Married men, what moment with your girlfriend made you think 'Yeah I'm asking this woman to marry'

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That's a really sweet story. Everyone needs that kind of supporting partner. Good on you OP for finding a real keeper and good on her for being the kind of woman she is. You two deserve nothing but all the happiness this world can offer.


If someone doesn't ask their girlfriend to marry them after something like this then they are either completely nuts, one of them died before they could ask or the gf did some so horrible that blew all feelings of love away


She paid my car insurance and rent for me when my business was struggling and i couldnt afford anything. She did that, and i immediately knew she was the one for me, now its been 3 years and i can say ive paid her back for that and spoiled her as much as i could, and we have our dream house that i built as her wedding gift from me. She got to basically design the house and i designed the garage, i had her do it not long after she paid all that for me, and i worked countless hours to grow my business and hire people smarter than me to continue to grow, and now we have everything we could ever need


MICHIGAN TO DELAWARE? You lucked out, my boy


You definitely have a keeper. When we are extremely ill, we are at our most vulnerable and we often feel disgusting and gross. To find someone who loves you enough to see you at your worst, fight for you, and stick with you through everything, you have been given a gift. Instead of receiving that gift myself when I was extremely sick (Diagnosed with SLE (Lupus), Fibromyalgia, & 2 other Autoimmune Diseases, my Fiancé (5 years living together), grabbed everything from our house that he considered, “His, ” packed it up, and moved out that very night. I was in bed with hugely swollen & painful joints, rashes, body pain, and a fever of 39.5°C, so I didn’t even realise that he had moved out until the next afternoon.


This brought me to tears, it's amazing to hear about such selfless acts.


Gosh this guy is a good one. He knows quality when he has it.


My parents were set up on a blind date. The first date they talked about hockey, the teams they were a fan of, and where their season pass seats where. The date ended up lasting 5 hours and only ended because my dad needed to catch the last bus back to the city he was living in at the time. They got married in december of 2001 and have been happily married for 23 years now and theyre still going strong. And yes, we do watch hockey. Half of us kids are penguins fan, and half of us are flyers fans. (Moms from philly dads from pittsburg)


For my dad, the moment he knew was when he was making cookies for my now mom and her college roommate (they’re still best friends). However, he forgot he had a meeting later for work that night, and had to leave before he could bake the cookies. So he left with a bunch of baking sheets on the counter and said “I’m sorry I didn’t have time to bake them, but if you want cookies there’s homemade cookie dough on the counter.” When he got back, the cookie dough was gone. The oven? Hadn’t been touched. That’s when he thought to himself “Oh yeah, she’s the one.” They’ve been married for 20 years now.


BROO I'm in Maryland Delaware is 20-30 mins away(good wife)


That is the best thing ever. Love, care, kindness, compassion. Perfect


This is pure love
No other way to describe it because holy shit this is beautiful


She got him into a chair & then her car? Wow, she had that Superhuman “Mom lifts car off her child” kind of strength!


And that’s the kind of girl guys would fight to become a king for, and turn her into a queen.

The type of girl that the girls should strive to be and the one guys should help protect as part of the bro code.


Girls, this is how you make yourself of high value for your man.

She risked everything to save his life, and put her muscle in it. That is a strong woman in all the sense of the word.

It also proves that she will be a great mother.

These kinds of stories are worth listening to, in a sea of discourse between the sexes.


This story was shortened.
He originally had food poisoning, but he is also a Type 1 Diabetic.

His levels, I believe, were in the 400s. He would have passed if she didn't act as she did.


This guy got such an amazing woman like her it's sad how fucked up our generation is and this is awesome sonic carpet


Me listening to this while having food poisoning


This was really similar to my parents' story, except the ending and that they were already married. One night, all of us were sleeping when suddenly my dad had a gastric(?) problem that made his whole body stiff and he was in excruciating pain. My mom woke up, found out that he was in pain, grabbed her house and car keys and drove him to the nearest clinic immediately (She didn't wake my siblings and I up because we were so young back then, she didn't wanna worry us). My dad was groaning in pain as the bumpy road was making his pain worse. He had the audacity to scold my mom because as a typical Asian dad, he hated seeing doctors back then, but my mom didn't care. She was full on sobbing quietly but still tried to stay calm and drove him to the clinic, even though she's scared to drive especially at night.

At the clinic, the doctor shook his head and asked my parents why did it took them so long to have my dad see a doctor? Apparently he might not make it that night because the inflammation has spreaded throughout his stomach. That night, he wrote a letter to refer my dad to a hospital since his clinic didn't have the appropriate tools to operate, and he told my mom all he can do atm is to pray for my dad. My mom told me after hearing that statement by the doctor, her heart shattered. She quickly thanked the doctor, took the letter and drove to the referred hospital. My dad was sent to the emergency room after my mom begged the nurses in tears to bring a doctor/specialist to see my dad's problems. Thankfully, a doctor was called on the spot and he came to attend my dad, the operation was a success and my dad was hospitalised for 2 or 3 days.

But unlike this story, my dad didn't appreciate my mom's effort. He always bragged to us (his kids) that the reason he could recover so fast from that night was due to his "pure willpower". We always told him to appreciate our mom's effort because there're not much partners out there in this world that'd risk their lives for their loved ones, but he would just laugh and brush us off. My mom on the other hand, was chill about his reaction when we told her about it. She said while reassuring us "I knew he'd boast about it, but I don't regret saving his life. It's a given that I'll do anything to save my husband's life, and I'm sure he'd do the same for me, so don't think too much about it okay?". I'm just hoping my dad have a sense of pride/appreciation to be able to marry a woman as selfless and my mom. Sorry for the long rant 😅 I'm just happy seeing couples like these that literally love their significant other more than ever especially after experiencing events like these. I didn't really like the way my dad reacted to his life being saved by my mom but... at least he's healthy and alive, that's all that matters. ❤


Food poisoning was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy
