Can you beat the Warcraft 3: Undead Campaign without losing a unit?

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Is it a challenge run, or secretly a review of Warcraft 3: Reforged?

I stream six days per week on Twitch, mainly playing Strategy games, doing Challenge runs and Speedruns.

Deathless Warcraft 3 is very different compared to SC2. The slower kill speed means that I can split my attention more easily, but enemy heroes are on par with the hardest starcraft enemies, and the game's janky pathing combined with larger unit sizes can trap and doom units.

All-in-all I know that Warcraft 3 ramps up considerably in difficulty from here, with Frozen Throne being absolutely insane! Reforged adds it's own dose of wacky buggieness to the mix as well.

0:00 - Skit
0:17 - Intro
0:45 - Trudging Through the Ashes
2:02 - Digging Up the Dad
3:57 - Into the Eternal Realm
5:09 - Key of the Three Moons
6:30 - The Fall of Silvermoon
8:56 - Blackrock and Roll, too!
10:55 - The Siege of Dalaran
13:28 - Under the Burning Sky
16:58 - Thanks for Watching!
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That moment in alliance HQ when they realised they failed to kill a single one of the undead, and basically acted as a resource for Arthas instead by giving him free bodies


Mission failed, all your units died before they were even put on the field...


The horse was his first horse "Invincible" which died in a snowstorm after it broke its leg when Arthas was young.

One of the first things he does after toppling Lordaeron basically is to resurrect his cute little pony.


"at least one guy on the reforged team really did care" by far the nicest thing I've ever heard someone say about w3:reforged


I always liked how all out the human AI gets in the last mission. I mean, they are basically throwing everything at you in one last hurrah trying to stop the world getting destroyed, it just makes sense how they would commit everything at the very last second, even the peasants


The moment I heard the words 'super unique, ' I lost it. Well played, good sir.


I love how your runs turn Arthas from a man driven into genocidal madness by the burden of his responsibilities into a selfless, altruistic and reasonable man so absurdly talented as a battlefield leader that he didn't even comprehend the concept of a "deathless" run, because nobody ever died under his command before.

This Arthas becomes undead not because he was corrupted, but because the only way he could get better at "protecting" people was to retroactively undo the deaths of people who already died.


"My liege, the undead are raising more soldiers faster than we kill them"
"No fucking shit footman, have you tried, I dunno, killing them?"


10:52 "I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45' s, one with cheese, and a large soda."


1:03 Here is a small lore dump on that horse. It's called invincible, it was a horse he got as a small boy that grew up beside him but in an unfortunate accident Arthas and Invincible fell and invincible was Mortally wounded. Arthas put his old friend out of his misery and after Arthas kills his father he goes to invincibles grave and resurrects him.
Edit: His name certainly fits with the challenge.


So if the undead campaign involved a few resurrections, does this mean we ended up with negative deaths?


"I don't know where he found this horse."
Bro gave up nearly his whole humanity for this horse...


"Arthas never bothered learning how to ressurect the Undead because his soldiers never died."

Well said xD


The undead campaign in Reforged really hurt me to play, there's so many signs of the intent to actually do something with the remake which just makes the reality of how underdeveloped it is sting all the more.


I actually like how they remake the defend Kel’thuzad. Really shows how desperate the defenders are.


7:30 - The whole reason Sylvanas is sending runners is BECAUSE she is trying to alert Silvermoon that Arthas is invading. Sylvanas and her army are basically scouts and the past three missions were her trying to stop you but when she failed she is desperately trying to warn Silvermoon that Arthas' army is coming. If a runner reaches Silvermoon and they are alerted, the mission ends.


3:33 level 3 holy light icon is a big mood


Sylvannas is one of those niche characters that don't have importance after Warcraft 3



The 'this mission is super unique, there are four-' never fails to get me


Grant calling 'into the eternal realm' boring but it's like my favourite mission. The trick is to play it like a child, go full roleplay with it, build unnecessary bases, really lean into that 'slow creeping doom' element, unnecessarily spread blight around, overchop wood, be a literal horror movie villain towards the elves.

Not uh.... not super applicable to deathless though.
