Phone Calls from the Dead

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We have previously explored reports concerning the spirits of those who have passed on, but this week, we will be examining a phenomenon which is even more bewildering. Instances in which friends and relatives have received what should have otherwise been an impossible phone call from the dead.

Check out these other channels and videos!
Phone Calls From The Dead | Documentary
Scary Phone Calls Received from the Dead
8 Creepy Unexplainable Phone Calls

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This is where I come forward with my story. My son aged 20 passed away on April 15th last year (my birthday) in a motorcycle accident. Later that day I was using my phone to watch some old bedtime stories videos on YouTube (a strange kind of coping mechanism I know). I put my phone down on the arm of the chair and stood up and looked down (although it wasn't a phone call I had I still think it was my son trying to contact me in some way). The screen started to scroll down on it's own and at a frantic pace and stopped at the James Dean video about his death from road accident in his car 'little bastard' on this channel. I looked at my girlfriend, she'd seen it too so I wasn't imagining it. 10 minutes later his picture fell off the sideboard on to the floor. She was spooked but I kind of felt easy about him coming to see me. If by some strange way you see this Christopher, I think of you every day. I love you son. Dad.


My mother called me after she passed away. I know without a doubt it was her. The ringing of the phone was clear as a bell when it woke me up. When I answered hello, I heard her voice on the line. She called me by a nickname she gave me when I was a little boy. I haven’t heard that nickname in more than 30 years. I was overcome with emotions, equal parts sadness and joy. I know she is waiting on the other side with my father. I look forward to being with them again. That thought brings me peace.


At an extremely stressful time in my life after a sudden job loss I worked at a bank call center to try to support my wife and family. It was low-paying but it was a desperate time. One evening a call came in with no information populating the screen. The man on the phone didn't seem to have an issue to address.
While I was looking for a way to get his info, he just spoke of how "There are times in life when things look so hopeless but we come out the other end and all is okay after all. You have to stay focused on the things that really matter, not the big house and new cars."
The more I heard, the more I thought the man sounded just like my brother who had died 4 years earlier. Same voice. At the end of the call he said, "Well, I should be going. Take care, Johnny!" Nobody but my parents and siblings ever called me "Johnny". I hadn't given the man my name because at that job we only used operator ID numbers.
At the end of the call I went unavailable for a few minutes to gather myself. Yes, I admit it, I was in some level of shock. I tried everything I could to get the number that call had come from, but there just wasn't anything there.
This experience has stayed with me for many years, and it was not just my imagination, but I was under an enormous amount of stress at that time.
Yes, everything worked out fine in the end with a new job.


Several years ago an old babysitter that used to watch my sister and I lived alone. One afternoon she had a stroke and passed out on the floor of her home. She was completely unable to call for help or move at all. She also had no life alert necklace or anything like that.

Somehow a call was made to 911 from her home, and I think a voice said “help” before hanging up. This strange call got paramedics to her in time, saving her life and much of her physical ability. She is still alive and in her late 90s, and she says the caller was her guardian angel.

I’m more agnostic myself, but I believe her.


I have a story like this. My husband and I were at his grandma's house one night. His grandpa had recently died, and his great aunt was visiting from out of state. His grandma needed breathing meds but wasn't taking them, and my husband kept trying to get her to. Eventually she started coughing and wheezing. So his great aunt said, "you better take your meds now, or your husband is going to call and yell at you." Right at that moment, the great aunt's phone started ringing in the other room. It was a track phone she only used when traveling, so no one had the number. Also, it was 8 at night which was 10 where she lived - too late for telemarketers. They didn't get to the phone in time, but when they saw the missed call, it was a restricted number. His grandma quickly ran to take her meds after that!


I find it funny that you can't escape telemarketers phone calls even when you're already dead.


Now this was something my family experienced back then. After my Aunt passed away while still pregnant with her twins, her husband and my Grandma received a call from her number but when they answer it the call cuts off. In the midnight my Aunt's phone will ring througout for few minutes then turn off. It all stopped when we visited her grave, offered prayers and told her that she don't need to be worried because we'll be ok. She can take a rest now. It was a sad moment for our family but I hope she's in a better place now.


My late brother called his fiancé on their anniversary. It only happened the one time, but she still feels his presence around their home. Even has some unexplainable photographs.


My father in law told me of a story. About 35 years ago, he was working a security shift in Glasgow and at exactly 5 minutes past 9 at night, he recieved a message on his radio. He answered it and there was a womans voice saying "I'm not ready, I'm not ready, god have mercy on me!"

Perplexed he asked her to repeat it but he recieved no answer. When he went home at about 3 am. His wife told him that her mother had just past away that night. He asked what time she said 5 minutes past 9 exactly.

He is still shaken by that.


