3 Ways To Deal With The Know It All at Work

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Hi there everyone, and thanks for joining m today. One of the most frustrating types of people to deal with in the workplace is the know-it-all. Whether it is a coworker, whether it’s a subordinate, whether it’s a superior, it’s just frustrating not having your thoughts considered and dealing with somebody who feels like they have the answer for everything. So today I wanted to go over three techniques that I recommend and three things that I recommend for dealing with the know-it-all in your workplace. But what I’d really love to know is how you deal with the know-it-all in work as well. I have three techniques, but that may not encompass all of them, but let me know what you think in the comments section below this video and how you deal with a know-it-all. Together maybe we can come up with a solution for all of us. So the three things that I want to discuss today, the first one is you want to pick your battles. It is a long game of perseverance with a know-it-all. You don’t turn that behavior around overnight. So you need to know that you’re in this for the long haul and you’re going to have to pick those times to address that issue when you are in the best place to do so. So when they’ve brought up something and it differs from your expertise, when you have facts, when you have studies, when you have experiences that refute what it is that they’re saying. Those are the times when you might want to challenge their position. Other times it’s just not worth it. You’re going to wear yourself down, you’re going to get even more frustrated, and eventually and you end up losing those battles half the time anyways. Pick the times where you’re going to win. That’s the first thing to do. The second thing that you want to do is you want to ask them probing questions. You want to teach them that they need to have their facts ready in regards to their opinion when they bring it up to you. So, little non=defensive creating questions like, “Oh, that’s interesting, where did you hear that?” or “What experiences do you have using that, how did that work out the last time you tried that?” Those sorts of things where it’s not going to put them on the defensive, but it lets them know that they need to have backup for their opinions. They can’t just spout out whatever they want to. That you’re going to ask them those questions, and if they don’t have the correct answers, it’s going to get uncomfortable for them. So, pick your battles, ask them probing questions, and the third thing is that you want to lead by example. Make sure that you, when you give your opinions or thoughts on things that you are open to other people’s ideas. Don’t necessarily say, “Hey, I don’t know, what do you guys think?” Lead with, “I’m looking for other options, I think we should do this. What do you think we should do?” That sort of thing, where you open up to somebody else’s opinion. You state yours. You have your thought process behind it, but you open up a dialogue. And it’s opening up that dialogue that really conquers a know-it-all, because then it becomes a two-way conversation. But those are my three things; pick your battles, ask probing questions, and then lead by example and show them the way out. But I would love to know how you deal with know-it-alls at work, so go ahead and drop down into the comments if you have a moment and let us know. Thanks so much everyone, have a great one.
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I'm here for ideas. My coworker constantly complains about how overwhelmed she is and simultaneously tries to take over my projects 🙄


I had one of these a holes talk to me today and the stuff he was saying to me was so stupid and arrogant. The narcissist will always attempt to lessen and de-value you in some way because they hate themselves. This guy was 31 and I’m 47 not that age matters but he could not help mentioning my age several times during our mostly one sided conversation. After listening to all his bs I dropped a bomb on his ego and told him that yes I’m older than you but when you are my age you probably won’t have a 2 million dollar trust fund. He shut up mostly after that. I would not have ever brought that information into the discussion but he kept telling me about all the plans I’ll have by the time I’m your age and so on. I had enough and told him that most men your age by the time they get to my age will still have to work their asses off until 70 😂😂😂


If it's a coworker on your level it's best to ignore them and don't talk to them if they ask why your ignoring them tell them there's no point us talking you know everything already so conversation is pointless


I've just been putting up with this new guy for 2 weeks I swear I suppress for a bit but when I snap I'll kick the shit out of him but I know i can't cuz I'll loose my job so I have to find a better way


Ignore them, and if they're conversational, put up boundaries, do say "I know. I do that but thanks."


Great tips to make these types of conversations productive. Easy to follow (and hopefully implement!).


Sometimes it's just not worth the effort. That one person that dominates a meeting, etc.


questions... polite questions that challenge.


Very clear tips….love the idea of asking questions and modeling humility and openness to other people’s info and ideas. I think that this behavior is eroding my self-esteem as the know it alls in my life are constantly countering my opinions, research, or viewpoints. I have just been listening, but want to adopt new tactics.


I loved the asking probing questions tip n leading by example. Thankyou so much for this video!


Your videos are actually quite good!. Why do you have so little views?.


Thank you for the tips; they were very helpful! I especially liked tip #3. The only thing I would add is to try to have compassion for the know-it-all. Often, the know-it-all has developed this bad behavior as a strategy to survive bullying at home or at school. It is easier to deal with the know-it-all if you keep that in mind. As annoying as they are, know-it-alls are really crying out for love and recognition.


Thanks! Too bad the Know-it-all at my work hates me only as well (not just my work ethic but personal reasons that don’t have anything to do with me). Always tries to boss me around just because of her color code (employees who have been there for 60 days or less wear orange scrubs, while everyone else wears blue).


great video =) i am curenty working on a game i started developing with my brother and 2 friends, 1 of the friend is a know it all, i dont like it one bit that he takes controle over the way i run things in my game and takes leadership over my work, when asking for opinion he use hes know it all talent to get away with it like" i will take controle over this and this becose i have developed games before, the response from me was: ohh cool, what game was that? i actualy did this and the response was a comfusing explenasion about he youtube channel. it all just reflects back at him when he need to have a solid back up for hes word. but for now the battle is won but the war is not. thanks for great advice. if you want my criteria look at 03:12 and ask you`re self is that a real smile? if you want my advice try smiling without showing teath, that way the smile would look more natrual. ;) keep up the good work (y) "subing"


My coworker is a know-it-all, but that person doesn't really know much. That person overtakes meeting conversation and always use up most of the time. Worse of all, the manager believes that person.


I can't because she'd scream she's always on the phone. As she's checking out her emails


I just move out of the way and enjoy the show, 9 times out of 10 they end up embarrassing themselves.


I shut down until I can’t then I explode😩


I just constantly demonstrate how wrong they are when they talk about things I do know a lot about. And after some point I completely disregard the person, but in the beginning I do find it annoying


My premise is that you're placing the patient at Great risk you're placing the medical record and information that the patient at Great risk because you would never trained for what you did it doesn't matter like I told her that you did it right the doctor said you did the right thing and another thing she does she runs up to the doctor and tries to get the doctor to validate that she did it right and to validate that that everything was fine for her doing something from the three doctors I let her out front and I I made my point in the three doctors came up to me and its greatness that you are absolutely right to make your point in saying what she did all those she gave the medications right they said she was never trying to do it she wasn't trying to do the calculations you also got to calculate the med after you give the patient the medication she wasn't calculate do that you didn't know the variables you have to use he has never been she's never done it I've been doing it 30 years she's never done it and yes she has nerv to sit there and argue with me because she thinks she's right and I told her she started to cry and everything I told her you should not have done it and I told her I didn't care she was crying I didn't care she was upset you shouldn't have done it as you realize with great risk you could place the patient in what is wrong with you
