What Really Happens When You 'Ghost' Someone?

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Ghosting is when someone suddenly and without explanation stops all communication with a person with whom they have a close relationship. What are the psychological consequences of ghosting? And why do people ghost others? In this video, I address both these questions and talk about some research we have conducted on it.

#psychology #ghosting #relationships

0:00 Intro: 16 Types of People?
1:16 Breadcrumbing and Ghosting
1:53 Ostracism
3:52 Cyberball
4:23 Four Human Needs
6:10 Ghosting and Loneliness
6:48 Katrina's Research on Ghosting
10:09 Avoiding Ghosting
10:29 My Experience
12:10 Summary

I received my Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. I joined the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland in Australia in 2007, where my research and teaching are focused on social neuroscience.


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Is there something I missed about ghosting in this video? Do you think ghosting is going to become more common? Have you been ghosted? So many questions!


Several years ago a very close friend ghosted me. I tried to reconnect with no result. One day I saw her walking down the street and I ran after her. I confronted her. She couldn't get away from me. She made excuses but nothing that was a clear explanation. Months later I ran into her husband. I asked him about it. He stated that one night the two of them were sharing a little pillow talk and the subject came up about who they would cheat with if they were going to cheat. Her husband named me. I was shocked. In the same breath he propositioned me. I walked away. Haven't seen either one of them since. As sad as the situation was, learning the truth gave me great piece of mind.


One of my Great Rules of Life is that if someoone doesn't value my friendship theirs is worth even less to me.


Anyone who ghosts you doesn’t belong in your life.


Ghosting can also be a way of controlling another person. No matter the purpose, it is very childish. There is a lack of accountability. Thanks for your great video and good luck finding a new best friend


Sorry to hear that happened to you- it’s a very painful experience for empathic people.


I had a friend who would never plan any meetups. I decided to see what would happen if I stopped reaching out to her. I never heard from her again.


Ghosting must be a paragraph in the criminal law.


I’ve been ghosted by a close friend & it recked me. I had many losses in my life & this was that one friend who was there for me since childhood. I just wanted closure. I knew she was going through her own hurts & issues but ending the friendship so insensitively broke my heart.

It’s better to let the other know by email, letter, text a call or in person conversation.


Ghosted by people who I thought were friends. Im very direct with people if I feel that someone is being disrespectful of me. Then boom!!! ghosted!!!! Blocked etc.... I just think people are fickle. They move on to ' the next best thing' and can't be accountable. Easier


Ghosting and Caspering after having a face to face relationship is performed by the gutless. I agree that being ghosted is awful.


Having been abandoned by the ghost er, he denied me to meet others, continued to ghost me, why? No one believed me the horrible residue of such ongoing Ghosting. Consequences. I have no support, lonely, OLD, woman.


I was ghosted after a 5 year relationship with no warning, just up and completely ghosted me. Did not even love me enough to communicate with me. but instead left me with heartbreak, despair, depression and pain. Blocked me on everything, but still watched my social media.


I actually got ghosted recently!. I had a friend for three years. We will talk on an off . Here an their throughout the years . This January we hit it off and she disappeared!. She told me she had an emergency and had to leave!. She never came back!. The Interesting part! The day before i got ghosted!. We had a wonderful date in super romantic!. What us amazing to me!. Is that i didn't want a relationship at first! She would say we make a perfect couple! She would say " i dont make it clear im really happy". Its reall hard at the moment!. Im hoping that shes is going to text or call, but i know she is not!. Its so messed up, because i would have been fine. I been wondering for close to a month. The very few last text message were a lie. She said im glad i make you happy because you deserve to be happy!. .She also texted me 10 days after she left saying that her phone broke and she doesn't know when shell be back, but she is glad im doing well!. I last saw her 1/24/24. Dam i miss her . Im more stress because i would love talking to her as a friend. Im fucking sad.


I was ghosted by my wife of 20+ years. She flew back to Australia while I was at work. With only a text that she said she was unhappy with her life. No discussion or a chance to work on the marriage. Just disappeared. We have 2 grown sons together that are currently in college. One in L.A. the other in Sydney, Australia.


Happend to me in 2023, reached out to person, and now its happening again being ghosted again, tired of it by now. Sorry friend we are done I guess. If they cant control me they ghosting me, really. ... how rude.


I ghosted someone because she was difficult to speak to.. i was constantly gaslighted.. and the constant mind f.. forced me to just walk away quietly...


Just happened to me after 9 years of friendship over a simple argument.


I am not sure whether I was gosthed or not as he provide me with some explanation when he broke up with me. We agreed upon 2 months no contact at that time, after that time, I have reached out 3 times in total but he never responded. Each message was very respectful, in last I asked whether he would be able to consider to allow me to say goodbye as I did not realised that over break up conversation was the last one. I considered him the closest friend. Regardless what people might think about the situation, I felt like a was ghosted. It is still so painful, especially that for whole of my childhood I suffeed social group exclusion and he knew about this aspect of my past.
I am in therapy since break up but no once heart that regardless what and how strong his reasons were, that was very cruel act. It is so hard to put myself together.


I've been ghosted numerous times. Family, jobs, relationships. It does seem like it's a normal thing to do. The last couple years I've learned that it's not ok. But the real issue is. Can other people learn the same? In my experience that answer is no. Or it's very rare.
