14 Sneaky Ways People Are Disrespecting You

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Have you ever felt disrespected but couldn’t quite pinpoint how?

To help you paint a clearer picture of your situation, we reveal a few common, but sneaky ways that people might be disrespecting you, often without you even realizing it. From subtle disrespectful behavior to more overt signs of disrespect, we explore how negative and toxic people can undermine your self-worth and well-being.

We delve into the different ways people can be disrespectful and provide practical advice on how to handle these situations. Learn how to deal with rude people and manage difficult relationships with confidence by maintaining your boundaries and self-respect. Whether you're dealing with disrespectful people in your personal life or professional environment, this video offers essential life skills for navigating and addressing disrespectful behavior effectively.

#lifelessons #toxic

Writer: Lightoflights
Editor: Michal Mitchell
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Amy Arendolff
Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong

FRIENDLY DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this video is for general informational purposes only. It is based on research as well as personal experiences so it may not be applicable to every individual or situation. The video does not constitute professional advice and readers are encouraged to seek appropriate guidance and exercise discretion whenever needed.


Рекомендации по теме

Hii! Love you phsy2go 💚

1 - Endless delays
2 - Backhanded compliments
3 - Silent treatment
4 - Toxic teasing
5 - Phone distractions
6 - Dissmising your input
7 - Subtle manipulation
8 - Talking over you
9 - Credit theft
10 - Broken promises
11 - Passion Mockery
12 - Gaslighting
13 - Gossip & secret betrayal
14 - Belittled achievement


0:20 endless delays (keeps you waiting for no reason, doesn’t value your time)
0:36 backhanded compliments (sounds like a compliment but also drags you down)
0:53 silent treatment (suddenly stop talking to you or ignore you)
1:21 toxic teasing (mocks you and says it’s a joke)
1:39 phone distractions (always on their phone when you talk)
2:00 dismissing your input (they don’t consider your opinions and ideas)
2:26 subtle manipulation (guilt trips you, tries to push your boundaries)
2:47 talking over you (interrupts you while you’re speaking)
3:01 credit theft (takes credit for you ideas without permission)
3:17 broken promises (doesn’t keep their word and lets you down often)
3:33 passion mockery (makes fun of what you love)
3:46 gaslighting (twists the truth, makes you take blame for what they did)
4:07 gossip and secret betrayal (talks about you behind your back, spreads rumours about you)
4:24 belittled achievements (makes your efforts seem insignificant)


If I'm being disrespected, I'm just walking away. I don't have the time or patience to try to get people to understand me.


Been through this with multiple people. The older I get, the fewer people I keep around.


One time when walking with my "friends", I stopped for a while to fix my shoelace, after looking up, they were now gone. They couldn't be bothered to wait for me.


Something to add to broken promises:
In my experience, some people may also break them not out of disrespect but because they think they can do a lot more than what they actually can. They may promise to do X thing because they really think they're capable, but then fail because they didn't consider how much X thing would cost them, or whether they'd even like doing X thing. Being honest with yourself about what you can and can't do from the start could prevent you from being the one to break promises :)


Some of these are side affects of adhd like: not being able to focus on a conversation, accidentally interrupting, being on the phone too much, talking over people those things. Never intentional disrespect, I personally put high value on being a respectful person. I just can’t focus when I get excited.


0:19 Endless delays
0:36 Backhanded compliments
0:54 Silent treatment
1:21 Toxic teasing
1:39 Phone distraction
2:00 Dismissing your input
2:26 Subtle manipulation
2:48 Talking over you
3:00 Credit theft
3:16 Broken promises
3:32 Passion mockery
3:46 Gaslighting
4:04 Gossip and secret betrayal
4:24 Belittled achievements


The world is full of such people. In my field, I even met people that always have something bad to say about my work as if nothing I do is enough. I hate people that have unrealistic expectations.


This video released today just after I did a massive unfollowing of individuals whose interactions on social media contributed to my negative feelings. Seeing this video confirms that I did what I was suppose to do even if letting go of people has its difficulties!


i didnt realize in my own behaviors that i do go silent and shut people out so this really opened my eyes for sure.


Because of my ADHD, I’ve been labeled disrespectful and insensitive. I am low functioning and on the extreme end of the spectrum as I struggle with having interactions with people as I get distracted very easily and my mind drifts away hence I’m unable to stay focused on the conversation. People notice my eyes are completely off in a different universe and when I’m asked a question, I have no idea what they talked about. It feels like my brain is always on a different wavelength as my attention issues make it seem like I don’t care, even though I do.


This just showed me how much I disrespect people.

And I'm proud of myself...


First one is the reason why I gave up on meeting new people. I'm disabled and sometimes I feel sick on the last minute and have to cancel, making me unreliable. After a few tries I feelt so guilty, it's not worth trying anymore.


My parents do like half these I already hated them enough but...


“It was just a joke”
Was it funny, because jokes are meant to be funny not disrespecting


Anger is a complex and multifaceted emotion that often involves sadness. If someone is angry with me and disrespects me, it may indicate that the person feels sad about something related to me. It's crucial for us not to disrespect those who express anger. Clear communication, empathy, and understanding can help resolve conflicts and build friendships. Anger can also involve jealousy, which is often rooted in insecurity. For example, if someone is jealous of my success, it may be because they lack confidence in their own abilities and feel insecure about themselves. They might believe they are not talented enough to succeed. The same type of jealousy can occur in romantic relationships.


I just realized that those compliments are insults thanks bro


I watched this video because a really close friend to me recently called me toxic and said I mistreated her. With this I ended up finding more signs from her than from me 💀
What's crazy is that she was secretly trying to get a way from me and never communicated about how she felt, so now she makes it sound like it was all my fault when I had no idea.


Ive always had the tendency to let disrespect slide to the point where they don’t even hide it behind subtlety anymore. Although it can cut deep at times, I learned that there are people in this world that you aren’t meant to be liked by.
