Magnetic field shifts when rotated - rotating magnetic field visualized

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In this video I show you how the field shifts when magnets are rotated with a colour gradient magnetic viewing film.

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What a brilliant and cheap testing rig- nice design dude! Really good visualization to shape our intuitions.


If you calculate the distribution of the field by its volume inside and outside the white ring, you can get the exact amount of it's intensity per mm^3 and will realize, that the outside is much, much weaker, like seen on the magnetic film (pure mathematics). Consider also the delay of the film, to form the color particles out. It's acting as a low pass filter. But it's interresting anyway. Thanks for your demonstations.


This IS extremely interesting. So imagine we are trying to make a Bedini or Adams type rotor/generator motor, then the pickup coils need to be on the side of the rotor, a bit inside the outer edge - and NOT on the perimeter of the rotor, as all the examples show! Wow... thanks!!


I think you are coming from an other planet 🙂.
It looks like centripetal force is moving the magnetic field in the center. So which means that rotating movement modify the magnetic field. May a longitudinal movement modify the shape of a magnetic field ? That effect is very interesting as we often rotate a coil around magnets or turn a magnet into coils but more rarely the magnets around the coil. Have a good Day.


Try a larger viewing element as well as putting a compressed air source against center bearing to get it spinning faster. Betting itll have an awesome result


Hi great video thank you! I hope to see some additional experiments with this setup, switching up magnet and fidget spin rotation. Do you have an idea about why the poi becomes a ring when placed on top of the big magnet?


may be the latency of the magnetic film? magnetic field in the vacuum is always equal?


Is it possible that the bearing is affecting the field?


What is the sheet u use to shape the magnetic field..By the way What I learnt from these magnets they are not magnetic at all from all sides it drove me sick and creazy as i've been working on building an hexagonal magnetic strong field to hybridatize the cristal structure especially carbon atoms..I failed and I'm very disapointed I can't have that strenght I need to make the cristal shaking and loosing its structure..I wanted to destroy that cristal strong structure using the super power of these magnets or anothef huge field..with coils it's a mess a disaster small micro Teslas


this method is not good to prove such effect. To confirm that the field outside is getting weaker you need a coil on the outer circumference of the spinner. Spin the disk and check what voltage you are inducing and then you would need to spin the coil (;) with same speed and chck again that voltage is induced on the coil. I am afraid what we see in the video is just the fact that magnetic viewing film has a delay with changing its color. Also take into account that if you move the magnet behind the viewing film then per cm^2 of viewing film surface the exposure to mag field when disk is spinning is much shorter the inside the disk center. Prove it with coils and you have a proven effect :)
