Can you Beat Warcraft 2 Using Only Elves?

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Been a while since I tried a challenge run. I thought about singular units but ships and dragons pose problems so decided to tap into the world of Quel'Thelas! Elves are frail, cheap but can shoot up and sail so lets try beating War2 With only Elves.

0:00 Intro
05:46 Level 1-3
06:46 Level 4
07:04 Level 5
07:49 Level 6 and 7
10:39 Level 8
12:29 Level 9 and 10
13:37 Level 11 and 12
15:50 Level 13
16:54 ToD Finale 14
20:39 Level 1 Exp
23:45 Level 2 Exp
25:11 Level 3 Exp
26:36 Level 4 Exp
27:20 Level 5 Exp
28:18 Level 6 Exp
29:20 Level 7 Exp
31:13 Level 8 Exp
32:41 Level 9 Exp
33:57 Level 10 Exp
35:46 Level 11 Exp
38:19 BtDP Finale 12
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In the lore, elves are trolls who were transformed from being close to the Well of Eternity. All elves from from troll descent in Warcraft


Nice job! I love how even though we both took on very similar challenges, the fact we interpreted the rules slightly differently actually changed a ton about how our runs played out, especially at the start of the missions. I focused on not giving commands to non archers, while you focused on not dealing damage with non archers, which was a surprisingly even tradeoff. Sometimes you could use human bodies to destroy a base early that I couldn't possibly have hoped to take out, while I was able to better defend early attacks since I just wasn't worrying about whether a unit would accidentally swing. You got paladin healing while I got to attack with peasants.

I love how you beat level 11, not just with only Alleria, but also deathless! You also did some starts in tides that I just passed over, assuming they were impossible. I attempted Grim Batol with only archers and peasants, but couldn't do it. Your strategy for Tyr's hand was absolutely brilliant, and I'm kicking myself for not thinking of going around the side to fight that cannon tower in Alterac. I just glossed over Tides in my run, but I should have spent some more time on it, because apparently there were some interesting strategies there after all that I didn't think of!


Many elves died in this video.Which is good, but more could die too


lore nerd here, the ballistas are an elven unit.


36:00 It was the other way around. The Elves are a species of Trolloid who were changed by the Well of Eternity. This however does mean that unfortunately for Elves Only(ish)*, Not all Trolls are Elves, even if all Elves are Trolls. Considering Elves and their typical way of acting in fantasy, it is a surprisingly fitting taxonomy for them. Good News, if you ever decide to do an All Trolls Run, any time you get access to Elves, they are entirely valid to use! The Bad News? That's a big fat No Times as the Horde.

*Which is not to be confused with Only Fish, which is clearly the name of a random Naga Brothel. :P....Which BTW Since Naga are Elves mutated by N'Zoth, that means Nagas are ALSO Trolls. Which is fitting considering the total BS that is their entire faction roster in Frozen Throne.



Only with all the upgrades will they be dealing slightly more dps than footmen and knights....only against buildings that is.

I think they are really meant as defenders behind a wall. Way to underpowered.

Nice video. I love these kind of challenges.


Guard towers make sense to me with your head canon.


I love these challenges and how you play! You actually made me buy that game and now I do see why it's good despite being old. Thanks for that and great content, looking forward to seeing more!


Nice video, one thing I've wondered about is whether you could have some kind of RTS that did with fantasy what Empire Earth did with history.
So you could start out with elves, orks, humans etc. in a more primordial state, then evolve to medieval fantasy, then Renaissance fantasy, then industrial fantasy, then modern fantasy and then combine fantasy and sci-fi at the end.


Okay ... the AI reacting like this on the first Beyond the Dark Portal mission .. that´s actually insane o.o


Great Video Admiral.
I had no doubts about you making this one work. As far as me and my brother are concerned, You beat Deathwing with only elven units (ships in this case) and the nest would have gone down next if there was a path. It's not your fault that the game cut you off from that building.
Anyone of us who watch you consider that: it is fair to bend the rules if there is absolutly no way to beat the level or chalange otherwise. Considering that you did everything in your might to use Elven units only, I say you have completed the chalange perfectly.


Hey man! Just wanted to say it's nice to see your channel grow. I like your style and content, it feels very personal und neatly explained. All the best and I am eager to see how you will branch out 😊


That was pretty cool. I am more of a dwarf fan myself when it comes to the Alliance but the elves are pretty cool as well.


Really cool to see someone do the kind of stuff I always wanted to do when I played this years ago. Thanks for the awesome content!


9:52 calling them "whole" is a bit of an overstatement


Archer design in WC2 is so wild. Cheapest unit in the game, weakest by a long shot, insanely expensive upgrade path gets them to merely mediocre support units... hard-counter the ultimate unit in the game.


I had no idea that those rebellious Alterac peasants from the eighth mission are NOT allied with the orcs! Who would have thought!


Can't wait to see elven only orc campaign!


Love this format. You should try it in Warcrat 3 as well, given there is much more unity diversity.


It's a shame redwings13400 did "archers only" before you, but watching this was still a blast