My dead friend called me exactly one year after he died. I still had him programmed in my phone. His number was still tied to his old phone. My phone rang and it was his name. I knew his phone was dead in a box in my garage. I answered and could make out a disembodied voice saying I’m sorry I love y’all. He killed himself a year earlier. I ran to the garage and found the box with his memorabilia. The phone was not only dead but we didn’t even have a charger for that older style phone. I have no doubt it was Jason Wayne Bennett RIP turtle
PS his number was not yet given to another person’s phone. He was on a large account and his aunt had kept the bill up so jays old phone was still active. Just dead in a box full of other stuff in my garage. That phone was dead


I remember my Aunt received a phone call from an elderly neighbor, who just wanted to tell her how much she appreciated all the love and caring she had shown her over the years. My aunt had just taken some cookies out of the oven before answering the phone. Seeing that the cookies were now cool and feeling that the elderly neighbor was needing some company she headed down the street, cookies in hand. As she approached the neighbors house there was an ambulance and a deputy sheriffs car. She explained to the deputy that she was a friend of the neighbor and that she had just spoken to her on the phone. She asked if the elderly woman was ok. She said the Deputy just looked at her funny and said, Mam, this woman has been dead for hours. Apparently, another neighbor had seen the elderly woman sitting in a chair in her backyard earlier in the day and had called the Sheriff's Office (Pre-911 days) because she didn't look right. She called again about an hour later to say she was not responding to questions if she was ok, and that's when the deputy was sent, shortly followed by an ambulance. My aunt was a very spiritual woman and took for what it was and said she was glad she got the call.


I remember 2 similar instances: First, my uncle passed in 1996 and my mom was heartbroken over the loss of her big brother. She kept saying she wanted to talk to him one more time. After the funeral, our phone rang and she picked. After a few seconds she dropped the phone and started shaking. I picked it up and heard nothing but static. She said her brother was on the other line and said "Hey lil sis."
A few years later, my dad had the landline phone cut off because the bill was high due to the fact of having 3 teenage boys. We had gotten use to having no phone and one Friday night it rang. My middle brother was excited about the phone being cut back on and grabbed the phone first. We all listened as a woman said "When your father gets home, tell him to go to the hospital. His sister Ollie just passed." After that, the phone went dead. My dad came home about 15 minutes later and my mom told him what happened. He reassured us that he didn't have the phone cut on. He went to the neighbors house and used their phone. He came back and told us we had to go to the hospital because Ollie did pass away. Because we didn't have a phone, no family member could reach out to us. My pops took it pretty hard because he doesn't believe in the paranormal.


My wife worked at a healthcare call center, and they have the call I'm about to relate recorded.
She spoke to an elderly woman who while on the phone had a nasty fall.
A little girl's voice came on, and when she asked for the woman again, the girl only said "I'm here to help."
The woman came back on shortly and said sorry, and it was a really close call.
When asked she was a bit confused - because she stated that she lives alone.
Her and her coworkers played and replayed the phone call for each other - everyone skeptical hears it and then agrees it was something otherworldly.


"Although she had not been expecting a call, her first instinct was to answer it." The the days of wall phones, *EVERYONE'S* first instinct was to answer it when it rang!


I had a weird phone call years ago that I still wonder about. It was the mid-80s and I was home from college for the summer. The phone rang, I answered it and I noticed immediately that the line was crackling with static. The female voice (presumably an operator) asked me if I would accept a collect call. I asked from whom and before the operator could answer, an older lady came on the line and in an excited sounding voice, asked "Is that Michael?" I didn't recognize her voice, but I was startled that she knew my name and I asked "Who is this?" In response, the older lady just started babbling incoherent words and the call ended abruptly, almost like it faded out rather than being disconnected. One of the strangest things I've ever personally experienced.


My choir teacher in high school had a similar experience. He got a phone call in the middle of the night of an old family friend in another state, asking him in a worried and hushed voice to call the police for help, before hanging up. When he called back, the family friend picked up and said everything was fine, and that she hadn't called just now. Needless to say, my choir teacher was spooked.


Had a similiar experince as a teenager, my dad died in belgrade duing US bombing one night in late 2009 i got a weird phone call when i was out with some friends, it was around 2.30 am and i didn't know the caller, i picked up after looking at the caller ID and thought that's weird no one ever calls me, when i picked up i was hearing a man in pain or someone begging for help. the weird thing is the voice sounded familair yet distorted somehow like it was under water or the signal was cutting off, i told my mom and others but the call delelted his ID after i tried calling back after he hang up. i wanna say i lived in Serbia, and phone calls like that did not happen as in the US no one used voice changers or anything like that. most bizarre thing i have experinced ever. it was raining and thunder as well on the night i will never forget that 40 second phone call.


I'm surprised you guys didn't mention the case of the man who died in a train wreck but then made dozens of calls to family up until the time when responders discovered his body, but they never found his phone.

The channel Barely Sociable covered it.


My brother died and that night got a call from him. He mumbled a lot in real life so when I heard him talk all I could make out was the mumbling and a “I love you” at the end


My father died when I was six. My mother told me growing up that she once had a dream that felt very real and was the two talking and getting a final chance to say goodbye. Growing up, I thought it was probably just a dream induced by a grieving mind, but I always wondered if it might be something more. My paternal grandmother stepped up and became the second parent my father should have been. Just a few years ago, she passed away and I was devastated. A couple weeks later, I had a dream that would be seared into my mind forever. It was me and my grandmother; we didn't talk, there were no tears, but there was this powerful sensation of peace and tranquility. Obviously, the loss still hurts, but that dream was the turning point for my grief. Now looking at it with hindsight, what are the odds that both I and my mother received powerful dreams of lost ones, having one last chance to say goodbye, and finding healing in them? I am a skeptic in most things, but these two dreams really make me wonder.
