JackonLux rechargeable LED bulbs: Backup Emergency light for power.💡 [146]

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Hey there,
In this video I take a look at Jackonlux backup LED light bulbs. A two pack can be purchased for Bout $18. These bulbs are good in the event of a power outage and can provide up to 90 minutes of light. Check out my full review right here.
#buyordeny #JackonLux #rechargeablebulb

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A friend just gave me a bulb & I'm totally impressed. I know it'll come in handy when the electric goes out.


You are the only one who ever explained what the extra piece with the hook on is for. My bulbs came with no instructions at all.
Thank you for your video


We live in North Carolina and can suffer through power outages from hurricanes occasionally and I think these would definitely be beneficial in emergency situations as a temporary lighting source, thanks for the review.


Just bought 2 of the bulbs. I love them. Put each in a light fixture. About 2 hours after I plugged it in, my power went out (perfect timing right). Wa la the new JacksonLux bulbs lit up. I ordered from Amazon and 2 little adapters.


As a electrician in Texas going threw blackouts, I’m buying several packs


You get extra credit for saying "it was not tied up with string" just as my brain was asking that musical question, making this video one of my favorite things.


Looks good to bring along for camping trips. Charge both up before you go and use for limited minutes on your trip.


Power went out last night and the Jackonlux was a life saver!!


Just got mine today got no directions glade I found you on YouTube


I love them! I'm buying more, thanks for the DEMO! Excellent, thank you.


I have these throughout my home. Not every bulb but about half of them is enough to light the house in a power outage. I've been doing alot of electrical Upgrades and when I turn off the breaker it's nice to know they work but also makes finishing the job super easy. I also have them on my porch light too and when the power went out once I had a neighbor come over and ask me if my power was out. I was the only light on the street that was on. So that's cool.


Wow hey Jeff thanks for this video. We just received our first order of these yesterday and I gotta say I'm impressed. These work exactly as advertised and that's nice because we dove in and bought an 8-bulb set from BrightLiving - 4 each of the Soft Whites and Daylights. Came with 4 of the plug squares and 8 of the screw caps. Took a bulb and the instructions to work to mess with and showed coworkers the lamp trick and the carry-around/hanging bulb. Probably sold a couple for the company last night, haha. They were as tripped as Wife and I were. LOL and like you, the lamp I had was a smaller one and the bulb rose glaringly over the shade, haha. Prolly best to get a big set like 8-10 to keep in one place as charged standby's for the ones being used in the lamp(s).
Again, thanks for the review.


Thank you so much for the review. I was thinking of buying it for my daughter’s bedroom but now it won’t be enough for her.


Hi, Jeff...This is actually a pretty cool product. Just the other night, my lights went out, and I just lit a few candles and used my laptop (with it battery) until the lights came back on about a half an hour later. These would be perfect for getting through what is usually just a brief power outage. I also like the fact that you can use them with your lamps, just as regular bulbs...Thanks for the review, my friend. By the way, FYI...Keep your old phone when you upgrade. You can keep the old phone charged and you always have a very bright flashlight when you need one, plus the light lasts for a good while on a full charge.


We bought another brand to carry with us camping in case we were unable to hook up to electricity. Works great! We recharge them in lamps in bedrooms at home.


I'm late to the party but I have a similar bulb with a backup. They are amazing. They have a switch on the side instead of the little adapters. I use them in several overhead lights. Bath room, hallway living room. So if power goes out still have some lights through the house. No problem with them turning back on when I switch them off as some people have complained about.


I watched this video last week and ordered my pair right away from Amazon. Love them and the 'fun' factor is great. Really got the kids. BTW they came with two plug things.


Jeff you don't need the plug if you're keeping the lamp in the same location, it will work plugged into the wall socket as long as there's no power. It's so you can can "trick" a lamp into thinking it's plugged in so you can take it to another room like the bathroom or kitchen and set it on any surface even if there's no outlet nearby.


I got 2 of the plug things when I got mine from Amazon yesterday, I am going to use them in my shed


I have theses, there great. My power goes off four to five times a year. I keep them handy. You do have to charge them every couple of months.
