🔥Top 10 Strongest Tower Of God Characters🔥#anime #manga #manhwa #whoisstrongest #towerofgod

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🔥Top 10 Strongest Tower Of God Characters🔥#anime #manga #manhwa #whoisstrongest #towerofgod
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I love Animes where the MC is by far not the strongest in the verse but they write them so well that they are still op af😂


If we're talking about actual combat prowess, the irregulars clearly destroy everyone else. Adori & Enne shouldn't even be here


Eurasia and Adori are nothing compared to Gustang and Ha Yurin, it's the difference between a regular and irregular.
They are above the rank in the tower bc the ranking system doest depends only on power.


a jahad princess can't be compared to an irregular, even less to a family head dude


I wonder what's enryu like..he completely destroyed a floor and it's administrator..


This list should only be comprised of irregulars. Gustang said it himself, they are whales in a little fish tank. It doesn't matter how strong the princesses are, they have to follow the rules of the fish tank, where the whale can just break the tank.


In fact, Ran was told by his sister Maschenny that only the regulars of the Ha and Arie families could compare to him, so this could give us a clue that Ha Yurin is perhaps as strong as Khun Eduan and Arie Hon, besides this It is known that the 10 leaders are irregulars so they do not need the pacts with the administrators to use the Shinsu, and this would end up restricting anyone who fights with them.
Possibly this top made by SIU is due to feats or the political power that person has.


phantaminum "never showing up in the series"
also him: "I'm fucking perfect"


Ngl, it's been almost 5 years since i read TOG but i somehow still recognize half of the characters here, goddamn it was a great manhwa indeed❤


the "RANKING" is based on a lot of factors, not just on pure power alone.

sometimes "influence" is also taken into consideration.

also, the top 10 mentioned are the official top 10 based on the WEBTOON and by SIU so yeah


Bro this is soooo wrong.
You're basing your ranking on the wiki. For your information, the Tower's ranking is based on power AND influence.
In this ranking, the ONLY reason why Adori is ahead of irregulars is because she is the leader of Zahard's army.

Because you can pick any irregulars (except Rachel and Baam for the moment) and I guarantee you that they can beat Adori without breaking a sweat.


Did you really put Andori and Eurasia above Gustang and Ha Yurin???? 😂😂


Any family head would kill entirety of zahard princess alone even withouth their immortality contract. 3 branch family head were afraid to lay a finger on gustang even with backup that too in their own base


Baek Ryun the founder of Wolhaiksong is number 9 according to SIU.


Khun Eduan is like the lost twin of Kyrgios Rodgraim from Omniscient reader's viewpoint


The top 2 are definitely Phantaminum and the outside god, with Enryu likely coming third, maybe tied with headon. Then all the other floor admins in the tower, however many floors that may be, but at least the remaining 133. As for spot 137, it is likely a tie between Urek, V and Jahad. In 140th place it would likely be Arlene Grace, with the 141st place being Arie Hon, followed by Khun Eduan in 142nd place and Ha Yurin in 143rd place.

The remaining would be difficult to place and you’d primarily need to go off context clues and theorizing, because they’re definitely the family heads, but which are the weakest is difficult to say as we haven’t seen all of them. It’s really guesswork, but Eurasia seems stronger than Gustang by his own admission and so far Gustang and Traumerei seem on par.

We recently saw Yeon Yirang in a flashback, but it didn’t really give us any perspective of her power compared to the others. As for Hendo Lok Bloodmadder, his family is fairly weak and he couldn’t get the immortality contract, so you could speculate it being due to his strenght or lack of it. As for Ari Han, we know of Ari being Related to Arie and Ha and one of the three lords coming from said family. For Tu Perie Tperie, a lot points to him being better at support as opposed to direct combat, so I suppose you could factor that into account. My personal list would go as follows:

1. ⁠Phantaminum
2. ⁠Outside God
3. ⁠Enryu
4. ⁠Headon
5-136. The other floor admins
137. V
138. Jahad
139. Urek Mazino
140. Arlene Grace
141. Arie Hon
142. Khun Eduan
143. Ha Yurin
144. ⁠Ari Han
145. ⁠Eurassia Blossom
146. ⁠Yeon Yirang
147. ⁠Po Bidau Gustang
148. ⁠Lo Po Bia Traumerei
149. ⁠Hendo Lok Bloodmatter
150. ⁠Tu Perie Tperie

Though that is bound to change as we get more info, since rn it’s mostly speculation. I’m especially unsure of the last 5 in the ranking and this is more of a power ranking in terms of combat potential, not really taking brains into consideration as that can have differing amounts of importance depending on the situation (which is Tu Perie Tperie and Gustang’s thing it seems). Arlene and Headon are also primarily guesswork based off vibes I’m getting.


Gustang defeates all zahard princess with mid diff


The only non-irregular I could see making it on this list is Baek-Ryun. The Jahad Princesses may be ranked higher than some family heads in the Towers rankings. But as we've learned, those rankings don't depend solely on power.

Evankhell is the best example of that. She was ranked number 60, but after she helped Bam escape the last station her rank dropped to (I can't remember clearly but) I think it was 100 or something because she opposed Jahads army in doing so. Adori is ranked this high partly because she is basically the highest authority of Jahads army (excluding Jahad himself). The two Jahad princesses on this list are powerful, no doubt, but they don't measure up to a family head in terms of pure power.


the head of the family is an immortal being who signs a contract with a administrator, so It is more correct to have a power ranking than Adori or Yurashia even if they inherit the powerful blood. Expecially Enryu kills the administrator so easier. and Pentaminum is a top tier Axiz user in the world of author XIu, which means his power is beyond compare to the Tower being.


All the great family leaders, urek, jahad, enryu, phantaminium. The top tiers of the verse without a doubt, Eurasia and Adori are in the top 20 but there's no way they breach top 10.
