Major Life Changes!

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I've been really hesitant to share some parts of my journey with you guys, but today I'm ditching the fear of judgement and just putting it all out there. I'm pretty sure y'all might think I'm crazy, but it is what it is! Stick with me til the end of this one...I promise you won't regret it! 😉

If you are struggling with feeling like you are not good enough, you're not pretty enough, you aren't successful enough, this video is for YOU! You are missing out on a ton of happiness and the best parts of life. I'm sharing with you how to build confidence and change your life for the better. There is so much more joy in life, and I want you all to experience it! Let's change the way we live our lives, change the struggles we find ourselves in with other people, and move towards where we want to be!

If I can do it, you can too. Join me, and let's live our best lives RIGHT NOW! 💪🏼💕💃🏼

Journey of Changing My Life:

I love to connect with you guys!
📷INSTAGRAM: KatiePie07



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Girl I so get it. I'm a huge control freak too. I've had to learn to just let them be and know I can't control them. It is something I constantly work on too. I know also when things aren't right that my focus isn't where it should be. For me when my focus is on God first then everything else falls into place. (Just my personal opinion and what works for me).


Yes girl!! Couldn’t have said it better myself. I read this quote earlier today and it’s SO true:

“Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have”



Katie, just 6 words. YOU ROCK! YOU DO YOU GIRL! Thanks for sharing


You are not alone! I've been feeling this way a lot after I had my kiddos.
If you cannot Accept yourself...that is what makes you have these feelings. We need to look at ourselves in a positive manner. I am a work in progress.


You are not alone! Your feelings are valid as are Cullen’s. What’s most important here is that you are working on you. Pat yourself on the back! Great job on the video by the way 😉❤️


I totally get you! It’s almost like you care so deeply that little things can affect you in the biggest or weirdest ways! This happens a lot with the people closest to me! Your not alone!


I’ve paused it at 8.27 because I’ve had the realisation that this is me. This is exactly what I do and I always get so frustrated that I‘m this way. Thank you for speaking out about it.


Oh Katie, I feel like we are kindred spirits. I’m going through the exact same feelings. I’m working on being happy with myself again. It takes a toll on our relationships, with our health (mental & physical), and many other aspects of life when we aren’t. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your process with us. None of us are alone in the struggles in life.


You are not alone! I can’t tell you how many arguments my husband and I have gotten in over plans that I’ve made in my head but not communicated to him 🤦🏽‍♀️


I do not think you are crazy at all!!! I struggle with thoughts like these soooo much! I especially struggle when people that I love are hurting and feel like it’s my fault that they are hurting, and I can’t be happy if they aren’t happy. I so get what are saying! Thank you for posting this!


Girl you are talking to the depths of my are literally talling about my daily struggles!! You are not alone.


The random craziness that you are dealing with yourself I can totally relate to. Thank you for sharing and making me feel a little less crazy.


This makes so much sense! I have been there and sometimes still am there. It's nice to hear it put into words. I'm praying God continues to show you more and more about yourself. 💜


I needed this. I've been struggling the past couple of weeks of letting people's behavior affect my mood. I'm slowly changing that mindset


Thank you yet a gain Katie. You talking through these things has changed me. I know people throw that term around lightly, but you have literally changed my life. This is exactly what my brain has trying to figure out for years... YEARS. Thinking I was alone or 'crazy' as I've been told. This is amazing. Happiness is upon myself. Which is terrifying and liberating all at once. But my brain needs to be retrained to believe this and trust myself. Trust myself. This is my mantra.


I am amazed at how relatable the things you are talking about are! I find myself thinking wow I’m not the only one feeling or thinking this way. Please keep sharing!


I completely understand what you are talking about. Self reflection is so important for growth. When I get frustrated at something or someone I have learned that it's time to look at my own heart to find the reason and not blame others. Usually it's because the situation I am in is not lining up with my expectations and that in my mind my expectations are the correct and the best. When things don't follow my expectations then I get frustrated. It comes down to my own selfishness, pride, and desire to control the world around me. Finding the real root of your anger or frustration will help point you to where you need to change and improve.


You are not crazy! I can totally relate! Thank you so much for this! It's nice to feel like I'm not alone & it's a good reminder to stop & reflect on how to be better for yourself.


Thank you for not dancing around! I love these chats but sometimes its hard to piece together when you do that when I cant always relate. But when you open yourself up, im like "OH YEAH GIRL DEFINITElY!!!!"


And I thought I was the only one going through something like this. I have been going crazy! So thankful for these videos!
