System Engineer Vs. System Architect

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System Engineers and System Architects work on different scales, and have different responsibilities. Much like in construction where an architect doesn't need to know how to hang dry wall to design a building that uses it.
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At my job a System Architect is a Principal Systems Engineer and a Systems Engineer is Systems Engineer I/II.


Architect: I want to build this masterpiece I saw in my dreams!"

Engineer: *reads drawings* "You know we can't build a 3 story house on a foundation of glass, right?"

Architect: "JUST DO IT! Make the thingie work!"


Well I'm definitely trying to do both but Architect is definitely what I want to do.


Interesting video but I think his starting definition (which is the premise for the whole video) is flawed or at best incomplete. A system engineer is an engineer who analyzes/manages/develops the overall life cycle of a project/project/system. The speaker is right that it is a matter of scale and when you get to systems-of-systems, then the realm of 'architect' overlaps. But the overall "system thinking" is the same.

Since everyone defaults to just looking it up in wikipedia - here you go:
System Engineering - Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design and manage complex systems over their life cycles. At its core, systems engineering utilizes systems thinking principles to organize this body of knowledge. Issues such as requirements engineering, reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams, testing and evaluation, maintainability and many other disciplines necessary for successful system development, design, implementation, and ultimate decommission become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, control engineering, software engineering, electrical engineering, cybernetics, organizational studies, civil engineering and project management. Systems engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole.


@alexanderjurjens In in the job space there are some big differences. You talked about Diagrams, which are a big part of being a Systems Architect, but as an Engineer diagrams are less a part of the role. The Architect makes the PRD that the Engineer implements. That isn't to say an engineer won't create PRD's too, but on a smaller scale.


And know you know cause knowledge is power!


I have done a course about Systems Engineering and a course about Software Architecture on a university master level. I can assure you that there aren't a lot of differences between the two courses. The only notable difference between them is the kind of system your designing and the tools you use for that. For example, with Software Architecture you create UML diagrams and with Systems Engineering you create IDEF0 diagrams. All the other stuff (Requirements, Analysis, etc) was the same.


If you follow this description all the way through, architect always gets more recognition and leadership. The engineer is basically a nobody and assumed to be replaceable. This is my experience in industry.


This actually answered some questions that I had. Thanks. I got another one though - Which one do you think is harder and which one would you think is better for marketability?


@noizyme Yes but I still can't seem to recharge flash lights with my spare knowledge.


Sounds like nonsense to me. I am a System Engr soon to be a Sys Architect. It's merely a title-semantics. I wore mucho hats in my career. It essentially boils down to your experience and whether you can sell yourself so you can be recognized as a contributing member to your organization. There's value in all members. Just gotta have a leader who's cognizant of everyone's value and contribution. Enough said.


Great video. Can you talk about how to become an architect? Required technical skills and trainings? Thanks,


whats the best qualifications to get for both of these


@PaulMrThe What the Frak are you talking about? I'm not a beritone, but I'm definitely not high pitched.


if you are in real world an idea is made by the Architect there for all the way it should work is placed out... how far the wall should be were the bathrooms should be and so forth and the Engineer/Engineers figer out how they work.. if the wall will bare the wight of the floor above and if there is a path that the water can flow to the bottom of the building to get to the sewers so if you swope who is doing what it dos work but this isnt the same in programing fyi lol


How is systems architect not a systems engineer, don't they both work with a system of systems? The Software engineer is the one who works with the building blocks. I'm confused, is the architect the one who is responsible for the system of systems, the systems engineer is responsible for a system and software engineer responsible for the building blocks of the system? systems engineer is the one who puts components together to make the system, solicits input from users and software engineers, and are systems thinkers
