110. 150 Most Used Russian Words in a Short Story | Learn Russian with Short Stories

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150 most used Russian Words in a Short Story. Learn Russian with short stories.

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You are the best Russian teacher on YouTube.


I love your slow pace of reading. That helps me commit pronunciations to memory. Many thanks for your tutorial.


Very helpful! Your Russian is very clear and slow enough for over 60 year olds trying to learn a new language Spasiba!


Hi, I’m glad you did it...it was nice to add the vocabulary review at the end!! Very nice...


Before I finish your video I would like to say .. thank you so much my beautiful teacher .. you making me love Russia language and culture and people ..


Nastya, many, many thanks for this outstanding video! I think there is no better way to teach a foreign language than to present the most commonly used words in a coherent context, as you do here. You are a brilliant teacher; that's why I'm one of your subscribers.


what a great way for teaching a new language, thank you Nastya, outstanding work




Congrats for your work!!!

Without a doubt your channel has the best content for learning the Russian language!

Спасибо 🇧🇷🤗👏👏👏👏👏🥇🏆


It is impossible to replicate or repeat your pronunciation Nastya, you are just too too sweet.


This so near perfect. To make it 100 percent perfect teach us the words and then the story. I mean it it !! I love this.


That was great! I will be watching this many times! This time, I listened with English subtitles, but I will listen with Russian subtitles next time!!


as always, I like your short story very much - it might help, to have the new words used in the story come first, then tell the story - this reinforces the new word right away


Wow. I really liked this one. A nice cleanly read short story with the word challenge at the end. Well presented!


كل التقدير لك استاتنا الراىءعه ،واتمنى الاستمرار على هكذ فيديوهات لانها فعلا مفيده ،التعلم من خلال القصص فكره جدا جيده ،و سته سعيده لك


This is the best way to learn language and vocabulary. You have done a wonderful job. Thanks a lot!


150 Most Used Russian Words in a Short Story
My Ivan{John}
Мои Иван
Moi Ivan

My best friend is Ivan!
Мои самый лучший друг -Иван !
Moi samyy luchshiy drug -Ivan !

-He is twenty-eight years old {28}.
Ему двадцать восемь лет {28} .
Yemu dvadtsat' vosem' let {28} .

-He lives in Russia in a big city called Moscow.
Он живёт в России в большом городе, который называется Москва .
On zhivot v Rossii v bol'shom gorode, kotoryy nazyvayetsya Moskva .

-There shouldn't be many best friends. He is so alone with me.
Лучших друзей не должно быть много . Он такой у меня один .
Luchshikh druzey ne dolzhno byt' mnogo . On takoy u menya odin .

-We can talk all day long about life, work, art.
Мы можем целый день говорит о жизни, работе, об исскустве .
My mozhem tselyy den' govorit o zhizni, rabote, ob isskustve .
-I can tell him everything, from beginning to end.
Ему можно сказать всё -от начала и до конца.
Yemu mozhno skazat' vso -ot nachala i do kontsa.

-We are talking about everything in the world. Sometimes I understand him without words.
Мы говорим обо всём на свете. Иногда Я понимаю его и без слов .
My govorim obo vsom na svete. Inogda YA ponimayu yego i bez slov .

-We never get bored . When they are together, time passes unnoticed.
Нам никогда не бы вает скучно . Когда те вместе, время проходит незометно .
Nam nikogda ne by vayet skuchno . Kogda te vmeste, vremya prokhodit nezometno .

-I can always call him or write a message.
Я всегда могу ему позвонить или написать сообщение .
YA fsegda mogu yemu pozvonit' ili napisat' soobshcheniye .

-Only now there is no time.
Только вот времени нет .
Tol'ko vot vremeni net .

-Ivan has a dog. Her name is Aiva. She understands everything, honestly!
У ивана есть собака. Её зовут Аива . Она всё понимает честное слово !
U ivana yest' sobaka. Yeyo zovut Aiva . Ona vso ponimayet chestnoye slovo !

-She also loves to walk and listen to music.
Ещё оне очень любит гулять и слушать музыку .
Yeshcho one ochen' lyubit gulyat' i slushat' muzyku .
Ivan sends me her photos every day. She is so beautiful.

-Everyday, Ivan sends me photos of her. She is so beautiful.
Иван каждый день присылает мне её фотографии . Она такая красивая.
Ivan kazhdyy den' prisylayet mne yeyo fotografii . Ona takaya krasivaya.

-I am very curious to see his city, the house in which he lives.
Мне очень любопытно увидеть его город, дом, в котором он живёт .
Mne ochen' lyubopytno uvidet' yego gorod, dom, v kotorom on zhivot .

-His house has two {2} rooms - a bedroom and a living room.
В его доме два{2} комнаты -спальня и гостиная .
V yevo dome dva{2} komnaty -spal'nya i gostinaya .

-He has a very small kitchen. He doesn't like cooking.
У него очень маленькая кухня . Ему не нравится готовить .
U nevo ochen' malen'kaya kukhnya . Yemu ne nravitsya gotovit' .

Every day he eats in a cafe or orders pizza.
Каждый день он ест в кафе или заказывает пиццу .
Kazhdyy den' on yest v kafe ili zakazyvayet pitstsu .

-Very soon I will go to Russia. I’m flying from London by plane. I will fly above the ground and think about who is waiting for me.
Очень скоро Я поеду в Россию . Я полецу из Лондона на самолёте . Я буду лететь над землёй и думать о том, кто меня ждёт .
Ochen' skoro YA poyedu v Rossiyu . YA poletsu iz Londona na samolote . YA budu letet' nad zemloy i dumat' o tom, kto menya zhdot .

-The same city is far beyond the clouds. Soon I will be in Moscow!
Там далеко за облаками тот самый город . Уже скоро Я буду в Москве !
Tam daleko za oblakami tot samyy gorod . Uzhe skoro YA budu v Moskve !

-We will walk around the city, visit museums and exhibitions.
Мы будем гулять по городу, ходить в музеи и на в выставки.
My budem gulyat' po gorodu, khodit' v muzei i na v vystavki.

-I really want to get to know his mother.
Я очень хочу познакомиться с его мамой .
YA ochen' khochu poznakomit'sya s yego mamoy .

-I will buy her a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a delicious cake. Mom Ivan loves tulips.
Я куплю ей красивый букет цветов и вкусный торт. Мама Ивана обожает тюльпаны .
YA kuplyu yey krasivyy buket tsvetov i vkusnyy tort. Mama Ivana obozhayet tyul'pany .

-His mom has a cat. His name is Timothy. He is very fat and
У его мамы есть кот. Его зовут Тимофей . Он очень толстый и ленивый .
U yevo mamy yest' kot. Yevo zovut Timofey . On ochen' tolstyy i lenivyy .

He sleeps on the couch all day.
Он целый день спит на диване.
On tselyy den' spit na divane.


This is a brilliant idea Nastya! It is much harder to memorize words alone, especially Russian. But in context it is much easier and also you get the grammar rules to recognize and practice. Combination with most used words is the icing on the cake! You are very smart Nastya. It would be great if you could make the dialog text available somehow to download.


What an incredible idea! I just loved this story to learn some words. Thank you very much, Nastya ❤️


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