing a ball or many other athletic moves. I was keeping my right elbow tucked in as you mocked in the beginning of your video. Now my swing is much longer, and free flowing as I am making a much better turn back and through while not trying to HIT at that ball. I am no longer trying to guide the club but swinging towards my mid target as you demonstrate! The results were immediate as I am finally compressing the ball and getting 15 yards more with my irons and 25 with the driver! I truly appreciate your insight and the way you explain things in such a simple manner that is easy to understand and relate to. Thank you beyond words as I am enjoying golf again and confident that what I am doing is correct!


A thing of beauty! Couldn’t be explained with more clarity and you made perfectly relatable references to the kinetic engagement required to execute an easily repeatable golf swing. You are amazing! Thank you for taking the time to share your passion. Cheers


I am a chiropractor and I really appreciate your body mechanics descriptions especially the Kinetic Chain.


Very similar concept to Erika Larkin’s a true swing which completely changed my golf game for the better. You are swinging a club not forcing a club. Good stuff.


Without a doubt the best detailed explanation of an effortless golf swing and the myths of other presentations out there in golf


Absolute gold again Shawn, don’t know why this popped up in my feed now but glad it did. Starting with the follow through to begin the backswing is unbelievably good. It totally relaxes the arms and shoulders so you can make a full backswing and feels effortlessly easy and smooth. Went to the range tonight with this thought in my head and struck the ball really well. It felt easy and normally I’m knackered after 100 balls but could have hit another hundred. I saw this video when it was posted but I seem to forget this and slip into bad habits. Love your videos man. 👌🏻👌🏻


Sean, thank you! This video has helped me to rediscover my natural swing. Flowing now, not controlling. Thank you so much!


Best golf instructor on YouTube bar none. Would love to see some mid handicap swing fixes or playing lessons out on the course. Actually any on course content would be good. Would be interested to hear how you approach different shots etc.


This is the first video I have seen from you. I’ve never heard anyone explain the swing as a double pendulum, that makes so much sense! I really liked the way you explained everything throughout this video. I will be trying this tomorrow and will also be subscribing!!


Hey Shawn, another awesome video…even though I am now using the Moe Norman swing method, I still find all your videos incredibly helpful. You are definitely, in my opinion, the best golf instructor out there, Bar


Wonderful Shawn..This year I am going to visualise that patient swing of yours every time I swing a club, I need that up and down look that you demonstrate over and over again.
Masterful and efficient power. Thanks again


Needed this! Thanks Shawn. Warmer today, hit some into the net with that reminder of throwing the club through the net to target. Always remember Fred Astaire swinging and dancing through the ball multiple times. Will be rewinding this lesson a lot. Cheers.


I get the best results imagining I'm making a full golf swing with my whole body. The key is feeling relaxed from shoulders to feet and particularly feeling powerless arms. I used to think I needed to anchor my feet and lower body and use the ground to swing the shoulders in the backswing and hips in the downswing. But I found that was restrictive and caused body tension that slowed me down and limited the swing arc. Your instructions and demonstrations confirm that.


It’s as if you’re giving me a private lesson for my back swing issues. Thank you Sir I will work on this
