MACE MELEE Weapon NERFED in Minecraft 1.21

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Mojang added a new weapon to Minecraft, it's called the Mace but sadly before it's fully released it's now been nerfed!


In the latest Minecraft 1.21 update, the powerful MACE melee weapon has been nerfed. Watch this video to discover all the changes that have been made to the MACE weapon and how it will affect your gameplay. Stay informed and adapt your strategies accordingly in the ever-evolving world of Minecraft. Remember to like and subscribe for more Minecraft update news and gameplay tips!
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Attacking gonna be like
Java: tap 234 tap 234
Bedrock: spam


I jut like how the mojang balances the game using combat
Like first the powerful mob like warden and to balance it here is a mace.


Even with the nerfs and buffs I don’t rlly see why we’re gonna use this in normal survival when swords exist


me while enchanted mace in snapshots and got an illegal item in my world


It's actually OKAY because who's like getting one hit at multiplayer world? I know some people is solo player, I'm a solo player too...


I knew Mojang will nerf the mace since it was to OP when introduce back then.


As much as I love maces in any game, these changes do seem fair, and I was way too OP before, so I still good with it


Honestly with the mace i belive that mojang screwd up. The most powerfull wepons in the game curently are the netheright sword and the trident yet you can eficiently farm them and the enchants you can put on them are able to make them indestructable, for instance a netheright sword can have mending, (that heals it with xp) unbraking 3 (wich increses the durability) and looting (which gives a chance for more mob drops)with just two of these enchants you can practicly have a wepon that is by any defanition indestructable,
And the trident is even more broken. Yet they decide to nerf the wepon with infinit damage capability, not only that they even nerfed god apples, they were allready expensive to craft as it is so there was no point in removing the recipy.
Tbh the mace may have been over powerd but nerfing its stats was the wrong move, they should have made it so that it was harder to obtain, instead of getting it in tryal chambers in pieces it should have been put in a chest that is locked and to unlock said chest you should need to kill 10 of every bos in the game and colected a bos fragment, when all boss fragments are asembled it froms a new bos that actualy drops the key or even part of it. The chest that has the mace in should only spawn three times in any world in a special structure. So that the world can only have a limited amount, so in pvp servers only three people can obtaine this item. If everyone has the wepon it takes the dificulty out of the game, it may be dificult to get but the reward should fit the chalange.


They should just add a mod menu where you can disable or do other cool stuff.
So if you don't like something you can just nerf it you're self or remove certain weapons or do other stuff.


Echo love your content and my opinion is that none of the nerfs on this weapon were necessary and I think it should be reverted back to how it was


It already sucked, its only item frame material in every world for me, now when the addons are a thing too...


I don't get it. This isn't the first time I've seen game developers make a game less fun. It's baffling.


Glad, honestly the mace was doomed to be problematic when the decided to not give the damage a max


Maybe we can make op again using command block!😎


Minecraft nerfed the mace so that they will not be forced to add a new boss mob... who can't be oneshotted easily😂😂😂


Welp there goes the new weapon no one ever gonna want new combat when you literally nerf not one but every stat on it an can't enchant more then one of the three enchants on it an there only ment for the one item we just got an it's already hard to land a hit from a 10 to 15 block but let's just keep making everything new bad so the old stuff never gets replaced for a sandbox game it as no room for creativity for it's items been 6 years since we got a weapon or a item that actually helps an we help ruin it with our feed back we gave. Combat needs a revamp as well as fixing balancing the items an weapons that we got all of this cuz people can't actually fight an wanna keep spam clicking bedrock combat mechanics are bland an boring an java players are just gonna keep us down so that nothing changes. Game was fun but without new structure it'll die an that's sad to happen an see slowly over the years


What happens if you use a Breach Density Book


it’s fine because I’ll never use it, just going to get one for my collection 🤷‍♀️


Idk why people hating on the mace yeah it’s different than the sword but its a different type of combat rather than just spamming right click with your sword its a good addition imo.


It is still OP and the core mechanic is still there
