Flirting For Introverts: 3 Authentic Ways To Get Him Interested (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
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I post new dating advice for women every Sunday.
You may have told yourself 100 times you’re ready to finally meet someone. Maybe you even read a few dating tips and decided to go try them out.
But then, you see that cute guy you like at work, in your social circle, or at a party.
You want to flirt. You want to get him to notice you. Then at the crucial moment, you shrink.
“H--hey”, you say, trying to play it cool.
You make small talk. Chit-chat about everyday stuff, but nothing that ever amounts to flirting.
And you realize: I can’t do this. I’m too much of an introvert.
If you’ve ever used this excuse before, then get ready. Because I have 3 techniques today that are going to change your dating life forever.
You’re an introvert? Guess what, so am I. Now you’ll find out why that can be your greatest superpower...
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