Could tiny black holes cause earthquakes? - Ask a Spaceman!

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What kind of crazy physics made primordial black holes? What does that have to do with the LIGO observations of merging black holes? How can we possibly detect them? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman!

Keep those questions about space, science, astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology coming to #AskASpaceman for COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF TIME AND SPACE! Music by Jason Grady and Nick Bain.
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Awesome video, I love your enthusiasm and I find you pretty easy to follow. Thank you!


This is stunning how astrophysicists can come up with ideas to look for things. I think this has been one of your best videos yet Paul.


Great video, but a bit confused. Where do earthquakes come in?


Surely you're aware of David Brin's 1990 novel "Earth". Control of a man-made micro-black hole is lost and it sinks to the core and the protagonists have to figure out how to remove it. Simulatneously they discover a micro-black hole, possibly a primordial type, is also trapped in the core and the two are orbiting each other.


This is so awesome. Thank you. I’m always fascinated by the creation of elements and matter.


Primordial BH evaporation could be used as the perfect standard candle right? They should all evaporate in exactly the same way, same speed etc...


I think if BHs formed before the CMB, they would absorb the matter and energy nearby and grow quickly. So, they should all be too big to evaporate by now. And maybe they formed some of the early super massive BHs in galaxies. Doubt it, but the universe is a crazy place!


Two questions: At the very instance of creation could the universe have been hot enough to have converted spacetime into matter but cooled too quickly for all of spacetime to have been converted leaving a small amount of matter and huge amount of spacetime?

How long would it take radiation or light at the very instant of creation to cool to microwaves known as the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation known today?  Does that number match the current age of the universe?


I guess it would have to mean if there are any they'd have to be massive enough to be radiating less than the CMB.


If you believe in a type of multiverse. What do you think holds universes together if there's no gravity like we know it outside the universe?


Don't know about tiny black holes, but what about gravitational waves?


Discovery channel - how the universe works Q- how did you get involved and are you still involved?


I am puzzled by the fact the black hole event horizon shrinks when it emits Hoking radiation.
The reason I'm puzzled is that whether or not the black hole mass changes shouldn't matter if the mass is under the event horizon.
If the mass is under the event horizon it can't effect the black hole anymore, it effects it once when it enters the black hole but after that its own gravitational influence can't escape the black hole, gravity isn't faster then light.
So why would the black hole shrink when its internal mass does?


Interesting video, but the title is click bait. You don't even mention the Earth, more or less earthquakes. You owe us an answer. Also, how big is the explosion of an evaporating black hole? How far away could we see a single one explode? If it happened on Earth, would it leave a crater or would it turn Earth into a new asteroid belt?


long time subscriber gone.. too many ads... good bye..
