10 Things Elegant People NEVER Do

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I've had dinner parties ruined by guests who wanted to "help" and ended up taking over my kitchen to prepare their special dish. I don't like people in my kitchen when I'm preparing a meal--talking to me, getting in my way, wanting to "help, " telling me how to do things, cleaning up for me, etc. So definitely, no means no.


1. They are never rude or snarky.
2. They never push the plate away from them.
3. If there is a coat room, they don’t bring their coat with them and sit it on their chair.
4. They don’t go to the bathroom before dessert, and they don’t announce it—they just say “Excuse me”.
5. They don’t speak loudly on the phone in public.
6. They don’t stare at people, they glance discreetly.
7. They don’t chew gum in public.
8. For men: Don’t show your sole to the person you’re with when you’re sitting down.
9. Don’t over-explain why you aren’t attending an event.
10. Don’t carry a large handbag when you go out at night.


So I would like to add something… Many people think it is ok to eliminate your filter because you are a senior citizen. As a 68 year old lady, I would like to implore other elders to always maintain your manners. It is NEVER ok to behave badly. I love your videos Anna! Elegance is about good manners and our society seems to have lost manners. Keep up your wonderful work!


As a 64 yr old woman who is often cold I think of the years I was cold to look good. Now I don’t care if I’m not elegant. My wrap will remain on the back of my chair so I can put it on if needed. And after 32 years of digestive issues, if I must go to the bathroom mid-meal, so be it. Much better than the alternative.
Mostly, though, I feel this list is about respecting others. Always good advice. ❤


Helping clean up after a meal is EXPECTED and a sign of respect in South Mississippi USA. That’s all I know.


I think talking loudly on the phone in public places is the worst. A quick quiet conversational may be necessary occasionally but there are limits. Love all of these reminders. 💚


I don’t see anything wrong with draping your coat on the back of your seat. Besides, most establishments don’t have a “cloakroom” for hanging coats! Also, I would not be comfortable hanging my coat with other random people’s coats due to crossover smells & the slim possibility my coat might get taken by someone


I appreciate the kitchen tip! I always used to feel guilty for saying "no thank you" to help. My reason was that accepting help was more stressful for me, because I am not comfortable managing or delegating to others. This makes me feel more comfortable about refusing.


After placing an order and before food is served is a very appropriate time to go to the restroom and wash one hands. There is a strong possibility that bread will be served in a common basket, as well as the passing of appetizers, therefore any hands which will come in contact should be cleansed after handling menus which are contaminants.


I have to say that I love love love that you’re not afraid or too “above” showing your past mistakes and using yourself as an example. It’s so bold, it’s so human and lovely, you should be very proud of yourself because in a world of so many filters and hiding all flaws, you are refreshingly honest and by consequence trustworthy to listen to! I take my hat off 💕


If you need the restroom for whatever reason (ie: wash hands before a meal, clear a runny noise or void your bladder) I think it is perfectly acceptable to do so. As a mother of two adult children (who were very large babies) my bladder doesn’t always cooperate with my plans or wishes, so I always need frequent trips to the nearest restroom and this is not something I can postpone until a more opportune time.


Dear Anna, David Beckham, in my humble opinion is not an elegant man. Just because he’s a celebrity doesn’t make him elegant, as most would think. This is where I believe the public has to rethink who they idolize and why. It’s time to step up our own game of celeb and elegance! And that’s where you are helping us. Thanks for your hard work! 🙏❤️


The Queen is a great example of elegance. There are a number of people who frequently make an etiquette faux pas with her. Rather than act snobby or correct them, she handles it graciously.


Point # 2 had me LOL...
Our Family would find you incredibly rude if you "didn't" automatically get up and help clean up after dinner, especially when they've just prepared you a meal.
That is definitely a culturally diverse topic, I believe.


Anna, I have been watching your channel for a couple of weeks. I consider myself to be fashionable and take care with my appearance and manners. I have made a few small changes since watching you, namely I have started to focus on dressing well at home, not just when we go out or I am going to work or shopping. My husband literally just texted me “You looked so elegant and beautiful today.” I thought that you would enjoy that as well. So, thank you. I appreciate your advice. It is nice to see a woman who behaves like a lady. That is how we are raising our daughter, and we expect our sons to be able to take care of their (future) ladies.


As a former customer service rep, one of the most annoying things was when people where having very private conversations in front of me like I wasn't a person. They would talk about custody, court cases, very personal matters. Hi. I can hear you.


Dear Anna, please, make more etiquette videos! Looks matter but at the end of the day it’s our manners what people mention and remember the most about us!


I always excuse myself after ordering my meal to wash my hands after handling the menu, which isn’t clean after being handled by so many people. I don’t announce where I’m going but would not want to eat without washing my hands. I honestly never heard this was improper but I doubt I will stop this practice. I am aware that if you get up from the dining table you are supposed to place your napkin on your chair, which I don’t do because I don’t care to wipe my mouth with a napkin that has been on a chair seat people sit on. As always, enjoying your content.


This is why I love Anna...she's not afraid to be open about her life lessons. This is what makes her authentic.


I literally watched a man complain today in Neiman Marcus about the ladies at the beauty counter talking loud and being vulgar and it took away from his shopping experience. So I agree there’s a time and a place for everything etiquette is some thing that definitely needs to continuously be stressed. Thank you for this video
