The Police Think You're The Criminal At The Scene (Now What?)

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00:00 Intro: What happens if police mistake you for a criminal at the scene of a self-defense incident?
00:47 Responding officers usually have little — sometimes inaccurate — information prior to arrival.
01:49 How not to get shot by police.
02:49 Make no statements without first talking to your lawyer.
03:42 What if you get handcuffed?

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Terrifying that you have to think like this in order to keep yourself safe. Lawyer up folks! You may not realize you are giving them evidence to be used against you. Never assume that the police will have good intentions 👿




Kevin is a cop, the advice he gives is from a cop perspective, what he would like a self-defender to do when he rolls up on the scene to make it safe and easy for him.
We need to hear from self-defenders who survived the legal system how they did it.


Cool points for scurrying. It's a cool word.


Here, it depends which police shows up.


Asked to be taken to the hospital, collect everything that happened concisely and discuss with your attorney while being check out at the hospital, adrenaline and blood pressure along with anxiety can take a toll.


Dont let one ask questions while another is giving directives as you will get comfused and could make a grave mistake. If in that situation follow directives and say nothing till they calm down


"I don't answer questions without my lawyer present. I do not consent to any searches or seizures of my property. If I am under arrest I will not resist."


Hell they always treat me like a criminal


Good advice. I remember breathing pretty hard when I called 911. I gave them the vehicle license plate number first thing, and then I told them what happened. They collected my weapon that I used on the one guy. Good advice not to be flashing a gun when they pull up.


I imagine that I would reholster my gun under my shirt before the cops arrive. Why would anyone set it down? Seems a lot better to tell the cops I have a CCW permit and that my gun is in the holster. What am I missing?


Police always think you're the criminal in every moment of contact.


After you call 911 reboot your phone so you can call USCCA or your attorney. Calling 911 puts a 5 minute lock on your smartphone and rebooting clears it.


Sadly, many police in the US don't handle high stress situations/"gun" calls well. In all cases: (1) Try to avoid being shot by the arriving police (many panic easily, scream and mag dump). It gets a little easier if the attacker fled the scene or is obviously dead then you can disarm early. If the person who attacked you is laying there bleeding but not unconscious or dead you'll have to balance disarming yourself too soon (allowing your attacker to possibly try again) vs. getting killed by the responding officers before they have any clue what is happening. The arrival of police on scene is a serious threat to your safety and you need to treat it as such. Have a well thought out plan BEFORE you ever have to defend yourself. (2) Have a second plan for what you will do when 5 cops all start screaming conflicting instructions at the same time while not listening to each other. They're not supposed to do that but we've had people shot and killed for obeying the closest or clearest officer and the others interpreting that as "non-compliance" with their orders. Once one shoots the rest all mag-dump in sympathetic fire. (3) If you survive the police's arrival, tell them who the bad guy is and point out their weapon/other evidence if it isn't immediately obvious. This won't be like CSI:Wherever with a team of specialists spending days or weeks painstakingly reconstructing the scene in minute detail. Cops/evidence techs only collect what they think will be useful and frequently miss critical evidence especially if it is not in plain view or its significance is not obvious to them. In many cases evidence techs only collect items that the detective has told them he needs to prove his "theory of the crime" (which may be that you are a murderer). Lots of possible evidence will NOT be collected and that may include what you need to prove your innocence. (4) Then shut up and invoke your rights to remain silent and to have an attorney. Preferably call your attorney while the cops are on the way if you can do so safely. Stay silent no matter what. You MAY get a good, professional team of officers, CSI's, and prosecutors but the horror stories these days are too common to ignore. Protect yourself or the police & legal system may make you regret surviving the original attack on your life.

Realize that they can put you in an interrogation room and keep at you for up to 72 hours without arraignment. They can deny you food, water, or bathroom breaks in an effort to get you to "confess" to something you didn't do. They can drop you into a cell with an abusive cell mate and if he can physically intimidate you into talking they can then use what he says you said as a "reliable information" from a "jailhouse informant" (who then gets a reward for testifying to what they told him they wanted to find out from you). They can allow you to "overhear" an "innocent" conversation between two cops about locking you up in a cell with the inmate they call "peppermint stick" (obliquely suggesting you're going to get raped if you don't talk) or other nonsense games. If they can push you hard enough without actually asking a question, the court will allow anything they get you to say as an "admission against interest" even though you invoked your right to remain silent and asked for an attorney. Treat the situation as being the prisoner of a hostile 3rd world regime that isn't going to obey the rules. There are some great videos on YT about police interrogation processes and various stratagems they use to "get around" your rights. Watch a few videos and have a plan to protect yourself. They want to "clear" the case. Too often, whether the person they send to prison is actually guilty comes second. Again, hopefully you get some of the "good" officers/prosecutors, but you can't assume it.

BTW, They DON'T have to let you see your attorney as soon as he arrives at the station. If cops or the DA decide you are the guilty one the deck will be very stacked against you to prove your innocence. Yes, I know "innocent until proven guilty" but that's not how it actually works. Just look at the bodega worker who was sent to prison for nearly 2 weeks by the Manhattan DA for defending himself even though there was clear video of it being self-defense. The DA said he didn't even look at the video (or the evidence of the bodega worker's injuries) before deciding to indict and hold in prison on remand (no opportunity to bail himself out pending trial). It was a clear attempt to extort a confession from an innocent man. It was only public outcry and repeated playing of the video on TV that forced the DA to actually look at the evidence and release him.


“Follow all the instructions . . .” Ask Daniel Shaver how that works out.


In Massachusetts if you put your gun down before police ask for it you will be charged with an "unsecured weapon" and then the court revokes your LTC.


What if I can afford an attorney and why would I need one if I'm not under arrest


The magic and only word to say to any law enforcement "lawyer"


You should ALWAYS assume the police think you are the criminal and behave accordingly.


Need to go to hospital is third thing.
