Short Stories In Russian - Olly Richards [Teach Yourself]

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In this video, I give a short reading from the book: “Short Stories In Russian for Beginners” by Olly Richards.
This is part of a month-long event in collaboration with Olly and Teach Yourself, where we're promoting reading as one of the most effective ways to learn a new language.
There are other people giving readings this month, in lots of different languages, all across YouTube.
See the complete schedule here:
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Awesome Russian! Thanks for the support!


Так приятно слышать свой русский из уст иностранцев


I have the Russian Short Stories from 2018. I also have the Arabic, Danish, Swedish, and Icelandic versions (yes I really like the reading approach). I was wondering if some of the content has changed within the stories. I realize that names of people and places have changed to match the language, but one thing I noticed on the first page of the Russian book is there is an extra sentence about the parents and how they met. That part is not present in the other 4 books which are from 2020. I'm wondering if that is because of changes made to later additions.


Cool that you got an advance copy. It appears that it won’t be available in the US until mid-November. Having read this book do you like it enough to purchase the other languages in the series?


thanks for the review. I've just bought the book and also the corresponding audiobook. I've listened to the audiobook through (which was fun) and I'm now beginning to read the book. The big problem I have is that, just in the few pages I've read, I've already found quite a lot of mistakes in wordstress position, and on some occasions wordstress is missing altogether; my edition is apparently the same as yours (red cover, from 2018). E.g., I've started from the second story чудовище and already in the first page there are four erroneous wordstresses: при́езжают, ча́сов, со́всем, ходи́т. Just browsing a bit I've found more mistakes, so I suspect that the total number is perhaps one per page or ~200 mistakes in total. This is very bad and unfortunately marred my overall opinion of the book.


В нескольких словах неверное ударение, а так, прекрасно! Молодец!


Are the stories in Cyrillic or are they romanized.


So who translated the stories in Russian?
