What to Do When God Feels Distant

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 542
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Whoever may be Reading this, please pray for me.


This feeling just happened to me. I really want to crying, because I’m only desire is to do Gods will, but I can’t feel him😥. However; for him I will stay strong, and cry out to him. ✝️🙏🏾


Another important thing having to do with this video is the fact that you should be involved in a church. I felt the same and then a pastor told me, "Become a member of a church, get involved, pour yourself into the church, and allow them to pour into you." It has benefited me spiritually beyond my ability to describe.


My prayer was answered to God be the Glory, the Lord always restores his sheep.


Psalms 55:1
Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication.


I'm feeling this way too! Oh Lord help me.


I’ve been through this … for almost a year it was awful … it must be one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through. But when God did bring me through it was amazing, and it increased my faith dramatically . It’s SOOO hard, but the growth in the spiritual and some meat on your faith if you like .


Psalm 27
Psalm 6
Psalm 40

What do i do when God feels distant?
- Take courage and wait on the Lord.

How long do i wait?
- it might take forever. Keep trusting that He's working in your life. Keep going back to His Word.


thank you. im in the darkest part of my life now. i feel God is silent as of right now. even if i am involved in a church since i was a kid, received Christ, have wonderful Godly people around me, mentors who love my soul, people who remind me God is faithful. there will always be a hole that i feel God isn't there. i thank you for reminding me to be strong in the Lord, seek Him because He is doing something amazing that He does not want you to yet know.
for now i am crying and in despair. no one can comfort my soul but i wrap myself around what God told me in the past, that He loves me and that He is not forsaking me. that He has not left my side but is carrying me and making footprints in the sand so that when i look back I truly will be joyful without any doubt and sorrow.
thank you for this encouragement that it happens to God's people.


The phenomena discussed here is known own as the 'Dark night of the Soul' and has been experienced by many Saints, including Mother Theresa. Sometimes Gods hiding Himself for a while from us is a form of discipline, if we have grieved his father's heart with repeated sin. Paradoxically, this drawing away from God can be a means of drawing near to Him. We must learn to know God even in His silence.


Thank you Pastor John. I’m in this season now and this is a true blessing, I know God led me here to hear this when I don’t hear Him or understand what is going on around and inside me.


DEEP!!! 💜 So much love for my family in Christ . 🙌


Whenever I have breakthroughs I always pay for John Piper and thank God and ask that He bless John for his kind and gentle soul. John stands by at the door for the lowly souls. He waits extra long for the slowest straggler. I always consider this noble because many do not out of fear that they will begin to pity themselves or compromise glory for pity pride. But that is not an easy risk to take, it's a battle of lowliness which doesn't have the same sparks and trumpets of bold and loud faith. (Not that John doesn't from time to time).


So tired of this exercise/existence. It's as if I'm invisible. In truth I hope it ends soon. the sadness doesn't go away.


iLoveJESUS! Gods' Not dead HE's TRULY! May God Bless you all and bring you all Closer to HIM! what a Wonderful Prayer! Thank you In JESUS Mighty Holy Holy Holy Name Amen and Amen! May God bless you all and Never Stop Desiring Christ.


This is so timely.. thank you pastor John


I've been dealing with severe depression and illness due to my desisyon that i'm dating with unbeliever and i really felt distant with God


I was on fire for the Lord, I had an upcoming operation which I thought I was mentally/spirituality ready. It went badly, it's been a month today. I feel abandoned. I know God sees me (El ROI) I need to push my prayers through that brass ceiling but the devil is whispering some ugly stuff. I want to preserver pray and study if I feel comfy or not. This is rough. My name is Dez if able please pray. I have a 5yo and he's watching we drift away.


It's amazing how much can happen in just 24 hours! Last night I qued up this video because I was feeling distant from God, and have been for some time, but I never got around to watching it till now. But something happened in this last day that made me feel comfort in God's presence again. The only thing I've done differently I guess was that for the last 11 days, I chose to fast from video games because of a video I saw of someone doing an 11-day fast, so I thought, hmm maybe I'll do this with video games. The fast ended today so I woke up and got on a game, but then I remembered I hadn't done my bible reading, so I paused the game and read my bible as well as watched the church sermon online that I missed yesterday. I think all of this combined probably contributed to me feeling comfort again, likely sacrificing something I enjoy so I could put God first. For a while, I've been really stressing about not feeling God and worried about my salvation, but as of right now, I don't feel far from God anymore. I pray this lasts, and I pray that anyone else who was feeling far from God keeps seeking Him, and maybe if you feel God calling you to fast from something you enjoy, maybe you'll have success with that as well.


I recently lost someone very important to me. And can’t help but feel like everything bad that could possibly happen is happening. I have constant fear of evil and I guess you could say hell. I pray out for god every day and I just don’t know if things are getting better. But I will continue. Thank you for the video 🙏
