Insert and Update CSV data in postgresql, Clean & Transform Data using Pentaho Data Integration

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Insert and Update CSV data in postgresql, Clean & Transform Data using Pentaho Data Integration
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Hey hi, the content is too good, can you please upload some more videos on Pentaho, please🙏


Hello, sir! Thanks for useful video. I did all your steps, but i can not do it. Please, can you help me decide this problem.

Table output.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2020-09-07 05.09.05 by buildguy) : Unexpected batch update error committing the database connection.
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2020-09-07 05.09.05 by buildguy) :
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - Error updating batch
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO (Item_code, Item_name, Unit_of_measurement, "Good(Blue)", "Normal(Green)", "Bad(Yellow)", "Very bad(Red)") VALUES ( 1.0, 'SO2', 'ppm', 0.02, 0.05, 0.15, 1.0) was aborted: ОШИБКА: отношение не существует
Position: 13 Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 -
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at Source)
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - Caused by: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO (Item_code, Item_name, Unit_of_measurement, "Good(Blue)", "Normal(Green)", "Bad(Yellow)", "Very bad(Red)") VALUES ( 1.0, 'SO2', 'ppm', 0.02, 0.05, 0.15, 1.0) was aborted: ОШИБКА: отношение не существует
Position: 13 Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - ... 3 more
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - Caused by: ОШИБКА: отношение не существует
Position: 13
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - at
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - ... 5 more
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Table output.0 - Finished processing (I=0, O=0, R=6, W=0, U=0, E=1)
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - Spoon - The transformation has finished!!
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - demo - ERROR (version, build from 2020-09-07 05.09.05 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - demo - ERROR (version, build from 2020-09-07 05.09.05 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - demo - Transformation detected one or more steps with errors.
2021/07/17 16:42:14 - demo - Transformation is killing the other steps!


can i have your email id to write down quires .
