The END of Tower of Fantasy.. ?

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Neverness to Everness might just be the "Tower of Fantasy killer" that nobody expected.
Just a guy that finds funny stuff online.
Thumbnail Sauce: Official trailer

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Do YOU still play Tower of Fantasy?
Are YOU excited for Neverness to Everness?


Who unironically play ZZZ ?
TOF area 1 is the only bad area. Its cool to skip it. The other areas are just much better.
Dude, I play TOF and dropped my 3 Genshin accounts like rocks and never looked back.
We exist, you just ignore us because TOF slept with you gf or something and you have a hard on against it.


tof is an mmo nte is a single player bro yall js keep doomposting lmao tof is fun af rn


It's a different game in a different world with a different feel about it and with the amount of fanservice they added into ToF right now I don't know. I just returned to ToF about 2 months ago and I really like it. So I don't care mucht about NtE now. I won't spend a fortune into ToF tho, here and there a bit, but nothing I wouldn't spend anyways in other games. I enjoy it as long as I have fun.
And guys just play what is fun for you, don't ask random ppl online whether or not you should play XYZ, just play what you enjoy. We live in great times, so many different games, games for everybody.


Tower of Fantasy maybe not the best game, but we have to be aware of something that ToF does offer a new thing to the genre a really unique and advantage or merits if you say, first the Freedom that you have in the game, you can use whatever weapon you want with whatever character you like, not many games do that 😉 and not only that you can create your own character with one of the best character customization I ever seen in a gacha game, does gangshin impact have that dose wuthering wave have that no I don't think so, it doesn't mean that wuthering wave is bad or anything, just simply making ToF offer something new on the table, and also genshin impact and wuthering wave is not the best games not perfect, you do criticize them in some of your videos right, does that make them bad games or dead no, but when you criticize Tower fantasy oh no now the game is too bad and dead now also no. note ( also I like your video sticks you are my number one go to for news about gacha games )


I don't know, man. I heard from those who still play, ToF in the beginning, ToF now, ToF global and the original dev, are a completely different things. Also people who complained about ToF are mostly those who already quit/quit early. NTE dev is most likely the original dev who already have a lot experience from ToF, so I won't speculate by comparing it to whatever about ToF that is circulated in the internet. At least for now.


The changes Tower made got me back into the game lol. I will keep playing it for as long as it is out. I also intend to try out NTE when it drops.


TOF is amazing right now. If it came out the way it is now. It would be one of the best right now.


There's elements of truth here. I think it also depends on profit, at the end of the day we don't really have concrete info about profits, revenue in contrast to expenditure of most of these games. However if you look at WOW, RuneScape etc, multiple successful versions of the game initially built for nostalgia but brought in many new people. So in theory older versions of games can be successful if lead in the right direction. IMO in the case of TOF once the 'experiments' are over they likely will eos.


I don't think being an mmo was the reason ToF died, there are a few mmo games that are actually more populated than genshin, hsr or wuwa, I would mention other things that contributed to its decline like insane powercreep between banners in just a few months and lack of content to do in the game, I quit the game not so long ago and I was a whale in ToF and for me what was the point to keep spending a lot of money to max weapons and matrixes every month if the game has barely any content to flex and have fun on? To me the biggest mistake ToF ever did was trying to appeal to the genshin audiance instead of following its own path as an mmo.


at the end of the day it is still in the decision of the players if they gonna still play TOF or not, for now Im gonna still play TOF until NTE release


can't wait to see what Hotta will show us on Tokyo Game Show


@Stixxy I would tell the Tower of Fantasy devs to please please *DELETE* all the old 1.0 Aesperia world map and redo 1.0 main story for new players. The old 1.0 world map is still where all new players start off at and gives the first impression that Tower of Fantasy still looks like a cheap cheap game in the early closed beta phase being made by as few as 50 people in a dev team. Remove all that old crappy content that all new players are forced to go through before they reach the cyberpunk *Mirroria City* .


i play NTE, i still play TOF, i will deleted wuwa n genshin btw bcs the old RPG no mount or vehicle


Mf, this joker is still at it. I take a break from TOF everything return 5 months later 1st vid I see is this shit. TOF isn't gonna die only thing that will kill this game is EoS. If it's lasted for this long it's not dying.


I am excited for neverness to everness and currently I am playing punishing gray raven


Imagine retaining their TOF character accounts to import its current character to NTE is what they should be just like Phantasy Star Online 2 below:
PSO2NGS = NTE but can cross compatible with its main character back and forth game versions.


Damn Hotta even said we are getter the full 10 years of support ToF because they are managing their money well and its Hotta's first game, they NEED ToF around to test things, what works and what doesn't. Then yall love to forget there is a Playstation version with it's playerbase, something WuWa dont have yet and console player counts are normally bigger when a PC/mobile player count is low.

Anyway, ToF gameplay is where the fun is, still has the most fun traversing out there, and weapons get cooler every time


In my personal experience, as someone who’s phone os and system mem is taking up a third of the storage; ToF, and the rest are just way too big, storage wise, for me to get back into. Although with the price of a new phone, I’d rather just get a laptop and use it.


Just like PSO2 with the announcement of PSO2 NGS, it killed PSO2
