Anatomy tips that ACTUALLY work...

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After intensive studying for 3 months, here are some tips that will get you actual results! It's been helping me a lot!
Music used:

First Devlog:

My Sprite Tutorial Videos:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Outro Music: Break My Heart (Snippet) by Junior Beatz ♕ on SoundCloud
/ cntgw


My Insta for art stuff:

#selftaughtartist #artimprovement #study #art #artchannel #comicbookart #manga #artyoutuber #anatomy #learningart #artimprovement
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I hate drawing, everything about it. It makes me feel horrible when i sit there and work on something i dont like. But i really want to get better, thank you.


Having fun is a big motivator, for sure. I think understanding shapes and form go a long way in understanding anatomy faster, too and seeing your shape language and designs evolve is definitely proof of that.


>6mins short video
>concise and straight to the point

thank you for not being that kind of youtuber in this video.


I’m a teenager who has fallen in love with drawing more cartoony art, but to the part where it looks realistic!! And man this is the first video I’ve seen of yours and immediately fell in love with your art!!! You’ve made amazing progress and I hope I will too!!!! Thanks for the tips! 😂❤


Yeah! Using shapes makes drawing a lot easier, I always use this technique!


I love when a video like this actually explains specific steps like drawing indiviudual body parts rather than being vague. Thank you ❤


I feel like if someone first learns basic shapes in 3D space by breaking down work they like as grid and then practicing it with tubes and then cubes of any angle and a 360 turnaround both vertically and horizontally and get these stuff down, then anatomy should come to them a lot easier since they will already be able to understand and depict any sort of shape in 3D space


man, your take on art advice is insanely refreshing! This felt so chill to listen to yet super helpful at the same time. Keep doing what you're doing, dude. I can tell you that your motivation is infectious, I'm feeling pumped to make some serious progress with my art! :D


Very true words. I remember when I lost the stiffness in my drawings. It was such a freeing feeling. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing!


My favorite part is where he actually gives out the tips!


Your art looks surreal, Thanks for the tips!!


🎉 rad!! Thank you for the tips and sharing your process. That’s cool how you improved over weeks and can appreciate the process. Anatomy has been my weak point but seeing your process help me to try again with my current project


I was definitely doing that art grind at the start of this year, kept it strong but when I hit the 3rd month I started feeling burnt out. About halfway through March I started slacking because it felt more like a chore than something I was excited to do, now hitting April I'm feeling that itch ~ that desire to start drawing again come back! I think I might have been focusing on my drawing too much, to the point where I was depriving myself of other things I liked doing - kind of like being on a diet and being too strict yeno? I think going forward I need to find a way to make my daily drawing more fun and less like a grind, or else I'll keep getting this burnout feeling.


This kind of content is what I love. Short, concise, fun, and helpful. ❤ Thank you very much.

Fun is really great motivator and when you mentioned to incorporate what you learned in memes and other stuff that you like is such a good advice to keep the fun going especially when learning something. An artist like me that tend to be such a frustrated perfectionist most of the time. Really, thank you very much and I have no idea why I didn't think of the "meme" stuff to incorporate my learning.


Keep it up man, and this really helps me with what strategy I use for art.


Appreciate the tips my dude, I agree with studying each body part. It starts to come together when you start drawing a full body. For me it's gotten a bit easier to remember. Also love the improvements bro that animation is sick!


This video has really motivated me to start improving at my art, thank you!!!


Wow! You have really developed your skills in such a small time frame! You managed to say so much in such a small video in a simple yet eloquent way! You would make a great tutor! <3


Good advice bro. Another tip I tell people when they ask me how to get better at drawing is to draw on paper. Not having the option to undo or resize or use layers etc. just hits different during practice. Thanks for the great vid!


dude I think I'm in love with your art style 😭 It looks so good!
